The Response is not a valid JSON response

A client site of ours has had this recurring issue while working on the website for sometime. We have had trouble replicating it but I had some luck on it today. It appears to happen occasionally when saving a page in Cornerstone. I also managed to replicate it while doing a hard refresh (ctrl + R) while on the page. I suspect it can trigger other ways as our client has mentioned it can happen at random while working on a page.
In the picture attached I captured the console.log which shows some GET & POST 404 errors. I’ve read a several other forum posts but none have helped yet.
Do you have any suggestions?

Hey @getabsolute,

Thanks for reaching out!

We are not experiencing this kind of issue on our installations. There could be a conflict or something, I highly suggest that you do the common troubleshooting procedures here.

Hope that helps and let us know how it goes.

Thank you for the response!
I’m working through to see if it’s a plugin conflict currently. I have noticed the more I edit pages in Cornerstone the more the error pops up. Initially I had to try and force it to get it maybe twice in 8 hours. Now I’m getting the error about every other minute.
We did notice this in our logs today. Is this something you’ve seen before or could help more?

Hello @getabsolute,

I would suggest you please take the backup of the database and files, now you need to follow these steps.

  1. Activate the default theme of WordPress and deactivate the Pro theme
  2. Delete the Pro theme
  3. Download the fresh copy of the Pro theme from the Themeco account dashboard
  4. Reinstall the Pro theme

Please note that you must purge all the cache so that the latest file and code render properly. If none of those work, it would be best if you could copy your live website to your staging area. and send your details in a secure note so that we can investigate your setting without breaking your live site. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • FTP Details

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


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