Pro Version 6

  • Pro 6.5.10 - October 21, 2024
    • Bugfix: Element list caret toggle was overflowing improperly
    • Bugfix: Related Products looper did not work properly when using "Current Product"
    • Bugfix: Audio Element in Starter, Blank, and Cornerstone standalone had various controls like background color that did not work
    • Bugfix: Starter and Blank stack had invalid table styles
    • Bugfix: Navigation Layered element would not resize properly in toggleable elements like accordions or tabs
    • Bugfix: Component using a tab inside it would not display in Cornerstone all the time
    • Bugfix: cornerstone.pot was missing
  • Pro 6.5.9 - October 7, 2024
    • Feature: Range Looper
    • Feature: If a component is missing there is a control in place to let you choose a valid component as a replacement
    • Feature: Query Builder custom attributes JSON
    • Feature: Frontend filter `cs_mejs_video_player_args` for controlling all MediaElement options
    • Feature: Post is_sticky Dynamic Content and Condition
    • Feature: Yoast ignore condition
    • Updated: Global External APIs can accept Dynamic Content in their fields
    • Updated: Cornerstone AJAX GET requests will send _wp_nonce in the GET variables as well as the standard nonce header
    • Bugfix: WC Archive and Single layout will try to force it's layout type better to prevent missing preview messages
    • Bugfix: WPML Subdomain mode will only try the redirect if the redirecting locating is a valid subdomain of the previewing language. Preventing an issue where it would start an infinite redirect
    • Bugfix: 404 page preview would sometimes not work
    • Bugfix: Video volume control for videos was missing on mobile
    • Bugfix: Edit with Cornerstone top header button was missing on the Gutenburg Post Editor
    • Bugfix: Accordion items would flicker open on page load when they were already opened
    • Bugfix: Width 100% has been placed on tab panels to prevent an issue where a slider could expand the tab panel in a broken looking way
    • Bugfix: Components names and groups with long names would overflow the UI in a broken looking way
    • Bugfix: Query Builder order by `Ignore` would still display the meta value controls
    • Bugfix: Trailing comma removal in the function of BG partial
    • Bugfix: You could not loop over the number zero
  • Pro 6.5.8 - September 23, 2024
    • Feature: WooCommerce Related Products Looper
    • Feature: Documents have a direct export button
    • Feature: `cs_render_as_preview_valid` filter to be used on advanced elements that need a full HTML representation of an element even when in the Cornerstone Preview
    • Bugfix: Line element and a few other elements that use tags such as hr, and link would output a closing tag which is not valid HTML
    • Bugfix: Current Terms Looper when empty would return an invalid array where the only entry was the value false
    • Bugfix: ACF Repeater Looper Fields would not work with the Dynamic Content depth argument
    • Bugfix: Google fonts filter to disable `cs_load_google_fonts` was broken due to the now toggle button in the google fonts configuration section of Global Fonts
    • Bugfix: Font Family control would error out on certain custom font items that did not contain a fallback font
    • Bugfix: Datetime controls, used in elements such as the countdown, did not show a proper update when typing into the control directly
    • Bugfix: Close and Expand all Group Module controls, via holding the mod button and clicking a section, was broken
    • Bugfix: Toggles send a special event when toggling on or off instead of using the resize event which was causing issues with Revolution Slider
    • Bugfix: Cornerstone Permission for the Template "Power Button", would reset itself if a role could edit any content type
  • Pro 6.5.7 - September 9, 2024
    • Feature: Color picker will output the color format you used if you typed in a hex or a hsl value
    • Updated: Removal of --webkit-appearance textfield CSS which was causing styling issues
    • Updated: Modal Inner close button does not use an href to prevent scrolling issues
    • Bugfix: X Navbars used the divs inside of spans for SVG icons
    • Bugfix: SVG shadows would output invalid shadows when they were turned off
    • Bugfix: Icon stack was adding padding to custom single layouts
    • Bugfix: Icon stack sidebar would not scroll without custom CSS
    • Bugfix: Jetpack using a custom CDN for React was causing issues
    • Bugfix: Opening an accordion item was causing issues with the position of scroll effect
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce single layouts didnt setup the row element correctly
  • Pro 6.5.6 - August 26, 2024
    • Feature: Element copying uses the browser clipboard if available
    • Feature: Dropdown has an "Inline Fixed" which can be used on a dropdown to have the dropdown styled by percentage based width values better
    • Updated: Aria label added to X search button in header
    • Bugfix: Archive "Any Date" assignment did not work
    • Bugfix: Code editors could revert their state if another state action happened before the editing was finished
    • Bugfix: Rating element schema would not be valid by Google if you used type 'Product'
    • Bugfix: Google Maps script was not marking our google maps integration as a dependency
    • Bugfix: DB performance issues, the layout assignments would be rebuilt on every page request, and there were numerous db options that are no longer used still being grabbed
  • Pro 6.5.5 - August 12, 2024
    • Bugfix: Google Maps shortcodes not using async loading and were broken unless you were also using the map element
  • Pro 6.5.4 - August 12, 2024
    • Feature: List Control Type has support for descriptions
    • Feature: Query builder has "By Page" offset control
