Typography changed in main menu and sidebar texts + Featured image blog


In blog posts, I have a full featured image, directly behing the title, and I would like it not to be shown or to be shown 1/3 page. Where can I personnalize the appearance of blog pages in general ?

Also, since last theme update, typography in main menu ,and in texts - links sidebar, is different from typography of the rest of the website.
Where can I put font for main menu and font for sidebar, the same as font used in content please ?

It’s a website that I got for maintenance and I find your tools complicated sorry, can you help me ?

Also, I hesitate to post page urls here : is there a way to publish private posts ?

Thank you for your help,

Hey Vanessa,

There was an bug in recent versions that reset the Font Family. Please go to Theme Options and choose the Font Family for the Headings and Body/Content.

The font for the menu can be set in Theme Options > Header.

You can post sensitive information in a Secure Note. You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Hi Christian and thank you for your answer !

However, I havent found where to change font for the Menu ?
Please I would like to have same font as the one for the content actually on line, if you can have a look in my website (administration is on secure note :))
Where can I put font for main menu and font for sidebar, the same as font used in content please ?
Moreover, you havent answered for the problems about blog article presentation (in my 1st post)
In blog posts, I have a full featured image, directly behing the title, and I would like it not to be shown or to be shown 1/3 page. Where can I personnalize the appearance of blog pages in general ?

Hello Vanessa,

If you go to Cornerstone > Theme Options > Globals > Fonts, you have Body Copy and Headings as your fonts.

You will have to use the font above especially if your have enabled the Font Manager in Cornerstone > Theme Options > Typography.

You SHOULD assign fonts for the Body and Content and for the Headings.

Best Regards.

I’ve done as you said, font manager activated, changed font either helvetica either open sans : nothing changes (see enclosures in “secure note” :slight_smile: and
the font : “main menu” and “links to articles/blog”
are still different of
the font : “headings” and “body content”
Where can I put font for “links of main menu” and “links of articles / blog” to be the same as body content and headings ?
I thank you very much for your work,

Hey Vanessa,

You forgot to assign a font to your Headings and Body and Content. Please set them up in Theme Options > Typography.


Hello Christian ! Thank you very much, it works !! I thought inherit meaned it applied the fonts assigned :! thank you for your help !!

By the way, for the other question, is there an option not to display the featured image in an article of blog, and having the text, in which we can put an image if we want ?

Thank you for your help and have a good day !!

Hello Vanessa,

To hide away the featured image, you might to check out this old thread:


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