Patch Release Update Involving Editing of Classic Elements


I am wondering if there is an ETA for the promised patch release update that allows the editing of classic v1 elements in the Cornerstone editor? Our entire site was originally created with classic elements (obviously when no v2 elements existed). We have been unable to do anything to our website since the overhaul update initially caused this issue. We sincerely appreciate any updates or insight. Thank you.

This is for Cornerstone Standalone right? 7.0.6 added support for this so give it a try in 7.1.0. Assign “All Classic Elements” to the administrator role (and to any roles that should edit these) and you’ll be able to edit these again. Let me know if you have any issues here. There is a fix coming for standalone relating to the theme options soon too. Does this help?

So sorry, I’m not sure what Standalone means :grimacing: …but we are currently on 7.1.0. We also currently have the “All Classic Elements” permissions checkbox selected in the Cornerstone settings, and we are still not able to edit these elements.

Hello @tmhogan,

The “Cornerstone Standalone plugin” means that you are using the Cornerstone plugin with another WordPress theme and not the Theme’s X theme.

To better assist you with your issue, we would need to log in to your WP site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Hi @tmhogan,

I have checked and found that it is working fine. Also able to modify the content through the editor.


Ok so I’ve visited the new page to test and I am able to edit/add content through the editor. The problem lies within existing pages of the site. These are the pages that contain the original classic (v1) elements. We typically don’t add too many new pages to the site, we only edit existing pages. And even after being able to edit/add elements to the test page you created, I went back to try our homepage, and still cannot edit or add anything through the editor.

Hi @tmhogan,

I have modified the Classic Text content of Home Page and found it is working fine.


I think we are having the same problem. Since updating Pro about a month ago we can’t drag and drop elements. I have recorded this video that shows the problem:

According to this support thread:

Your supporter wrote:

I am surprised we never offered a way to upgrade classics to V2 before, I will definitely get that on the books.

So is this still something you are working on? :crossed_fingers:

Thanks :blush:

Yes, the video @JesperF shared is EXACTLY what is happening with our site. I may have even referred to his thread initially in another post that was closed yet unresolved. @tristup, did you try adding elements from the editor? That is where this problem is occurring, while dragging and dropping existing and new elements onto the page. While it is possible to edit text/parameters of existing elements, they cannot be moved around or added. Can you confirm if you are having the same problem? Again, this is not with newly added pages, but existing pages. Thanks so much.

Hello @tmhogan,

Thanks for the updates. Please keep in mind that if you are using the Classic Section, Classic Rows and Classic Columns, you won’t be able to drag and drop elements into these element containers. You will need to have the new Section, Row and Columns element for the drag and drop feature.

What you can do is go to the Layout tab, view the Skeleton element structure and click which classic element you want to drag and drop into a classic container. You will see a red line indicating where the classic element is about to be dropped.

Hope this helps.

Thanks so much for suggesting the layout workaround. In a pinch, it does allow us to edit and update so thank you. Unfortunately, it is also completely cumbersome. If I want to add a new element into these containers, I essentially need to create a “dummy” section for dragging in new elements, and them move them around in the layout tab. This presents a stumbling block because if we don’t want to continue editing in this workaround way, it means essentially rebuilding an entire site by manually converting every classic container. We built our website when classic containers were the only option!

So, per @JesperF’s comment on the support response to this issue above, is there still an improvement being worked on to globally migrate all classic (v1) containers/elements to become compatible with drag and drop functionality? Again, thanks so much for ALL of your help!

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Hey @tmhogan,

Thank you for your feedback. I’ve replicated the issue so I’m going to post this in our issue tracker to be queued for further investigation by our development team.

Our development team will be the one to decide if drag and drop for the Classic Elements will be restored.

Check out our Changelog if an update and if this case is added.

If the drag and drop feature is important to you, you can downgrade to Pro 5.1.5 or X 9.1.4 / Cornerstone 6.1.4 as the Classic Elements are drag and droppable in the mentioned version.



In the next release there will be drag and drop support for classic elements. Classic Columns did not have valid dropzones attached. let us know if you have any other issues around this. Thanks and have a great weekend everybody.


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