    • Feature: Managed Parameter Extending API see
    • Feature: Google Fonts Configuration has more controls like "Disable" and "Google Fonts URL" which can be used to change the google domain to something like bunny fonts
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for looper total_pages used on the query builder and main archive loop
    • Feature: Slider goto and slider navigation elements can have their trigger type changed through `data-x-slide-goto-trigger`. See
    • Updated: Filter `cs_preview_output_zone_priority` to control the preview zone `the_content` filter priority. Sometimes needed depending on plugins like Elementor. See
    • Updated: Google Maps integration uses async loading
    • Updated: Toggle control had the possiblity of not working properly
    • Updated: Dropdowns will cancel their hover open event if you have hovered off before the timeout was reached
    • Bugfix: All REST requests in Cornerstone send X-WP-Nonce for better support with security plugins
    • Bugfix: Row Direction could not use parameters. There is a parameter type called "row-direction" to handle this
    • Bugfix: Breakpoints styling would not work for various elements like Navigation Sub Links, Card, Mini Cart, and Testimonial Graphic and rating
    • Bugfix: WPML in subdomain mode would revert your license validation if you entered your translation subdomain
    • Bugfix: Component generation when WPML was installed could ignore certain translations depending on where you were saving the component
    • Bugfix: Looper Provider JSON would have a fatal crash if you passed Dynamic Content that returned an array and not a JSON string
    • Bugfix: Trailing comma removals on functions for better PHP 7 support
    • Bugfix: Twig could not be used on Font Family fields
  • Pro 6.5.3 - July 29, 2024
    • Feature: Archive settings has a 'has posts' condition
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for Current User Logged In
    • Feature: Permission to disable the Max and Themeco tabs in the builder
    • Feature: Datetime condition has more selections then before and after
    • Bugfix: Using Paste Style would also paste looper settings
  • Pro 6.5.2 - July 15, 2024
    • Updated: Parameters can use a number as an initial value
    • Updated: 'cs_enable_srcset' filter now will overwrite the attachment srcset if it is set to true to mimic behaviour of Pro 6.4
    • Bugfix: Dynamic Content Looper fields could not grab values that were using a '.' due to how grabbing object keys worked
    • Bugfix: Query builder meta select box was only grabbing the meta values from the current post and not all meta keys available
    • Bugfix: Widget navbar was using the @ symbol for warning supression
    • Bugfix: Parameters using select boxes would reset the value when exiting breakout mode
    • Bugfix: Custom fonts list could not be opened and edit the custom font
  • Pro 6.5.1 - July 8, 2024
    • Bugfix: The data stores in the dev tools would sometimes reset themselves when editing the JSON
    • Bugfix: No translation set for app.preview-error.missing-zone.cs_layout which is a message that shows up when the preview does not display the layout you are editing
    • Bugfix: The layout preview will try to force the correct layout to show up even when viewing a page that is not the same type of layout
  • Pro 6.5.0 - June 26, 2024
    • Feature: Twig Renderer beta starts (Dynamic Content 2.0)
    • Feature: Post status Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Sticky bar “Starts Fixed” control
    • Feature: Sticky bar “Should Slide” control
    • Feature: Off-canvas, Modal, and Dropdowns (Toggleables) have a toggle to disable the close button
    • Feature: External API in debug mode will send response headers in info.headers
    • Feature: Modal (Inner Close) and Off Canvas (Custom Close) prefabs
    • Feature: Toggleable Close Button prefab
    • Feature: Flexbox Gap control
    • Feature: Parameter Choose has a multiple option
    • Feature: WC Element condition for checking if Product is variable product
    • Feature: H Flex and V Flex prefabs
    • Feature: Design Cloud Packs have in-App installing
    • Feature: Random unique ID Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Parameter renderInFrame feature
    • Feature: Font Family displays a preview of how the font will look, this control was also causing performance issues before
    • Feature: Attachment Srcset control for Image and Background images
    • Feature: Beta plugin package support for Max Plugins
    • Feature: Dropdown has an Inline toggle to adds it’s dropdown in line with the button so the dropdown doesn’t flicker when it’s placed in a header
    • Feature: Raw Content element Looper, Show Condition, and preset support
    • Updated: clicking a toggle hash in the preview will open the toggle hash
    • Updated: Sticky bars were changed at one point to not scale down on the first pixel scroll. Using “Starts Fixed” now does the opposite of this.
    • Updated: copying an element that used DC in it’s ID will copy the IDs value
    • Updated: Control descriptions styled as an underline instead of as a border underline of the label container
    • Updated: Google Fonts List
    • Updated: Font Awesome Version 6.5.2
    • Updated: Performance updates around controls, Theme Options, and the Outline
    • Updated: Code Editor render timing increased to allow smoother typing and less Twig errors from popping up
    • Updated: PHP Deprecation removals from dollar sign curly brackets
    • Updated: XML looper field grabbing has been changed in a breaking way. Now attributes are grabbed through TAG.attr.MY_ATTRIBUTE and content is grabbed from TAG.content. There is a legacy mode in a place that is enabled upon updating, but it will give you a warning until you change your usages of the XML return type and disable legacy mode.
