Looper consumer not creating new columns

Hey there, I have followed the video tutorial (https://youtu.be/-LSZ7cGLNso?si=L4MCWsKTDrknjmRX) to the letter to create a three column layout with dynamic content using the looper provider and looper consumer. I must be missing something in the process because after multiple attempts to get it to create a new column with image and title for each post I continue to get all content listed out in order in a single column rather than the looper creating a new column for each post.
You can see the dev page here: https://guide.rokket.us/about/

Would love to know if there is something I am missing in the process.
Thanks in advance!

Hello @rokket,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you please the Looper Provider to the Row. Please have a look at the screenshot below.

Now you need to set the looper consumer to Column.

If it doesn’t work, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thank you so much for the quick reply!!
I have followed these steps previously. This is how i got the custom post content to display in the page. The issue is not loading the dynamic content, it is how it is displayed in a single column and the lopper is not creating a new column for each post. I will add login to private note.

Hello @rokket,

Thanks for sharing the login details I went ahead and checked the settings, and I have cloned the Row and added the looper consumer to the column. You had set the looper consumer to each element which is not correct. You just need to set the Looper consumer to column only. I have kept the cloned Row in hidden mode, you need to unhide it from the breakpoint and then check the settings.



Oh ok! Got it. So when I set it to the column all dynamic elements within the column with be from the looper?

Hello @rokket,

Yes, when you set the Looper consumer to the column, the loop would work inside the column so the dynamic content would pull the data through the loop so you don’t need to enable an extra loop on each element.

Hope it helps

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