10. Stacked Testimonial Slider & 13. Standard Testimonial Carousel Slider files are broken

I tried to import all the modern sliders after my purchase, and couldn’t import the two slider templates, all of the other ones are successfully imported.

**10. Stacked Testimonial Slider & **
13. Standard Testimonial Carousel Slider

Every time I try, I get an alert saying “the file is not properly formatted.”
Could you please check the file and let me know where I can find the proper version?

Hi @koosang153,

Thanks for reaching out!

You can manually upload the .tco files for Stacked Testimonial Slider & Standard Testimonial Carousel Slider by clicking the link in your dashboard.


If it doesn’t help, we can upload it for you. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi Daniel,

I have checked your website and found both the slider is available to add into the column. If you are still not able to see, please clear all types of cache including the Style Cache from Cornerstone > Settings > System > Clear Style Cache and check in the incognito/private mode of the browser.
If that does not help, please create a new thread and share the credentials. Please remember that the credentials are visible to the Author of the topic.

Hope it helps.

please delete the secure note. I am unable.

Hi Daniel,

Done deleting the credentials in your secure note. If you have any other concerns or clarifications regarding our theme features, feel free to open up a new thread.

Thank you.

Hey @koosang153,

I tried to upload and yes, the mentioned slider templates can’t be uploaded and that’s because of the web host limitation. I’m not sure yet what exact web host setting is causing the issue so please ask your web host to increase the following server settings to the values listed below.

PHP version 7.4
PHP max input variables 3000
PHP time limit 300
PHP memory limit 512M
Max input time 600
Upload max size 256M
PHP post max size 256M

Please tell your web host to apply all of that and not to skip any so that won’t help, we’ll consult with our development team if there’s a solution for this issue. But basically, this is a web host issue as I’ve tried importing all slider templates in my test sites on different hosts and they all work fine.


Please don’t hijack a thread next time. Not only it would be unfair to the original poster, it would also be a security risk for you. We might not be able to immediately delete the secure note you post so you share your sensitive information to the original poster. If you have a similiar issue, just open your own thread and post the URL of a similar thread for reference.


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