    • Updated: Multisite mode will not delete the SVG directory due to an issue where one site could be using SVGs and another could not and would cause severe performance issues constantly deleting and unzipping the SVG directory
    • Bugfix: data-x-slider-id attribute added to get around the issue of having a modal slider and sending events like slider-goto directly to that slider
    • Bugfix: Parameter processing timing was off, causing an issue where you couldn’t use parameters for number based fields which are used heavily in Cornerstone Charts
    • Bugfix: Navigation dropdown inside an off-canvas did not show up
    • Bugfix: closing a modal with a toggle hash when another modal was opened would close both modals
    • Bugfix: dynamic rendering was not setup properly on dropdown element
    • Bugfix: you couldn’t use isVar and a group on a global parameter
    • Bugfix: Yoast rendering was inconsistent, our yoast plugin overwrote other plugins content, and wouldnt work if the ajax took too long
    • Bugfix: Font Awesome Shim was too strict not allowing for icons like expand, glass, calendar, and a few others
    • Bugfix: Slider Pause on hover feature would reset the current intervals progress
    • Bugfix: Breakpoint viewing at the edges of a breakpoint setting would not show the correct breakpoints in the preview
    • Bugfix: You could not update our plugins or themes from the WordPress CLI
    • Bugfix: Dragging text inside a text editor would cause the file import message to show up
    • Bugfix: Template import would sometimes add :full when it should not
    • Bugfix: Starter and Blank stack didnt style or position background videos properly
    • Bugfix: Inset preview causing a weird look on certain pages due to box shadow
    • Bugfix: WPML WooCommerce archives wouldn’t preview the correct translated shop URL in Cornerstone
    • Bugfix: The missing preview zone message, like a page whose single layout was not outputting the “The Content”, did not work
  • Pro 6.4.22 - June 18, 2024
    • Feature: Dynamic Content Post parent support and post parent_id
    • Feature: Dynamic Content Generic Date creator
    • Feature: Slider autoplay when in view disable toggle
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce 9.0 was broken due to how we check if WooCommerce was installed
  • Pro 6.4.21 - June 10, 2024
    • Feature: Component shortcode has a no_wrap attribute which will not output a wrapping div
    • Feature: Dynamic Content query current_page_zero
    • Feature: Dynamic Content posts_per_page which grabs the WordPress posts per page reading setting
    • Updated: Accordion Custom Attributes can use Dynamic Content
    • Updated: Rating Author schema is sent as an array with an object for better schema support
    • Bugfix: A Parameter text editor inside a list inside a picker would cause the picker to close when you tried to type
    • Bugfix: Invalid post warning when trying to set a featured image
    • Bugfix: Layered navigation error using invalid function .find
    • Bugfix: Navigation dropdown issues when using a touch action
    • Bugfix: Renew entry icon theme option color didn't work
    • Bugfix: Starter site install from changing to the starter site was broken
  • Pro 6.4.20 - May 21, 2024
    • Feature: Rating Element schema has Author '@type' control
    • Feature: IP Address dynamic content
    • Updated: Div sticky position adds 'clip' as the overflow instead of visible
    • Updated: URL Parameter Dynamic Content can accept dot syntax to grab objects of a URL parameter like form[form_id]=1
    • Bugfix: Estimation form was showing a license validation warning and was running it's own update checker in the background
    • Bugfix: Defining ACF_PRO_LICENSE was not allowing you to update through certain admin dashboard screens
  • Pro 6.4.19 - May 6, 2024
    • Feature: WooCommerce Product Attribute Dynamic content
    • Updated: Purchase code image URL was updated
    • Updated: Custom JS can use Dynamic Content. Can be disabled through the filter 'cs_custom_js_dynamic_content'
    • Updated: Individual Author preview will change the preview to show the selected author
    • Updated: PHP Execution time is manually raised when uploading an image from a template, this was causing issues due to the resizing actions WordPress does when uploading a media item
    • Bugfix: WPML subdomain redirect did not work on GZIP enabled sites
    • Bugfix: Audio element did not enqueue FontAwesome webfonts when in SVG mode. In the future this will be removed from using FontAwesome webfonts or SVGs will be inserted if possible
    • Bugfix: Starter and Blank stack did not enqueue child theme stylesheet
    • Bugfix: Effect transitions has a fallback for elements that did not fire the 'transitionend' event. This happened in instances for effects like inside a secondary tab
  • Pro 6.4.18 - April 22, 2024
    • Bugfix: Google Maps markers that were invalid would crash the map
  • Pro 6.4.17 - April 22, 2024
    • Feature: Slider Keyboard Navigation control which allows you to disable the keyboard navigation, left on by default to mimic old behaviour
    • Updated: We were sending developer testing files in the Themes
    • Updated: Media breakpoint creation was using decimal values, which is not needed and was breaking on sites that converted point decimal values to comma seperated decimal values
    • Updated: When in WPML subdomain mode, Cornerstone will redirect you to the right subdomain when switching languages to edit
    • Updated: Toggle hash control has a description describing how it works
    • Updated: WP Rocket integration that disables minification and disables delayed JS execution
    • Bugfix: Parameter infinite loop detection was not strict enough and denying using the same prefixed parameter
    • Bugfix: Google Maps creates it's markers through a data attribute instead of inner HTML elements. This fixed an issue where a large amount of markers would break depending on your site
    • Bugfix: When WP Rocket was activated, our toggleables like Off Canvas and Modal would not work
  • Pro 6.4.16 - April 8, 2024
    • Feature: Dynamic Content has a "image-css-url" type to create a background URL image. See
