Uninstall Silder Revolution

Hi There -

We want to uninstall the Slide Revolution plugin. The reason for this is we are no longer using it.

Background - Recently we changed the design of our homepage. Our homepage was the only place the slider was used. The new homepage design no longer uses the slider.

I searched the forum for uninstall Slider Revolution and found several references but nothing specific concerning uninstalling it.

If I visit our homepage I see that the Slider Revolution is deactivated (as it should be).

We know how to deactivate and remove plugins.

My question is, are there any settings we need to adjust before deactivating and removing it? Will it get reinstalled if we update the theme?

Our website uses Woocommerce site with the latest version of Theme X and Cornerstone . It also has a customized child theme. We are using renew stack.

Note, I did remove it on our development site as a test and the removal appeared easy enough with no problems.


Hello Tim,

Thanks for writing to us.

To remove the slider from the page you need to go to the page —>Click on the Edit—>Go the Page settings —>Slider Settings

In case if you have set it as deactivated then you need to check in the page builder, it might be coming from there.

You can deactivate and delete the Revolution slider plugin from the WordPress dashboard —>Plugins

Yes, you can reinstall the Revolution slider plugin after the plugin deletion from the plugin list. For that, you need to go to the X/Pro—>Validation —>Extensions


In case if you are not able to disable the slider from the page we need to check your settings for we need to check your settings. I would request you please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact Page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


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