
Trying to create a layout and I get this message in Cornerstone: app.preview-error.missing-zone.cs_layout

I have 6.5 installed (not beta). I see there is still an issue with this. Please advise.

Hello @Kev,

Thanks for writing to us.

To help you with your concerns we need to check your settings, I would request please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


@prakash_s I am facing the same issue. Should I create a new thread for this or keep it consolidated here?

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Hello @Vinvu,

I would suggest you please troubleshoot the common issue with our guidelines as mentioned in the above thread. If it doesn’t work for you please clone your live site to the staging server and share the admin login details of the staging server so we can not break your live site. Please note you must create a separate thread where you need to share the staging server admin login details.


Hi, I’m experiencing the same issues as @Kev and @Vinvu. Uh oh! App.preview-error.missing-zone.cs_layout. Sometimes it seems to work. I’ve tried all the common troubleshooting steps. I can provide logins to a staging server for your review. Thank you.

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Hey @brianv3,

We highly recommend creating your own thread and your WP credentials to check on the site. And by the way, please make sure that you have met the minimum requirements running the latest WordPress and the theme. Check out this documentation guide:

Best Regards.

Hi Runel.

I created my own thread with WP credentials yesterday and am awaiting a further response on that thread. I noticed that you didn’t provide the same advice to @doncomarketing who has a similar error, so I’m interested in your response to him as well. It seems that there hasn’t been a response to @kev and @Vinue either…

The blog is working fine, but some of the CPT’s archives and pages are having issues . It’s important for me to get this problem fixed. I’ve been using the themes for 8 years and I’m familiar with how they work and the troubleshooting protocol for this theme and others. Thanks.

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@brianv3 @ruenel @Vinvu
It is Independance holiday this week in the USA and I have been traveling so sorry for the late reply. Right now, I am in website host and domain transition so any credentials I give may not work soon so I cannot provide this right now. I would like to see the resolution in the related topics and I will follow them.

I will say that I have seen this in the forum for the beta and now for the live release of 6.5. I have the latest release of WP and Pro installed so maybe there is a correlation. Minimum requirements have been met and you will just have to take my word on this.

I’ll setup some text for that localization at the very least on Monday. And I’ll take a look at the issue where the layout isn’t being shown in the preview as well. Thanks for sending this our way. Have a great weekend.

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