    • Feature: Breakout mode for Link control New Tab and Nofollow. If all goes well we will start moving this to the remaining fields that cannot accept Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Disable Scroll Offset control for Sticky Headers
    • Feature: Div (Global Margin) prefab
    • Updated: text-transform parameter will use proper font family styling to match the other Text Transform look and feel
    • Updated: Rating element can accept a comma delimited number
    • Bugfix: Dragging a Component with a type like Column or Cell did not work in the outline
    • Bugfix: Dynamic Content could not be used on Component Direct Custom CSS
    • Bugfix: Cornerstone Icon looked broken in WordPress 6.5
    • Bugfix: When a parameter was using a different breakpoint system, like in Personify, you could not change the breakpoint values
    • Bugfix: External API Global endpoint attributes GET requests was encoding as JSON by default due to encode changes
  • Pro 6.4.15 - March 26, 2024
    • Updated: When outputing a custom single woocommerce product layout it will output the WooCommerce structured ld+json
    • Bugfix: Revert of Dynamic Content the_content issue when used in another layout. Which caused an issue when you used dc:post:the_content instead of the The Content element
  • Pro 6.4.14 - March 25, 2024
    • Feature: Search element has an "autofocus" control allowing you to control the behaviour of autofocusing the input when the search is inside a toggleable. This is enabled by default to match the prior behavior
    • Feature: Rich Text Editor preference to preseve P tags or not. Useful if you usually use HTML mode
    • Feature: Video Element has a "playsinline" control
    • Feature: `cs_mejs_video_features` frontend filter to control video element controls. Actual controls in Cornerstone will be added later
    • Feature: Dynamic Content has a "file" type to return a URL from an attachment ID. See
    • Updated: Link controls are added to expanded Rich Text editor
    • Updated: When importing a site, it will no longer overwrite your Custom CSS, instead appending the new CSS to your Custom CSS
    • Updated: Personify importing will not overwrite a document if you have previously saved a document
    • Updated: ACF messaging
    • Bugfix: Starter stack background image did not work
    • Bugfix: If you used Dynamic Content for the_content on a different layout then the one you were working on, Cornerstone would interpret that as content to edit. Causing a weird blank area where you should be editing your content
    • Bugfix: Inspector tab arrows would sometimes not work depending on if you switching the type of element you were inspecting
    • Bugfix: Custom font fallback on an Adobe Typekit font would break the font family output
    • Bugfix: Icon stack had invalid CSS that failed 3rd party validation checks
    • Bugfix: Downloading templates would always download the entire site
    • Bugfix: Personify Add to Library only worked if you first imported the site
    • Bugfix: Inner Dynamic Content would not run on style based controls like colors
  • Pro 6.4.13 - March 13, 2024
    • Feature: External API Attribute request type has an "encode" control and can also URLEncode on Post bodys. Which is useful for manually connecting to OAuth2
    • Feature: Export Documents Alpha. Button found in the Dev tools, this exports all Cornerstone Documents. Dont use this on a very large site
    • Feature: Max / Personify Site import support
    • Updated: Filter `cs_classic_gravity_forms_select_a_form_placeholder` to get Classic Gravity forms element to mimic old behavior of Pro 5
    • Updated: Importing a document that you trashed caused nothing to happen. It now untrashes the document
    • Updated: Import process has support for importing menus. Only used by Export Documents feature
    • Bugfix: If you had a grouped color palette, but no colors in a normal palette your grouped colors would not show up
    • Bugfix: Importing an image would not add a size modifer like `full`. Which also meant you couldn't export something you just imported
    • Bugfix: Empty Components would always show the empty element indicator instead of relying on the dropzone settings of the element the component is based on. For instance an empty Row component would not show dropzones for each of it's areas
    • Bugfix: If you edit an image field, it will auto add `full` if it is an attachment ID when you first open the controls. This is required for exporting images properly
    • Bugfix: Row Element template control would not accept a `var()`
    • Bugfix: Parameter Slider Unit fields could not accept 0 as the min or max
    • Bugfix: Breadcrumbs element was using the attribute `classes` instead of `class`
  • Pro 6.4.12 - February 19, 2024
    • Feature: Looper Dynamic content has a 'depth' control letting you control which consumer data to use depending on the depth of your nested loopers
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for variable product stock for WooCommerce
    • Feature: Adobe Typekit can load in the files through CSS through the control "Load as CSS"
    • Feature: Sliders Pause on Hover control
    • Updated: The document list displays 'draft' next to the post title if the status is draft
    • Updated: Revert of the parameter image pre processing which converted an ID to a full image URL. Image fields already will do this processing. You probably don't need to change anything, but if you do you need to pass `type='image'` into your dynamic content like `{{dc:p:image type="image"}}`. This caused issues for anyone who wanted to reference the attachment ID directly
    • Updated: More PHP 8.2 deprecation removals
    • Updated: When using div "sticky" position, Cornerstone will auto add "overflow-x visible" to your body tag which is needed in most cases for it to even work
    • Updated: Hide ACF pro messaging when installed through Cornerstone
    • Updated: x_share shortcode uses the new Twitter / X logo
    • Bugfix: You could not use 'auto' as the value for a width of a modal due to Cornerstone thinking 'auto' was the default value
    • Bugfix: Breadcrumbs element would not work with Dynamic Content in the style fields
    • Bugfix: Using Dynamic Content when the code editor was empty still did not work
  • Pro 6.4.11 - February 5, 2024
