Changes not showing on editing page

Hi there,

My team and I encountered this problem the last couple months where we cannot see the changes we made on editing page. We always have to save the changes and preview the changes on the preview site, which is not very convenient when editing a published site, as we want to see the changes before we published them. Also, the loading time is incredibly slow, compared to the past performance.

All of the plugins and theme are updated. Is there something else I can do to fix and improve the performance?

Best regards,

Hey Andita,

Thanks for reaching out!

We are not experiencing that issue with our installation. It would be best to check the issue on your website. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi Marc,

Thank you for your reply. Yes sure, I will add it afterwards.


Hi Andita,

I have checked your website and created a test page to check the problem you described here. Unfortunately, didn’t find the issue here. I would suggest please provide any video that helps us to recognize the problem.


Hi there

My colleagues and I are still facing the issue. I have created a screen recording to show you what the problem is.


Hello @anditahsn,

I have investigated your issue and I found out that you have inserted an invalid element ID.

When inserting an ID, it should be unique, and there are no spaces in it. Only Alphanumeric characters should be used in the ID.

Please fixed your IDs because it affects the Cornerstone builder.

Best Regards.

Hi Ruenel,

Thank you! this works so far.


Hi Andita,

Glad that we are able to help you.



Unfortunately the problem is still happening. I have checked and changed all of the potentially conflicting ID and the changes seem to load on existing pages.

However today, I am trying to create a new page and the changes are not showing (again). I checked for any available updates, and there is none. Could you have a look at what caused this issue? as it requires extra effort to save and load the page, just to view the changes.

Thank you.


Hello @anditahsn,

I was able to replicate your issue. It took a few seconds to display the changes you made in the Text content editor to reflect in the builder.

I was able to save the changes too. Which browser are you using? You can test the site with MS Edge or Brave browsing. By the way, it is best that you clone your site to a staging site because, in the staging site, we can do proper troubleshooting and be able to deactivate all the plugins without disrupting your live site. One of your 3rd party plugins may have contributed to the issue too.

Best Regards.

Hi Ruenel,

I’m using Chrome, I believe my colleagues were using either Chrome or Safari. I tried on Brave and the same problem is still happening.

I have created a staging site and you should be able to login with the same credentials.


Hello @anditahsn,

Please see my video screencast.

  • video link in the secure note

I can see that you have several 3rd party plugins. One of those plugins may also be creating a conflict with the builder. May we suggest that you deactivate one plugin at a time and check the site again?

Thank you.

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