Hey @co50,
Our shop page - https://sandwichspotssf.com/shop/ - will only show 20 items per page despite us setting products per page in Theme Options to 40 and setting WordPress Settings > Reading to show 40 posts. Not sure where else this can be set.
If we use a custom looper provider, I see that it then shows all items but I’m not sure how to configure that to show all items (no pagination) and also show the correct items when browsing specific categories.
Normally, the shop index and all the WooCommerce archive pages will follow the settings in Cornerstone > Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop.
Now, if you are using a custom Looper Provider (Query Builder), the product items will display up to the number of post items set in Settings > Reading.
Again, I’m asking how to list ALL items on the /shop/ page when using custom loopers.
Which Looper Provider, you are using? You should only be using the Looper Provider Query String and indicate how many post to display per page post_type="product"&posts_per_page=99

Hope this helps.