    • Updated: Breakoutmode will work on Choose controls that use boolean values, like "Accordion Starts Open"
    • Updated: You can pass in _key to Dynamic content `type="object"`, for use in Dynamic Content that uses key already like post meta
    • Bugfix: Jetpack React CDN conflicting with Cornerstone App, resulting in the App crashing upon changing anything
    • Bugfix: Custom Attributes would not use Dynamic Content if being used on a Component that did not have Custom Attributes
  • Pro 6.4.10 - January 29, 2024
    • Feature: Quote Element has looper consumer support
    • Feature: Div element position 'sticky'
    • Feature: Background and Video element has 'Pause on Out of View' option
    • Updated: Internal WordPress name of our layouts was always "Layouts" and not more specific like "Single Layout" and "Archive Layout"
    • Updated: Validation message changed in Admin
    • Updated: Datetime conditions and input has Dynamic Content support
    • Bugfix: Using the Dynamic Content inserter did not work when the Code Editor was empty
    • Bugfix: A round of PHP 8 deprecation removals related to undefined class properties
    • Bugfix: Certain Cornerstone links like "Launch" and "Templates" did not work when in Permalink "plain" mode
    • Bugfix: Component shortcode text not selectable in Safari. You also could not use CTRL+C to copy the shortcode
    • Bugfix: When importing a Site, if you had never saved in Theme Options "Enable Font Manager" would never be unchecked which is not used on certain sites like "Crafty"
    • Bugfix: Pro 5 to 6 upgrade would not properly unset "Enable Font Manager" changing the fonts on certain site upgrades
    • Bugfix: Anchor Subindicator nested trigger did not work on Font Awesome SVG mode
  • Pro 6.4.9 - January 16, 2024
    • Feature: System UI added to list of System Fonts
    • Feature: Row inner element HTML tag control
    • Feature: Type 'object' available for usage in all Dynamic Content
    • Feature: X header subindicator icon control in Theme Options
    • Updated: Dot syntax can be used for ACF values in an ACF repeater. In other words, you can access ACF object fields like `` when in an ACF repeater
    • Bugfix: X headers shifting the layout due to a lack of clear both
    • Bugfix: Possible warning removal when with X_POST_FORMAT_ICON when using Cornerstone on an un-updated version of X
    • Bugfix: Chrome scrollbars still causing overflow issues on conditions picker when the select box was too large
    • Bugfix: Touch scrolling through a slider would cause drag events to trigger
    • Bugfix: Alert Element with a scroll effect would never be hidden when closed
    • Bugfix: Alert Element when closed in the preview would cause the element to crash when you updated the controls after it closed
    • Bugfix: Alert Element did not work in the Starter or blank stack
    • Bugfix: Marquee slider that was significantly smaller then the screen would never wrap more then once causing blank space
  • Pro 6.4.8 - January 3, 2024
    • Bugfix: Group parameters broken due to isVar control updates
  • Pro 6.4.7 - January 2, 2024
    • Feature: `time` slider added to parameter type list
    • Updated: Parameters using isVar will display their value in the control when the preview breakpoint changes
    • Updated: Using a raw URL for an image will check if that same image is an attachment on the site and send additional info like alt text
    • Updated: Default styling for Max links was hard to read in the dark theme
    • Bugfix: Switching from rich text to HTML would not display changes made in the editor you switched from
    • Bugfix: Warning removal when using effects on elements that don't have a custom class
    • Bugfix: Warning removal when using a global font or google font that is no longer valid
    • Bugfix: Label key values like accordion label would not always update if you change the label in the inspector or outline
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce Star rating was not working
    • Bugfix: Parameter images did not output alt, width, or height
    • Bugfix: Toggle hashes would change the URL hash on load causing a number of issues
    • Bugfix: ACF option field selector was not grabbing available option fields correctly
    • Bugfix: Text element border color alt was broken
  • Pro 6.4.6 - December 11, 2023
    • Updated: Preference Preserve Inspector Group updates to the last scroll postion as well
    • Updated: Parameter and Control sliders allows for custom units not defined by Themeco
    • Updated: Contact Form 7 was styling success messages in the warning style
    • Bugfix: X_ASSET_REV default define didn't check if there was an x version defined
    • Bugfix: Graphic partial double checks if the classes sent is an array
    • Bugfix: Slider container transition was hidden depending on your control values
    • Bugfix: Assignment controls had a chance to overflow offscreen of the assignment popup
  • Pro 6.4.5 - December 4, 2023
    • Feature: Font Awesome Element load types control
    • Updated: Choose offValue accepts objects
    • Updated: If Font Awesome element load types is disabled and Theme Options icon loading mode is Webfonts, it will delete the SVG directory if it has been unzipped
    • Bugfix: Classic element headline icons were not centering properly
    • Bugfix: Dropdowns with display flex was getting overwritten by dropdown display none changes
    • Bugfix: Font Awesome 6 svg icons not working on certain ones like plus-circle
    • Bugfix: Starter and Blank stacks WooCommerce checkout forms displaying invalid spinner gif
    • Bugfix: Choose values that auto enter into breakout mode were not working like the String looper Delimiter control
    • Bugfix: Custom Menu icons would produce an error if sharp or regular were not enabled
    • Bugfix: SVG was forced as the default for graphic based icons like headline or button
    • Bugfix: FA Sharp Icons had a proper disabled value in the backend, but did not reflect in the controls properly
  • Pro 6.4.4 - November 28, 2023
    • Bugfix: If FontAwesome running in Webfont mode, but SVG icons were place on page. The FA SVG zip would never be unzipped
    • Updated: Error messages when attempting to place SVG icons, but php-zip is not installed
