White Space Left and Right Rev Slider

I have white space to the left and right of my images in the rev slider on my 27 inch monitor, it looks fine on my 15 inch monitor. How do I fix this?

Hello Marshae,

Thanks for writing in!

Please make sure that your Layout Sizing is “Fullwidth”.

And that your Slide Background image setting is set to “Cover”:

Best Regards.

It looks great on my mobile and 15in, but this is how it looks on my 27in, how do I resolve this?! How Do I fix the button and show more of the picture. I have tried changing the height but that does not work. Please advise

This is how it looks in the editor of rev slider, I’m not sure of where the issue is after changing to cover?

Hello Marshae,

I am using a 27-inch screen and I can replicate the issue. Please provide us access to your site so we can check your slider settings. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
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– WP Administrator Role
- Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works

Best Regards.

Sure. You have confirmation that you can access and make changes to my website.

Hello Marshae,

It seems that you have resolved your issue already because when I checked your homepage again, I am now seeing this:

Please clear your browser cache and test your site again.

No, look at the button the button is the concern, the image is across the page but when I clicked cover, it moved the button in the wrong place on the 27inch.

Hello Marshae,

Actually, the button is not misplaced. It is positioned relative to the slider width.

On the screen above, it looks misplaced to you because your slider background image has some texts in it which is not a good idea. You will need to separate the headline and subheadline text from the image. You can actually insert a text object in the slider which is the correct way of having a background image, headline, and a button in your slider.

Hope this makes sense.

Ok let me try that now and I will let you know if it works

Thank you for testing, Marshae.

Ok, that was some hard work but I was able to fix 2 out of the 3 images on the 27 inch. The last one, is there any way I can fix the text and button! I can’t move the light like I moved the camera.

Hello Marshae,

Positioning the texts and the button underneath the light is a hit-and-miss layout because you cannot fully control the background image. You can position the background image to the left side so that it will be in a fixed position, still, the light will expand or become wider which may not look good in some screen sizes.

It is best that you use a solid black background color and add the image as an image layer behind the text and button.

Best Regards.

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