Hover line on navbar buttons

Hey Guys,

I’ve been looking on the forum but I couldn’t find the answer. There is a thin line above the button in the navbar that I’m hovering over and I would like to remove that line. I would like to keep the hover color of the button text.

Thanks in advance

Hey Bas,

I checked your site assigned to your license and it’s in under construction mode. Please give us access to the site so we can see the “thin line above the button in the navbar”. Post the info in a Secure Note.


Hi Bas,

Thanks, but you did not tell the credentials were for Bluehost. anyways I did go ahead and added this to your Theme Options > CSS

/*remove thin line above the menu items on hover*/
.x-navbar .desktop .x-nav > li > a:hover, .x-navbar .desktop .x-nav > .x-active > a, .x-navbar .desktop .x-nav > .current-menu-item > a {
	box-shadow: none !important;

While I was there, I also fixed these couple of syntax errors.


Hey Friech,

Thanks for this! I’m really new to all this and I appreciate your help, thanks!

Hey @basmeijerink,

Here are some related links for further reading, this could help you in finding and implementing some CSS fixes:


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