My Account shows up twice


I’m building the My Account page, and when using the Elementor widget My Account, the [[woocommerce_my_account]] shortcode shows up in addition, so the content shows up twice on the page. Is Pro Theme injecting the standard Woocommerce My Account shortcode in there? Because Elementor doesn’t usually do that.

I tried removing the My Account endpoint in the Woocommerce Settings, but that just breaks things.

Private link attached.

Thank you

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked the My Account page and found the issue you described here. It seems that might be a problem with the 3rd Party page builder you have used to override the My Account page. I would suggest you contact the plugin author on this. I would also suggest you use the default My Account page and check if the issue exists or not and inform the plugin author of the same.


Hi there.

For what it’s worth, one of my developers investigated and said it’s Pro Parent Theme. Changing themes make it so the [[woocommerce_my_account]] shows up the extra time, but doesn’t actually show the widget, so you see the shortcode on the website.

This is what he sent me:

  • your PRO parent theme generates that “double” My Account display error with Elementor
  • I disabled all plugins except a handful of them to see if the My Account display error went away, but clearly it’s the PRO theme

It’s also happening on other Account pages: login, etc.


Hi Nathan,

Would you mind sharing your admin credentials so that we can check your setup properly? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Thank you! See below.

Hey Nathan,

Please tell your developer that if a plugin or theme hooks into the My Account shortcode of WooCommerce, it will surely display double elements, and that’s the case for Pro.

Have your developer remove Elementor’s My Account element and replace it with a Text or Shortcode element and insert the WooCommerce My Account shorcode [woocommerce_my_account] in it.

If you need to customize the My Account display, your developer needs to use My Account hooks and not the My Account element of Elementor.


Thank you for looking. However, we are intentionally using the My Account element of Elementor — this is not optional :slight_smile:

Actually, the original problem was that the My Account area wasn’t showing up at all unless I changed themes (in which case it worked flawlessly)

So I added this code to make it show up, but that’s when it appears twice:

.elementor-hidden { display: contents !important; }

which is when I opened this ticket. But again the real problem is that it was hidden. Please let us know how we can disable whatever Pro Theme is injecting into our My Account page that is making the content hidden.

Here is a relevant part of the Elementor code that Pro Theme may be interfering with, in case it helps:

We still want to be able to edit using the Elementor editor, and it is Pro Theme that is preventing us from doing it — changing to another theme fixes the issue completely.

I removed the code snippet above so you can look at the hidden problem.

Hey Nathan,

Thanks for providing more details. I’ve dug in further and discovered that this completely is Elementor’s issue and that’s the reason why they have the elementor-hidden class wrapping around the [woocommerce_my_account]. It looks like Elementor outputs the [woocommerce_my_account] shortcode then it’s own My Accounts shortcode integration. Elementor must remove the other shortcode completely and not just hide it.


It is important to note that this is not an issue with Pro. Pro is a theme with WooCommerce integration and it would require complex custom development to remove that integration. I believe your developer can do that. If not, you can have our Elite team remove the integration as we cannot provide that as part of our theme support. Please check our Terms. You can check our Elite service here:

Thank you for understanding.

Thank you for this. I sent your response to Elementor. They escalated the issue and a few days later responded:

Per our developers, the “hidden” class is applied to the Woocommerce shortcode, and not the Elementor My Account widget. As the shortcode is encased in the My Account widget, this class is necessary so that the account info does not display twice on the front end.

The reason the My Account widget does not display on the front end is because your current theme does not support/is not compatible with the My Account widget. Therefore, the only workaround is to use a different theme. As evidenced previously, when the theme is changed, such as to a standard WP theme or the Hello Elementor theme, the widget displays correctly.

I hope this clarifies the issue. As there is nothing more we can do regarding this ticket, except to advise to use a different theme, I am closing the ticket. However, please don’t hesitate to open a new ticket should you need assistance with a different issue.

Hey Nathan,

I’m sad to say that we can do nothing on our end either. This is an Elementor issue or at-least that WooCommerce Widget is required by them but we currently do not support it. I’m going to post this issue in our tracker so that this case will be queued as a feature request. Our development team will ultimately decide if they’re going to support this part of Elementor or not. For now, what I’d recommend is that you don’t use Elementor for your My Accounts page. I’m sorry if it came down to this, but there’s really nothing we can do on our end.

Thank you for understanding.

I understand. If I didn’t use Elementor for the My Account page, is there something in Pro Theme that would allow me to custom design the My Account page?

Hello Nathan,

Please follow these steps to create a custom Account page.

1 Go to Cornerstone—>Layout —>Click on the Plus icon to create a new layout, you need to enter the layout title and select the WC single as Type


  1. Click on the Create Layout Button.

  2. Now you can click on the “Use Template” to use the preset account template or you can click on the “From Scratch” button to create a custom design.

  3. After designing the My account page you need to assign the layout, now you need to click on the settings Icon—>Assignment—>Condition–>Set the layout for the account page.

You may check our layout builder doc and assignment doc to learn more about how to assign the layout.

Hope it helps

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