Double Scroll Dropdown

Hi there,

How do I stop the last drop down menus on this page from double scrolling?

Also when it scrolls it feels clunky with the dropdown appearing above the button sometimes? Is it possible to turn that off as its really annoying

Hi @ifkda,

Thanks for reaching out.
The Popup Modal appears based on Button’s position. If the modal gets space under the button, it appears under it, else above. In the case of the last one, you have added 3 Gap elements, which is the reason behind the Double Scrollbar.

I would suggest you check by removing the Gaps if that resolves the problem.


I changed what you said but Im still getting the issue actually sorry.

Hello @ifkda,

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Hi there done

Hi any update on this?

Hello @ifkda,

Just for future topics, self-responding or bumping your post pushes it back in our Queue system so it takes longer to respond to. We provide support to our customers 24/7/365 in the Support Forum. Support questions are answered in the order received and responses may take up to 24 hours (typically sooner). Complex questions or busy times may take longer.

I have checked your page and I do not see any double scrolling. I am also wondering why there is a huge space underneath your dropdown. You can remove the 3 line elements and the empty section at the bottom of the page. Please also be informed that the behavior of the Dropdown element is that when there isn’t enough space to display the dropdown content, it will open upwards.

And if you want to push down the content instead of having the dropdown display upwards, it is best that you use the Accordion element instead.

Best Regards.

I double responded because I had no response for 14 hours.

It seems you didnt go to the page?

As it is still doubles scrolling…

Hey @ifkda,

The double scroll issue would only happen if you’re viewing on an HD screen like 1366 x 768px resolution. If you’re in viewing in a Full HD like 1920 x 1080, you won’t see the double scroll.

I do understand that there’s a double scroll on smaller screens and I’ll report it for investigation if I get a chance to replicate it but the Dropdown element is not recommended to be used at the bottom of the page
IF the dropdown content’s height exceeds the footer’s height or the distance between the dropdown toggle and the bottom of the page. Please replace the Dropdown element with Accordion elements to avoid the double scroll as well as the huge space after your footer.

The Dropdown element is best used in the Header as it needs to flow with the overall height of the page. If you give it little room only like placing it at the bottom of the content or the footer, you need to limit the content you place in it also.

I hope you’ll understand the limitation of the Dropdown element.


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