Can't find 'background image layer' options in section

Hi, I haven’t been using X for w while now, and am managing an older site with I built with X. But I cannot seem to find the following: I have a section with a ‘lower background layer’ (an image). Now, this is the only section showing this option (Don’t know why it’s a lower layer, there’s no upper layer or parallel option anyway.
If I create a new section, I cannot find an option for the use of an image in the section at all. I’m on the advanced editor, toggled that one from user preferences to always on - but still not an option.
Am I missing something here? Please help!

Hello @MacMartino,

Thanks for writing to us.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of X theme. You need to go to the section —>Setup—>Advanced —>You would get all the Background setting options here.

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