Hi, I’m using the Pro header builder and I’ve tried to look for a guide or something in writing to help me with it, but all I could find is this link https://theme.co/docs/header-footer-overview and some video tutorials. The documentation doesn’t go into any detail, it’s very basic and the videos aren’t specific to what I want to know, so is there a page or link I haven’t come across which explains the header builder in more detail?
I’m hoping you can help me with the following:
- I’ve set the header to be a sticky bar with ‘shrink amount’ of 0.65. When you scroll down, the logo shrinks but the transition is quite jerky. Is there a way to make it more smooth?
- Can you explain how the containers work, they don’t make a lot of sense to me - I’m not sure if I need to be using the row element within the 1 container, or several containers!
- I wanted to put the scaling function on the 2 smaller logos which are to the right of the text, but when I do this, they go way too big and I’ve tried to change the ‘Object Fit’ to see if that makes a difference but it doesn’t. Do you need to upload images at the exact size you want them to show at before you scroll down?
- Is this possible to do:
To have 2 rows, on the first row to have a primary logo on the left and then some text next to it and then on the right hand side, two further secondary logos and the second row to have the menu. When you scroll down, the first row disappears and the second row has the addition of the primary logo to the left of the menu (with which the logo shrinks), along with the text?
I’ll put the URL in a secure note as I need to give you the By Pass Password as I’ve got a construction page up at the mo!