Custom Looper Random Post - Custom Example Not Working

I am trying to use the custom looper to randomly pull 1 post from a post list, or from JSON used within the looper. However, when trying to get the custom looper example to work, I am not seeing any result on the front end.

I have a Div set up as a looper provider set to custom looper with the hook set to my_data (as per the custom looper example)

I have a text element as a looper consumer and the content of the text element as {{dc:looper:field key=“text”}}

I then have the following code in the functions.php file of the theme:

add_filter( ‘cs_looper_custom_my_data’, function( $result ) {

return [
[ ‘text’ => ‘This is some text for the first item.’ ],
[ ‘text’ => ‘This is some text for the second item.’ ],

Nothing is showing up in the text element. I’m sure I’m missing something very simple, but I can’t seem to work it out.

Ideally I would be able to set up the custom looper, and then use a parameter from the filter to create a random number for the offset of a list of posts within the range of post IDs. But, until I can get the custom looper functional, I’m stuck.

Hey @edevita,

Thanks for reaching out!

It would be great if we could check and investigate your issue properly. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page URL or Layout Builder name

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

see secure note

Hi @edevita,

I have checked and found that you didn’t mention the custom looper name in the Hook as shown in the given screenshot. I have added the name and the section start working.

image - 2023-07-26T155123.904


I see, what happened was the default placeholder text for the Looper Provider Hook was already my_data, so I assumed that it was the default hook name and not simply placeholder text. That is somewhat confusing, and perhaps I would suggest that the placeholder text for the Custom Looper Hook be removed, so it is clear that the field is blank.

Hey @edevita,

We’re glad that my colleague was able to help you figure it out.

Thank you.

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