Semi Transparent Image on Revolution Slider Not Working


On my website ( I have a photo carousal using revolution slider on the home page. It is set up with vertical thumbnails on the right hand side. These use to be semi transparent which I felt looked quite good. I recently upgraded Revolution Slider and then just yesterday the thumbnails stopped showing. If I hover over where the thumbnails are, they are still there and can still click to the slide, however they are not visible. I get adjust the thumbails in Revolution Slider to make them solid but I prefer the look of semi transparent and I can’t see any option for this. Do you know how I can get it back to the way it was?

Thanks, Steve

Hey Steve,

Those thumbs are empty so please try re-saving your slider.

I see Cornerstone’s also not updated so please update it to the latest version to avoid version incompatibility issues.

If the issue persists after that, please give us your site’s WordPress Login URL, Username and Password in a Secure Note.


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