Recent Domain Name Change

Hi, I had license number 88922cb4-557e-4cc8-8dee-5810aaef9f87 running on and took away the addon domain leaving only

Although I changed the domain name in your console, the theme still shows as being unregistered and other elements such as editor are not updating and working either.

Please help!

Hi @buyLEAPnow,

After updating the domain associated with the license, you will have to revalidate your theme installation.

Please following these steps:

#1. Update the domain attached to the license in your licenses page:

You can do this by clicking on the pencil icon under Production or Staging and adding the URL of the new site.

#2. Revalidate the new domain

You can do this by going to the Wordpress admin of the site then navigate to X > Validation then place the license in the license field.

By following the steps above, you should be able to validate the new site using the license that you have.

In case you are still not able to get it validated, please provide us with the admin access to your site in a Secure Note:

Hope this helps.

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