Trying to fix an old site that uses x-theme. A color is being loaded externally

Hi, How can I stop my site doing this:

body {
background: #fff url(// center top repeat;
Using web tools in Firefox, I see that a color is trying to be loaded externally From It says it’s inline.

How can I stop this, it’s making browsers mark the site as insecure?


Hey @AndFin,

Try going to Cornerstone > Theme Options > Layout and Design then set your own Background Pattern and / or Background Image. This will reset the demo background. If you don’t want a background, just set a background , hit Save then remove the background then save the Theme Options again.


Also, try check the Theme Options > CSS if the code exists there.

If none of that helps, please provide the following info in a Secure Note

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


Thank you so much! That fixed it. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that, @AndFin.

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