I create a header for my menu on Pro, but it is not mobile-friendly, what am I doing wrong?
Helo please
I create a header for my menu on Pro, but it is not mobile-friendly, what am I doing wrong?
Helo please
Also the menu is running into the page, how can I correct this?
Hi Kerri,
Thanks for reaching out.
You may need to create different navigation for the mobile which will be visible only on mobile devices. That can be done using the Hide During Breakpoints option under the Customize tab of the element. And vise versa, you need to make your normal navigation invisible using the same option.
Hope it helps.
Great, thank you. Got it working now.
Now can you help me with my top bar please. It is running into the main pages.
Hello Kerri,
Can you please describe what do you want on your bar. I would also request you please share the exact page URL so that we can check. It would be better if you could share a marking screenshot that you want to achieve.
The menu keeps running into the page, can you help me with this, please.
Hi @kerridawn,
To make your header not sticky, please go to your Pro > Theme Options > Headers and select static top in the position.
Hope that helps.
Thank you.
Thank you, OK that worked a bit, but I think it is the feature image that does not have enough padding now, how can I fix this, so that is it not running into the menu. Add top padding to the feature image.
Hello Kerri,
Can you please tell us which image you want to add padding from the top? In case if you are talking about the log image and there you want to add padding from the top you to need go Pro > Theme Options > Headers > Logo Alignment > Set it from here Top Alignment.
Hello @kerridawn,
Please go to X > Theme Options > Headers > Top Height and insert the actual height of your header.
If nothing is helping, provide us access to your site so that we can check your settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
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– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
- Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site
To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works
Still did not work, I even set it to 200, but I did build the header in the header options. Can you please help me with this. You can go in there, you are already going in to fix the licence on the sub site.
Hi @kerridawn,
The reason behind your issue might the postion of the bar was set to absolute, I went ahead and set it to relative which resolves the issue.
It seems that the margin for the first section having the margin, which I disabled temporarily to check and it seems that the issue with the gap does not exist anymore.
I would request you to check once and let us know if you are having an issue.
That works perfect thank you, I was racking my brain trying to figure it out. lol
I never even considered that.
Thank you!
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