Hash links covered by Sticky Header

Hi there, I’m having one more time, issues where the sections of a hast link are covered by the sticky header. The header have a height set, but still the sections are being covered.
This is the website https://whitehousegroup.com/ If you go to the services section, and click on any of those, you will see the page with that section covered by the header.
This issue have been happened before, and the solution was a patch. Now the patch is not even working. What can I do?

Hello @mcostales84,

Thanks for writing to us.

To help you with your concerns we need to check your setting, I would request please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Credentials were added. Keep in mind, on the homepage is working perfectly. The problem is on the internal pages (using another header).
When I click on the services from the homepage, they will send you to a section on the Services page, that’s where the problem is happening.

Hi @mcostales84,

I have checked the Home page and the Service page but didn’t find any issue you described here. Can you please provide any screen-capturing video that helps us to recognize the problem?


Check this screencast https://a.cl.ly/JrumY27g

Hey @mcostales84,

I was able to check and confirm your issue. It is also happening on my development website. I already reported this to our bug tracker to fix it soon.

Please stay tuned.

Thanks, Please, let me know when this is fixed. My client is complaining about this.

Hey @mcostales84,

You’re welcome! Just want to let you know that we cannot ETA but rest assured that our development team will check on this issue.


Any update on this? Any patch?

Hello @mcostales84,

We have already reported the issue and the issue is in our issue tracker for our development team. There is no ETA at the moment so I would request you, please stay tuned for succeeding theme updates.

Thanks for understanding

Hey @mcostales84,

I am not able to replicate the issue anymore on my development website using the latest release. That being said, I highly suggest that you update your theme to the latest version and let us know how it goes.

Thank you.

Still having the same issue. Please check it out. You should have the credentials

Hey @mcostales84,

Yes, I can still see the issue on your website and sorry for my previous response, upon checking it again the issue still remain. I’ll bump again the issue tracker.

Thank you for understanding.

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