RevSlider and Headline elements need help

I have a revolution slider that stopped showing up on the front end. It is located right under the Headline that says Insurance Partners.

Headline elements that are in a column of 3 and another column of 2, they look good until it goes to mobile view and then they get squished, I’m having a hard time setting up the settings of the elements.

Was there additional information I can provide to help debug the issue?

Can I please get some assistance as to why my revolution slider isn’t showing?

Support please help, why is revolution slider not showing? I insert shortcode into text element like always, never had an issue like this.

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you use the “Classic Revolution Slider” to display the slider on the page

In case if you have not seen the documentation about Classic Revolution Slider element please have a look at our doc to learn more about how to insert the Classic Revolution Slider on the page.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Good afternoon Prakash, thank you for getting back to me. I tried to insert the slider using the Classic Revolution Slider element as well and it still didn’t work.

Not sure what the issue is but I’ve passed on the credentials in private note.

Would you also please take a look at the

While it looks good on web, when I change it to mobile it doesn’t look good.

Hi Daniel,

I would suggest you use the Above Masthead or Below Masthead from page settings to add the Slider into the page.

Regarding the section Why to choose us as your broker, the width is needed to be adjusted with the following code in the specific screen size.
I went ahead added the following code into the respective column’s Element CSS and found it is working.

@media (max-width: 480px)
    $el .x-text

@media (max-width: 480px)
    $el .x-text


Thank you Tristup, I thought Above Masthead and Below Masthead referred to the header?

I don’t want the slider by the header though, I wanted it lower on the page in the section, companies we work with.

Do you know why the slider is not showing up? Everything seems up to date.

Hello Daniel,

I went ahead and edited your Slider Carousel. I change the layout sizing from “Auto” to “Fullwidth”.
The slider carousel is displaying on the page now.

Please check it out.

Thank you Ruenel, that was really really bothering me!

Hi Daniel,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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