    • Updated: If php-zip is not installed, it forces the FA default Icon type to Webfont
  • Pro 6.4.3 - November 27, 2023
    • Feature: `REGEXP` and `NOT REGEXP` added to Meta Query comparisons
    • Updated: Code Mirror `Default` added to code editor key bindings
    • Updated: Font Awesome SVGs icons are sent as a zip file and only unzipped if you are running SVG mode
    • Updated: Default Icon loading mode set back to Webfonts
    • Bugfix: Some Yoast fixes reverted as they were causing duplicate content on older sites
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars in a Boxed layout were getting shifted to the left
    • Bugfix: Elements that didn't utilize breakpoint hiding classes were causing issues
    • Bugfix: Shop Notices Element would cause fatal errors on CS save requests if using more then one
  • Pro 6.4.2 - November 20, 2023
    • Feature: Font Fallback controls for font palette items and custom fonts
    • Feature: Post Password Condition and Assignments for Single Layout and WooCommerce Single Layouts
    • Feature: Div tags added `hgroup`, `main`, `nav`, `search`, `address`, and `figcation`
    • Updated: "Global Block does not have content" message only displays in the preview
    • Updated: Component with invalid ID gives you a better error message
    • Updated: Accordions ARIA setup was giving errors related towards usage of `tablist` and the headers not having a `role`
    • Updated: Anchor toggles like Off-Canvas send a role for better ARIA support
    • Updated: Parameter Conditions for list items use a different path system to support individual item control conditions
    • Bugfix: Webfont icons with a border were displaying incorrectly
    • Bugfix: SVG icons were slightly positioned to high when used as a graphic control
    • Bugfix: RSS social icon when in webfont mode was not displaying
    • Bugfix: Github social icon when in SVG mode was not displaying
    • Bugfix: Card element flips for up and right direction looked like they were collapsing in on themselves
    • Bugfix: Image detection was giving a warning for sites with a `/` in the a name of a valid image size
    • Bugfix: Parameter control choose was starting in the breakout state
    • Bugfix: Add to Cart buttons were getting a duplicate icon
  • Pro 6.4.1 - November 13, 2023
    • Feature: Search by ID in document list
    • Feature: Featured Image Controls for post types that support it
    • Updated: URL Segments Dynamic Content can search by negative indexes.
    • Updated: If not logged in when navigating to Cornerstone, it will bring you to the login page
    • Updated: Scrolling by hashes scrolls both the HTML element and the body element. It would not work with pages with overflow issues
    • Updated: Google Font list
    • Bugfix: Elements Control tabs, buttons to scroll the tab list would sometimes not work
    • Bugfix: Font Awesome still displayed Sharp as enabled by default
    • Bugfix: Mini-Cart and Gallery would sometimes not work on load when viewing in the Cornerstone Preview
    • Bugfix: When a CS animation reached the end of it's animation. It would sometimes flicker
    • Bugfix: Navigation icons would duplicate their class name and would shift the page for non dropdown navigation links
    • Bugfix: File Input link icon was overlaying the text input improperly
  • Pro 6.4.0 - November 6, 2023
    • Feature: Inner Dynamic Content. EX {{dc:post:title post='{{dc:looper:field key="post_id"}}'}}
    • Feature: Hover Intent timing for Dropdown can be controlled in the "Setup" section
    • Feature: Code Editor "Line Wrap" preference added
    • Feature: Code Editors have a "Dynamic Content" button
    • Feature: Accordions have a "Scroll" control, which will either scroll the page for all devices or just mobile devices
    • Feature: RVT Reset control added to Modal, Off Canvas, and Dropdown elements
    • Feature: Rich Text Editor has a preference to use your sites global colors instead of TinyMCE default
    • Feature: Global Colors has a Dynamic Content selector
    • Feature: `--x-body-scroll-active-bar-size` root property added that will be a pixel value of the size of scrollbar. Browsers like Google Chrome push the page based on it's scrollbar size. This prevents the page from jumping when "Disable Body Scroll" is in use and is only a non zero value when the page is locked
    • Feature: `file` Control type added to Element Control API
    • Feature: Looper Provider API. See
    • Feature: CSV Looper
    • Feature: External API Looper and Dynamic Content (Beta Feature)
    • Feature: Layout specific assignments can be used as show conditions depending on the document you are editing
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for Total User counting
    • Feature: Meta Field filtering and ordering added to Query Builder
    • Feature: Loop Keys control added to Array type looper providers, which allows you to use a string indexed array, turning `{{dc:looper:index}}` into the string index
    • Feature: Font Awesome icons can load as SVG or Webfonts
    • Feature: Map and Map Marker element has looper support
    • Feature: Default Element insert preference brought back from CS 6
    • Feature: Preference to either open the element library or insert your default element
    • Feature: Code Editors have GraphQL syntax highlighting support
    • Updated: Font Awesome updated to Font Awesome 6
    • Updated: Pro5 to Pro6 uses the Raw SQL migration by default after numerous issues with changing the post_type with internal WordPress update post function. See
    • Updated: Slider scripts have been moved to it's own file
    • Updated: Deleting anything in Cornerstone sends it to the trash instead now
    • Updated: Cornerstone App Page uses the sites Favicon by default, not Cornerstone's favicon. There is now a preference to control this
    • Updated: Audit and refactor of non-passive mobile events
    • Updated: Preferences has been moved to a floating window. This is also a Preferences button on the toolbar which can be hidden in the preferences
    • Updated: Toggle hashes now actively change the URL with the hash, including removing the hash when a toggle hash is closed. This also a fixed a bug where opening a toggle hash, would leave the button in an active state indefinitely
