I run an English learning blog for ESL students. I noticed that my embedded YouTube videos were showing fine in the blocks editor, but not on the published page.
My blog is here: https://worldenglishblog.com/blog
I switched back to the default theme to include videos so as not to lose trust with my audience. I often name posts “with video” for people to hear natural English as part of the lesson.
Today I switched back to X-theme with a workaround on my most popular posts with a thumbnail image that links directly to YouTube, but this is not optimal.
Here is the feedback I got from WordPress
I’ll paste that CSS that I am seeing here as well so it is easier to see.
.x-resp-embed iframe, .is-type-video iframe {
** display: block !important;**
** position: absolute !important;**
** top: 0 !important;**
** left: 0 !important;**
** width: 100%;**
** height: 100%;**
** margin: 0 !important;**
I found a similar thread here but it did not solve my issue.
I don’t have a media settings option.
Any help is appreciated in advance.