New page design

How do I modify the “Tickets” page into the design of the “Mission” page?

Second, on the tickets page, what controls the large back area around the perimeter of the two columns, how do I reduce this? Thanks!

Hey Ami,

Firstly, the Page Template that’s used in your Mission page is Blank No Container | Header Footer. You need to switch to that template for your Tickets page.

Next, on your Tickets page, set the Section’s Background to Black like the screenshot below.


Then, in the same Section, set all Padding to 10px. You can increase 10 if you like.


To replicate the border, edit the Section’s Border like the following screenshot.


If you want to add a title like on the Mission page, add another Section above and add a Headline element inside it.

Please first do the things above then we can discuss further if you need more help.


OK, I made a draft page - Tickets test. Good suggestions ! One issue remains. On the phone viewport, how do I center the contents of column 1 so the right side of the headline/form/text have padding and are not flush with the border? Thanks!

You are most welcome Ami.

One issue remains. On the phone viewport, how do I make equal L/R space/padding to the contents of column 1 so the right side of the headline/form/text are not flush with the border? Thanks!

Hello Ami,

In case you want to align the items in the center you need to go to the Column —>Click on the Flexbox—>Horizontal—>Set it as the center for each device. It would align the column child items in the center.
Test-Page-Builder-Pro (53)

Test-Page-Builder-Pro (52)

If it doesn’t work for you please share your admin login details in the secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


That solved my issue. BTW, a few of your techs already have my site login credentials…Thank you!

You’re welcome.

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