Cart item count


I followed this tutorial and successfully created a cart item counter:

But what I want to achieve is to:

When there’s NO product in cart, I don’t want the item count to show.

BUT when I add a product, the cart item count shows.

How can I do that please?

Hello @Kata789,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you please set the condition on the icon(Set the condition on the element where you have called the cart Icon) like this. Please have a look at the given screenshot below.

On the given screenshot if the number of carts it would be greater than “0” then it would show the Icon.

The number of cart items can be pulled from this dynamic content code {{dc:woocommerce:cart_items_raw}}

In case you have not seen the condition and assignment doc please have a look at it.

Hope it helps

Hi Prakash,

Thanks for your reply,

The item counter is actually a text with a short code, please take a look:

From the video above I sent you the tutorial shows that part at 1:55

I’m not sure how do I set a condition for that… can you help me, please?

Hello @Kata789,

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