    • Updated: Elements has been split apart from "Standard" and "Dynamic" to a handful of other group in an attempt to make the element list more digestable
    • Updated: Over a thousand PHP 8.2 deprecations removed. More to come
    • Updated: Text typing, Sliders, and Google Maps have been split into their files to lessen default JS loads
    • Updated: Our shortcodes now add the post ID, otherwise plugins like Yoast could not render our content properly. This requires saving the page again in Cornerstone
    • Updated: Dates based dynamic content was not using localized wordpress date function
    • Bugfix: Card Element required two taps to transition on mobile
    • Bugfix: Card Element that was tapped on a touchscreen laptop, would not work with the mouse after touching the screen
    • Bugfix: Dropdowns use "none" as their display to prevent causing double scrollbars when the dropdown is larger then the page
    • Bugfix: Certain Envira invalid license key messages were still displayed
    • Bugfix: Better object support for the control type choose
    • Bugfix: Value List Control (Color, Font Manager, and Custom Attributes) was very hit or miss when it came to drag and drop positioning
    • Bugfix: Scrolling to an element in the preview either from a click or from creating an element was causing performance issues. It was also taking it's sweet time to scroll the page
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars with more than one bar, would almost always give you an incorrect value for `fixed_top_offset` which is used in a number of different features
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce Variable products would give you a sale price value for `{{dc:woocommerce:product_regular_price}}`. This now uses `get_variable_product_price` internally
    • Bugfix: When a Search Modal opened on a mobile device, the keyboard would often be hiding the search input
    • Bugfix: Going from 0em to greater then 5px on text elements would cause the Empty Element indicator to display and never be hidden after changing
    • Bugfix: You could not use `0` as a searchable key in `cs_get_path`. Example `{{dc:looper:field key='choices.0.message'}}` which grabs the first index of a `choices` array
    • Bugfix: Tabs inside a tabs elements would not render the styling of the child tabs correctly in the preview
    • Bugfix: When going from a border, to a zero width border, back to a normal border. The final border breakpoint would not show up and remain transparent
    • Bugfix: Scroll hashes positioning on the X headers were incorrect if you were on mobile
    • Bugfix: Screen reader responses CSS added to blank and starter stacks
    • Bugfix: Stack API supresses non-useful `file_exists` warnings
    • Bugfix: Parameter dynamic content was matching images incorrectly, (Ex 11:00 or other times of days that also related to an attachment ID)
    • Updated: Removal of Perfect Scrollbar which fixes these final issues, and removes about 15kbs of JS
    • Bugfix: iOS devices required two taps to click anything in an Off-Canvas element or Modal Elements if that element had a scrollbar
    • Bugfix: Clicking a modal scrollbar would close the modal. You were almost always clicking the body scrollbar, not the modal's scrollbars
    • Bugfix: The scrollbar between the body and Off-canvas elements was different
  • Pro 6.3.9 - September 18, 2023
    • Feature: Sliders have a "Starting Slide" control
    • Feature: "Edit with Cornerstone" in post editor can be hidden with option `cs_post_editor_edit_with_cornerstone` set to false
    • Updated: When a sticky bar with "Scroll Up" reaches the 0px of the screen, it will also remove the fixed class
    • Updated: Hide with Breakpoints on elements can accept Dynamic Content
    • Bugfix: When Jetpack was installed, videos using mejs would not be visible
    • Bugfix: Custom stacks would give fatal error when using the comment list element due to an undefined function
    • Bugfix: Scrolling links that used a hashtag valid on the page, but to a different path, would not redirect the page
    • Bugfix: Select boxes in the breakpoint value editor like Font Weight, would not let you use the mouse on any of the select boxes
    • Bugfix: Parameters with a group toggle and a picker would not let you click the toggle
    • Bugfix: When referencing the same parameter dynamic content as your parameter, it would create an infinite loop. In the future we will be referencing the parent values when this situation occurs, but for now it ignores the value to prevent the issue
  • Pro 6.3.8 - August 21, 2023
    • Feature: Search has a control to display the last searched term or not. Enabled by default to mock previous behaviour
    • Feature: `cs_search_query_input_value` filter added to control the search inputs text on page load
    • Updated: Footer layout was not using the `Bar` as the default Element
    • Updated: Templates link added to Cornerstone admin menus
    • Bugfix: If using anything from {{dc:post}} on a page that didn't have a post (a 404 for example), PHP would give you warnings
    • Bugfix: Design Cloud button in validation home page did not take you to the templates section
    • Bugfix: Starter stacks width and max width didn't output correct values depending on the unit used
    • Bugfix: Card Element transitioning timing was not working due to iOS bugfix
    • Bugfix: Color Picker palette was not showing up if you were only using Theme Colors from the PHP filter `cs_colors_extend`
    • Bugfix: If another plugin was including an older version of the TGMA library, the plugins page would have a fatal error around the bulk updater url
    • Bugfix: Conditions and Assignment popup was not repositioning itself when adding a new condition or assignment
    • Bugfix: Starter stack `.x-slide` selector was using `!important` for the display property
    • Bugfix: Sites using page excerpt would not load Components correctly in the builder, without changing the page after page load
    • Bugfix: Parameters post processing for images was not strict enough causing any text that starts with a number and ends with a colon to trigger image processing
    • Bugfix: Lottie was displaying builder text (`Loading...`) in the frontend
  • Pro 6.3.7 - August 7, 2023
