Slider Revolution Stuttering Between Transitions


We have a slider of a series of videos. When transitioning between slides, the video will stutter (typically jumping back about a dozen frames midway through the transition). This seems similar to, but the videos are about 1MB and we have created very small cover-images, with no change in behavior. What else could be causing this?

Hello Andy,

Thanks for writing to us.

It generally happens due to slider file size, I would suggest you please optimize the slider so that it renders properly. Please have a look at the slider revolution documentation to learn more about how to optimize the slider files.

If it doesn’t work for you, we need to check your settings please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact Page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Unfortunately, these didn’t resolve the issue–the slides are appropriately optimized, and it loads quickly enough from the server. The issue is the transitions between each video after everything is loaded. I’ve shared the requested information in a secure note.

Hey Andy,

I checked your site in multiple browsers and I couldn’t replicate the issue. Would you mind record what you’re seeing and tell us what Operating System and browser are you using. Please provide the OS and browser name and version.

Before replying, please also do test if this is an issue with Slider Revolution only or our theme and/or a 3rd party plugin is involved by switching to the default WP theme and deactivating all plugins and test the slider.


I am able to see the issue in the following:

  • The latest version of Chrome on a Windows 10 desktop
  • The latest version of Edge on a Windows 10 desktop
  • The latest version of Chrome on a Windows 10 VM
  • The latest version of Edge on a Windows 10 VM
  • The latest version of Firefox on a Windows 10 VM
  • The latest version of Chrome and Edge on a Windows 10 laptop
  • Chrome and Safari on an iPhone 8s
  • Chrome on a Pixel 6 Pro

The client is also able to see it on their iPhone and their desktop (they didn’t give me the details of either one except to say that their iPhone is new. I do know they use Safari.)

I can’t upload screen recordings directly to this site, but here are the videos hosted in Google Drive (you’ll likely need to download them to watch them):
On a Pixel 6 Pro:
On Windows 10:

Deactivating plugins and switching the theme did not correct the issue.

Hi Andy,

I have also checked your website in the Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox in Windows 10, but didn’t find the issue you described. Also, the video does not explain it much to us. Can you please provide a video that explains it much more to recognize?



Thank you for the response. However, it seems that there is a disconnect between what I am seeing and what you are seeing, and I’d like to clarify where that is before recording anything else. When I watch these videos, I can pretty clearly see some bad transitions. These are all smooth, professionally-recorded videos, and are expected to have a smooth transition between them. On the desktop recording, they are jumping by a number of frames midway through each transition. When watching them on the phone, the transitions are worse–there is the same “jumping” issue, but there are also some other visual errors.

When you watch the same video, you are saying that there is not an issue. Are you not seeing an issue because the videos don’t have context included in with them, because you also want to see the correct behavior, or because the videos appear to be transitioning smoothly?

Hi Andy,

It is very unfortunate that the problem you described here can’t be recognized by me and my colleagues, the video you provided is also not explained what you are seeing. If you can check the video and specify the exact times where the problem can be seen, we can check and will try to recognize the problem.


The issue arises at every transition, so there are several in each video:
In the “desktop” video:
There is a transition starting at 0:00, from the “horse” video clip to the “trees” video clip. During that transition, you can see that it appears to pause for several frames, before continuing to play the horse video, as well as transitioning to the trees video. That trees video shows a still image for the duration of the transition. Once the transition completes, the trees image appears to “jump”, and the video clip then plays as normal. This continues until 0:03, when it transitions to the video clip showing some stairs. During that transition, the “trees” video appears to play as normal, but the “stairs” video has the same issue of appearing paused until the transition completes, at which time the image appears to jump and then the stairs video plays as normal until the next transition starts at 0:06. At that time, the stairs video appears to freeze until halfway through the transition, at which point it appears to continue playing until the transition is complete. The “rocky coastline” video (which is transitioning in at that time) appears to have the same issue as the rest–it fades in paused, then jumps a bit and continues playing. Once that clip is playing, it continues as normal until 0:10, at which point it freezes for a moment, starts to transition to the “elk” video, then continues playing. The elk video actually appears to load normally through this transition, and plays normally until 0:11, at which time it transitions back to the first video. During this transition, it plays normally until about halfway through the transition, and then appears to jump backwards a few frames and continues playing until the end of the transition. The horse video actually appears to load and play normally during this transition.

In the “phone” video:
I will admit that this video is harder to see the transition “jumpiness”, given that the video recording itself is not smooth. However, the transitions on here are still pretty rough, and also have other issues that are plainly visible. The video starts on the “elk” clip, but the video is zoomed in on what appears to be the top-left section of the clip. It plays plays until 0:01, at which point the clip quickly zooms to 100%. Then, at 0:02, it starts to transition to the “trees” video. It appears to play normally until about halfway through the transition, and then jumps backwards a few frames, and then continues playing normally until the end of the transition. The “trees” video appears to play normally for a second, but it also has the issue of being zoomed in for the first second or so before jumping to the correct zoom. It starts the next transition at 0:06, and does the same play/freeze/play that I’ve previously described. The next video clip (“stairs”) has the same zoomed in issue, but the video does appear to complete its half of the transition smoothly. I’m not certain what the next video is, given that I stopped the recording at this point, but I suspect it’s the “rocky coastline” clip, zoomed in to the top left corner.

As you can see, the issues are sporadic and hard to describe, but they are happening at every transition between these clips, on every page load, on any device. I hope that this helps you see the issue clearer. I can record longer videos of this issue, but given that these are short video clips, I don’t believe that it would help further as it would only show more transitions with the same errors. Please let me know if you have further questions, or what the next steps may be.

Hi Andy,

I have in-touched with one of our colleague that has similar issues previously, and no solution as of yet but to downgrade to older version of revolution slider. It can’t be confirmed if it’s a bug since it only happens in few instances or cases

I would suggest you check once by downgrading the Revolution Slider version in your website and let us know if that resolve your issue.


Thank you for confirming. I’m not seeing an option to downgrade within the software; what is the preferred method for downgrading? Which version should I downgrade to?

Hey Andy,

Just chiming in with my own discovery. I have replicated the issue on other computers and I found that the intensity of the “stuttering” depends on the computer’s power. I’m not sure what’s the exact issue though.

There is no downgrade option so you will need to contact your web host to see if they can help restore a previous version of your site back when it’s using a previous version of Slider Revolution. If you already used the latest version we provide, regretfully, there is no other option but to try turning off transition animations. Or, try other video slider 3rd party plugins that fit your project.

The credentials you sent aren’t working anymore, by the way.

Hope that helps.


That is correct–I have removed that user from the site, as I believed that we were done troubleshooting.

Regrettably, “restore from progressively older backups until you find a version that still works” isn’t a viable solution for us. I do appreciate everyone’s time on this thread, but I’m not thrilled about the number of times I was told it wasn’t an issue, having to go so far as to describe a video second-by-second, before you could replicate it on your end. I’m also not convinced that the computer’s power is to blame, as it looks the same on my new gaming-level computer as it does on my laptop (which is, frankly, garbage kept running through sheer willpower), and the phone I tested on is the newest flagship-level phone available.

I’ll work with the client and find a suitable replacement. This can be closed; thank you again for your time.

You’re welcome, Andy. Please feel free to create another thread if you need any other help.

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