For some reason on this page. The very last revolution slider the page won’t slide up and down very well or at all depending on the device. Any suggestions why it won’t slide up and down?
Hi @rkassebaum,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Please make sure you’re using the latest versions of theme and plugins including Revolution Slider. You can find the latest version numbers here: ( Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site. If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.
If the issue persists then try testing for a plugin conflict. It’s possible another script is interfering. You can do this test by temporarily deactivating all other plugins to see if it makes a difference.
If nothing works then please get back to us with the result of the steps above and URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.
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