Help finish and center new header pt. 2

Ok so this is a follow up of this post:

So I’ve been able to setup the header like was suggested

Bar>container>Row>Column 1 & 2

At first I picked the 50/50 column split, but then after seeing how it populated with the short logo and long News image, it seems the 30/70 column split was better for my layout and positioned the News | Media | Lifestyle image and logo better overall

But now it seems my main logo is shoved at the top of the 1st column and I can’t figure out how to get it centered and in correct position?

Also, in Bar 2 of my header, I have the Navigation Inline and I’ve figured out how to use the Top Line for updating the link colors. Thanks for the info.

But I still can’t figure out how to center it. I’ve tried centering the Bar and Container and neither will center that Navigation bar

So how do I center that Navigation Inline Bar?

Hello @ohiocannabis,

Thanks for writing to us.

In order to help you with your concern, we need to check your site setting but the given site URL is not working at the moment. Please recheck and let us know when your site is accessible. I would also request you please your admin login details in the secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact Header URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


I’ve been struggling with this Internal Server Error message for a while now and no matter how many times I contact Hostgator, it never truly gets 100% cleared up.

If you can give any insight or ideas on why this is happening, please let me know!

It should work, just try reloading it now and I’ll add my login credentials to a secure note on this reply.

I reduced the image size of the News Media Lifestyle image and it seem to have fixed the logo shifting out of the column frame issue.

I guess I’m good to go on that.

Still need to figure out how to center the Navigation in Bar 2

OMG I figured it out!

I was missing a Row in Bar 2. That’s why the Center wasn’t taking affect properly.

I think I’m GTG on all of this now, thanks!

Hey John,

We’re glad that it is now working properly on your end! If you have any other concerns or clarifications regarding our theme features, feel free to open up a new thread.

Thank you.

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