Thank you for looking. However, we are intentionally using the My Account element of Elementor — this is not optional 
Actually, the original problem was that the My Account area wasn’t showing up at all unless I changed themes (in which case it worked flawlessly)
So I added this code to make it show up, but that’s when it appears twice:
.elementor-hidden { display: contents !important; }
which is when I opened this ticket. But again the real problem is that it was hidden. Please let us know how we can disable whatever Pro Theme is injecting into our My Account page that is making the content hidden.
Here is a relevant part of the Elementor code that Pro Theme may be interfering with, in case it helps:
We still want to be able to edit using the Elementor editor, and it is Pro Theme that is preventing us from doing it — changing to another theme fixes the issue completely.
I removed the code snippet above so you can look at the hidden problem.