Reduce spacing between footer buttons

Say, I want to reduce the space between the buttons in the navigation footer. Can’t figure out how to reduce this space.

Hello @rkassebaum,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you go to the Navigation inline element —.menu—>Flexbox—>Horizontal —>set it as the center.

Hope it helps

I can do that. However, will that reduce the distance between each set of words? So, the distance between HOME AND WEEKLY TIPS, I want to reduce the space by at least half.

Hello @rkassebaum,

I checked your given site URL using the browser inspector tool and it seems that you need to set the Navigation inline element —>menu—>Flexbox—>Horizontal —>set it as the center.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


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