Cornerstone site is hitting its own IP address over and over again and eventually shutting down

Hi there,

I have a website that was not built by me and the person that built it no longer works with us. This is built on the Pro Theme. The site has been experiencing strange issues with load times and eventually shuts down due to the IP address hitting itself over and over again and crashing the website. Our hosting provider doesn’t have any help for how to solve this issue. It appears to be related to plugins only in the way that if I turn off random plugins it eventually stops the issue but the plugin is random, sometimes its one plugin, sometimes another and we need the plugins. Can anyone assist here?

Hello @sevenagesdesign,

Thanks for writing to us.

It generally happens due to cache or plugin conflict, I would suggest you please purge all the cache and deactivate all the third-party plugins and then activate them one by one to check which plugin is causing the issue. If it doesn’t work for you we need to check your setting, I would request please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi thank you we’ve done this already and thats how we were able to determine which plugins were causing issues. The problem is eventually the issue seems to jump to a different plugin. We were able to see that Modern Events Calendar was the problem, so we purchased a new pro subscription to a different events calendar plugin and the issue seems to have popped up again. I will send a secure note

Also, while you’re in there, I’m having an issue where the new calendar plugin - The Events Calendar Pro, is not displaying correctly on the test page I made. It displays correctly in the Cornerstone editing view, but when I load the page in a preview the content is jumbled. You can see this in the “Calendar Test” draft page

hi checking to make sure you received the secure note without any issues.

Thank you!

Hi @prakash_s just making sure you’ve seen our replies here thank you so much for your help.

Hello @sevenagesdesign,

In Tools > Site Health > Info > Server, you have this:

Please update your PHP version. You may also reduce your PHP Memory limit to at least 256MB while the Upload Max Filesize and PHP post max size can be at least 64MB.

You may need to contact your hosting provider for further assistance in adjusting those server variables.


Thank you for the reply, are you saying that our settings are too high and that’s causing the issue?

Hello @sevenagesdesign,

Let me go back on that note as I am not an expert in managing the server resources. It is also best to seek advise from your hosting provider as they have a minimum and maximum settings for each hosting.


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