I can't access some of my skins in the Skin Builder

I confess I’m fairly new to this and I’m working on a site I inherited from, but I could have sworn I was able to access a particular skin yesterday and now I can’t search for it. When I click on Masonry Skins, nothing happens. I tried restoring a backup from yesterday but that didn’t help. I also tried the Health Check Troubleshooting mode and turned off everything but the Pro theme and The Grid, but that didn’t help either.

Our client wants less space under the ads in the mobile site, so I reduced the bottom space in the TND Promo skin yesterday from 395px to 300px and that did nothing. I wanted to look at it again before contacting support, but now I can’t find the skin. It’s still active on the site, the ad looks correct except for too much space under it.

Hi Elyssa,

Thanks for reaching out.

There could be a plugin or custom code that affects your The Grid Skin Builder.

I recommend the following troubleshooting procedures before we investigate the settings.


Only if none of that helps, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi, I see there is an update available for the theme, but the license isn’t valid on the staging site. Is there a way to test the theme update on the staging site? I can’t access The Grid on the staging site.

Hello Elyssa,

It seems that you have added the live domain URL in the location box and same URL in the staging box as well. Please note that our license support two URL one for live site URL and 2nd one for staging site URL.

You can add you live site URL in the “Location” text box as shown in the above screenshot and you can add you staging site URL in the “Staging” text box.

By following this process your staging server would get validated and you can update theme and plugins at your staging server. Please make sure you should always take a backup of your files and database before updating the theme, plugin and WordPress core.

Hope it helps

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FYI, While waiting for the staging domain to propagate, I went ahead and updated the theme on the live site and it did this to the blog pages.

I just restored another backup.

Hello Elyssa,

I have checked your site and you do not have any child theme installed. Upon looking at the single portfolio page, it seems to have a custom layout. Have you done any customizations to the parent theme? If that is the case, then you cannot update to the latest version just yet because all of those modifications will get overwritten. You will have to install a child theme and then transfer all your modifications to the child theme so that whenever there is a theme update, your modifications will stay the same.

Please provide us access to your site we can verify and check your modifications.

Thank you.

Hello Elyssa,

Thanks for sharing credentials. It seems that you have sent us your live website credentials. At your live server, your Pro theme version is 3.1.2 which is not the latest version. The latest version of the Pro theme is 3.2.3.

If you talk about staging site we are not able to access your staging server website dashboard. Please have a look at the screenshot in the secure note. Please send the popup credentials as well as login credentials so that we can access your staging server site dashboard where you have updated the Pro theme.


I updated the secure note.

Hello Elyssa,

We can only access your live site. So I went ahead and updated your The Grid plugin to 2.7.8. You can now be able to access the “Masonry” skins in your skin builder.

By the way, I’ve looked in your single portfolio template, and just as I suspected, you have made some modifications to the parent theme especially the wp-single-x-portfolio.php (framework/views/renew/wp-single-x-portfolio.php). You have modified the template file content from this:


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Single portfolio post output for Renew.
// =============================================================================



  <div class="x-container max width offset">
    <div class="x-main full" role="main">

      <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
        <?php x_get_view( 'renew', 'content', 'portfolio' ); ?>
        <?php x_get_view( 'global', '_comments-template' ); ?>
      <?php endwhile; ?>


<?php get_footer(); ?>

into this:


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Single portfolio post output for Renew.
// =============================================================================



  <div class="x-container max width offset">
	  <div class="tnd-desktop"><?php echo do_shortcode("[cs_gb id=331]"); ?>
	  <?php echo do_shortcode("[cs_gb id=157]"); ?>
	  <?php echo do_shortcode("[cs_gb id=355]"); ?></div>
	  <div class="tnd-mobile"><?php echo do_shortcode("[cs_gb id=726]"); ?>
		  <?php echo do_shortcode("[cs_gb id=319]"); ?>
	  <?php echo do_shortcode("[cs_gb id=354]"); ?></div>
    <div class="x-main full" role="main">


<?php get_footer(); ?>

Be advised that since you have modified the parent theme, we highly recommend that you DO NOT update the Pro theme to the latest version or else, you’d lose all the modifications that you have done to your site. What we can suggest is the following:
1.) Create a staging area and clone your site.
2.) Update the Pro theme in your staging area.
3.) Install the Pro child theme in your staging area. You can get the Pro child theme here: https://theme.co/docs/child-themes
4.) Once the child theme is installed, compare your live site and the staging site
5.) Please go through all the modifications that you have done with your live site and add those modifications to your child theme.
6.) After you are satisfied and made sure that both the live site and your staging site is the same, you may update the live site as well.

A child theme allows you to make code changes that won’t be overwritten when a THEME update is released. After your child theme is setup, please review how we recommend making template changes in Customization Best Practices.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks for your help! BTW, I didn’t create this website, I inherited it. I just downloaded the child theme. I will do my best to follow your instructions. PHP is not my forte, I can edit the HTML in the files but I can’t write PHP. Have a great weekend!

You are most welcome as always!

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