Modal: Clicking it Hides the Scrollbar, causing a Layout shift


When a Modal is clicked, the right scrollbar gets hidden, causing the page to move to the right, into its space.

I would say that this is definitely something that should be fixed down the line.

In the meantime, I have tried various overflow CSS, but nothing worked. Would you happen to have any suggestion how to fix this with code?

Thank you!

Hello @Misho,

Thanks for writing to us.

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I have added the credentials.

I understand that this is happening if the body scrolling is disabled, but there should be some way to prevent the layout shifting once the scrollbar disappears.


Hi Misho,

The given credentials do not work for us. Did you happen to remove or change it? By the way, the scrollbars is not present when I check your site on my browser. you may have disabled it.



I am sorry, the new user accidentally didn’t got saved. Strange that you don’t see the scrollbar. It is a standard browser scrollbar on the right. All pages have them.

Hi @Misho,

I have investigated the Mega Menu element and found the Body Scroll option is Disabled. I went ahead and set it to Allow which resolves the issue.


Thank you @tristup!

As indicated in my reply above, I am aware that it is happening due to the body scroll disabled. In my own case, that does solve the issue because I don’t have a strict requirement for it to stay disabled.

My concern is that it causes an unwanted shift if it has to be disabled. Since the option is there, it should work in the best possible way, without disturbing the layout.

Thanks again!

Hi @Misho,

Thanks for your concern, I will surely check and will report it to the issue tracker for further investigation by our development team.


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