Cornerstone editor style changes/overrides when making a single change

Hi Themeco,

Currently I’m having an issue where the cornerstone editor style will first appear as normal (normal as in it looks the same as the live pages) but once I make a single edit to any of the elements, the styling in the editor would change and look like they’re being overridden by the default styling.

Then the style changes would only show on the live so I have to flip between live and editor to see what changes I’m making. I tried turning off WP-Rocket thinking it was a cache issue but unfortunately it wasn’t.

How can this be fixed or troubleshoot?

Hey @Stigan,

The screenshots are not available. Can you upload to Google Drive or Dropbox?

Have you also tried clearing the Style Cache (see


Yes, I have tried clearing the style cache but unfortunately it’s the same.

I have updated the links to go to a google folder with the screenshots.

Hey Stigan,

To assist you with your issues, we need to review your backend settings. Please provide the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi @marc_a,

I have added the login info to the secure note.

Thank you

Hi @Stigan,

It seems that the problem is only with the Classic Button element. I added the Button element temporarily and found the issue is not occurring. I would suggest you use the V2 element i.e. Button instead of the deprecated Classic Button element.

Hope it helps.

Hi @tristup,

Is there no way to fix this for the classic elements? We built the site using it so we have quite a bit of css that works only for the classic elements and wouldn’t like to rewrite them all.

Thank you

Hello @Stigan,

All of the Classic elements will still supported by the theme. There will be no updates or additional features in future theme releases. We always recommend shifting to the V2 elements for newer builds. These Classic elements may be deprecated soon.

Switching between the preview builder and the live view of the page to change on the CSS changes is your only option at the moment.

Thank you for your understanding.

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