Header Fonts Broken

Hi Themeco Team,

I can’t seem to change my header fonts, they all default to a Times New Roman type. I have tried disabling / enabling the fonts manager, clearing my cache and re-uploading the fonts but nothing seems to work. Any ideas? Any help with this would be much appreciated.


Hi Steph,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have investigated the listed website in your Themeco Account dashboard and found the Font is set to the Source Code Pro. If that is not the case and you are trying to point out something else, please provide any screenshot marked with the issue or any video that helps us to recognize the problem.


Thanks for having a look @tristup. I meant to say heading fonts, see screenshot below:

I think that the font I have used in the past is not working for some reason. I have tried converting it to both .woff and .woff2. The font is called ‘No Signal’: https://www.dfonts.org/fonts/no-signal-font/

Hey Steph,

To better assist you with your issue, please get back to us with the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.


Thanks @nabeel, I’ve just added it above. Thanks again!

Hi Steph,

It has been found that the Font Family is not mentioned for the Text logo from Theme Options > Header > Logo. You need to select the specific font for the Logo to implement.

Hope it helps.

Thanks @tristup, it seems to be working now! Hmm, I was fiddling with that setting but didn’t have any luck. I must have had a caching issue. Do you have any good tutorials on how to clean this out properly? Thanks for all your help with this.

Hello Steph,

Glad to know that things are well for you. Please feel free to reach us if you have any queries regarding our theme and theme settings. Please have a look at our doc to learn more about how to disable the cache. You can also check this article as well.


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