Images Not Adjusting Properly on Mobile Phones

I have an image located on this page:

In Cornerstone when checking for dimensions on the mobile phone, it works properly. On an actual mobile phone, the image is incredibly tiny and can’t be seen. How do I fix this? Everything looks fine when edited in Cornerstone.

Hello @alucaseuharlee,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your given page URL on my phone(iPhone 7+) and it seems that all the images are working fine at my end. It might be the issue of browser cache at your end. I would suggest you please clear your browser cache and then check it again. If the issue still persists please let us know.


The image in question is a headshot, which I don’t see as one you’ve taken a screen shot of here. On the desktop in the editor, for the mobile phone size, the image looks fine. When you look at it on an actual mobile phone, the image is incredibly tiny. We are having the same issue with the headshot on this page as well:

Hello @alucaseuharlee,

In case you are pointing out this image please have a look at the screenshots in the secure note. It seems that you have set the image in the column background. I would suggest you go to the column—>Design —>Enable the padding and set it as 0 for larger screen—>Click on the Top—>Set the padding-top(5em) for mobile and similarly you need to set padding-bottom for the mobile device as well.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts

In case you are pointing to something else please share a marking screenshot or video so that we advice you.


The padding is already set to 0 for this column. It looks how it should when I view it through the Cornerstone editor. It does not look that way on an actual mobile phone.

Here is a screen shot from my phone of the image in question:

Hello @alucaseuharlee,

I would suggest you, please add padding-top & padding-bottom(5em) for small devices. Please follow the above post if it doesn’t work for you please share your login details in the secure note.


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