hi there
My website is not loading. The site connection keeps showing waiting as if some routine has failed to finish in the cornerstone plugin
Please could you suggest what to do.
many thanks phil
hi there
My website is not loading. The site connection keeps showing waiting as if some routine has failed to finish in the cornerstone plugin
Please could you suggest what to do.
many thanks phil
Hey Phil,
Thanks for writing in. I visited the frontend of your site and it does keep on loading.
We first need to know if this issue was caused by Cornerstone though. Please login to your server and delete the cornerstone folder inside your plugins folder. After this, check if the issue persists.
If it does persist, please contact your web host’s support because at this time, it’s likely a problem with the server.
If the issue’s fixed when Cornerstone was deleted, it could be that:
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );
thank you christian. i will contact server host and also check plugin. cheers phil
You’re welcome, Phil.
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