A 2nd link in a linked column?

Hi there,

I drive my columns with a looper to show the posts in a list. The column itself is linking to the post {{dc:post:permalink}}

Now I also show the correspondending categories as a line in the column:


Category1 / Category2 / …

As the whole column is set as a link my category links are ignored and I can’t click on it (in fakt: It looks like the cat links are not there and I just have the column link.)
I thought I can separat the “layers” with z-index, but this does not work at all:

Column -> z-index = 1
Category1 -> z-index = 10

Any oideas?
Thank you,

Hello Michael,

Thanks for writing to us.

It seems that you have set the column default HTML tag as the anchor, I would suggest you go to the column and then set the default HTML tag as DIV, and then set the link separately as to each element.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hello @prakash_s

Yes I did so. Because I don’t want that a click outside an element (e.g. text element (excerpt)) do not link to the post. I believe it is more user friendly if you can click anywhere on the column.
So there is no possible way to have a second layer with a link on a column with an anchor?
If so, I have to split the column with divs I think…

Thank you,

Hey Michael,

Please be advised that you cannot nest <a>. If the parent column is already a link, the child column with <a> will not work.

Hope that helps.

I see.
Thank you, that help me :slight_smile:

You are most welcome.

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