    • Feature: `description` key added to Parameters which creates a tooltip above the label
    • Updated: Google Fonts List
    • Bugfix: Portfolio tags and social section was not getting outputted into it's rightful container
    • Bugfix: Certain browsers needed `backface-visibility` set for the Card Element
    • Bugfix: When editing with the Rich Text editor, the cursor would sometimes jump to the beginning of the editor due to a race condition
    • Bugfix: When switching from linked to unlinked border controls, the color field would display `transparent / undefined`
  • Pro 6.3.6 - August 2, 2023
    • Feature: `cs_elements_deprecated_enabled_default` filter added to show Deprecated Elements by default. Set to true to enable them
    • Updated: JS and CSS files send over proper versioning info to WordPress. We hope this fixes some issues with cache plugins and with instances where dashboards are seeing the old permission manager
    • Bugfix: CS 6 custom element shim was conflicting with Customize "class" control, breaking the style of elements such as navigation collapsed
  • Pro 6.3.5 - July 31, 2023
    • Bugfix: Revert of all dropdown changes due to lack of stem support (navigation elements)
  • Pro 6.3.4 - July 31, 2023
    • Feature: Filter `cs_apply_lazy_loading` added to filter attributes for an image element after it was passed to function `cs_apply_lazy_loading`
    • Feature: Filter `cs_apply_image_atts` added to filter attributes for an image element
    • Feature: Filter `cs_output_breakpoint_hide_priority` added to change Breakpoint hide classes output priority. Default is now -101 where it was 60
    • Updated: Filter `cs_lazy_load_images` passes the image attributes to the second argument
    • Updated: Subtle React performance updates regarding Redux
    • Updated: React18 was not loading properly on live builds
    • Updated: Max language changed around access, and admin section moved above extensions list
    • Updated: Max Asset list will hide if a Course has no templates (Cornerstone Charts for now)
    • Updated: Parallax scroll positioning, and Sticky bar scroll positioning was throttled too harshly and both have been made slightly more performant
    • Bugfix: Dropdowns that are inactive use display none. If the dropdown was larger then the page it would cause two scrollbars
    • Bugfix: Card Element flipping is now handled by the faces themselves and not the container. On newer iOS devices, flipping the container would cause any clicks to the backside to be non-functional
    • Bugfix: Breakpoint generated hide classes were outputted below all custom CSS and sites with broken CSS would lose all hide classes
    • Bugfix: Clicking a link with a scroll anchor in the preview would cause the link to be active infinitely
    • Bugfix: Countdown Element Delimiter controls did not output a delimiter
    • Bugfix: Margin 0px is changed to "auto" on Divs that use global container. This is to replicate Pro5 behaviour. This can be turned off with filter `cs_layout_div_default_value_margin`
    • Bugfix: The starter site install message would keep showing regardless if you had changed stacks already
    • Bugfix: Missing semi colon on font-style in starter stack
    • Bugfix: Multiple starter stack values like letter-spacing and boxed styling would only work if no unit was passed in
    • Bugfix: Sticky bar spacing being displayed after the sticky bar went fixed was causing flickering on bars that stuck midway through a page
    • Bugfix: If the Shrink of a sticky bar was set to 0 any subsequent sticky bars below that sticky bar would never display
  • Pro 6.3.3 - July 24, 2023
    • Updated: Language around Max cache clearing has been changed in App
    • Updated: Max admin section has been restyled to look like other extensions and plugins in that same area
    • Updated: Parameters `type` check is now case insensitive
    • Updated: More debug info is displayed in-App if a component is missing
    • Updated: When creating a blank document, it no longer displays the full screen progress message. Instead it uses the top progress bar and a simple message
    • Bugfix: Max plugins could not be updated
    • Bugfix: Quote element graphics (opening, and closing) did not follow breakpoint styling
    • Bugfix: Custom Stacks would lose styling when updating the Global or Page CSS
    • Bugfix: Cross Sell Element with type "product" would blindly grab products if a product had no Cross Sells
    • Bugfix: WC Cart Fragments JS is always included if WC is installed, navbars and other X based WC features would sometimes not work without this
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars Trigger Selector was broken due to latest sticky bar changes
  • Pro 6.3.2 - July 20, 2023
    • Updated: Version to match X version
  • Pro 6.3.1 - July 19, 2023
    • Updated: Version to match X version
  • Pro 6.3.0 - July 19, 2023
    • Feature: New Blank and Starter Stack
    • Feature: Stack API
    • Feature: Layout assignments can use Expressions
    • Feature: Code Editor Preferences, Change the theme, font size, or key mapping
    • Feature: Drag and Drop creates a mirror when dragging
    • Updated: Drag and Drop will only enter drag and drop mode when you move the cursor 50px
    • Bugfix: Drag and Dropping into a different container would not always work due to a race condition
    • Bugfix: Product gallery was not working in the preview
    • Bugfix: Using scroll effects on a navigation element would cause a fatal crash
    • Feature: Element Presets
    • Feature: Element Granular Permissions
    • Bugfix: Custom Element `style` configuration has been added back in
    • Updated: Custom Elements have a shim for Cornerstone 5-6 elements
    • Updated: Numerous removed functions from element api are brought back, relating to Custom Elements
    • Feature: Breakpoint Ranges are editable
    • Bugfix: Background Color could not have a transparent breakpoint
    • Feature: Random Dynamic Content API
    • Feature: Dynamic Content, Dynamic Options API
    • Feature: Custom Element type `sub-group` can be toggleable via the same API as regular `group` types
    • Feature: Accordions and Tabs did not have proper drag and drop support
    • Updated: Accordions Styling is scoped to support Accordions in Accordions
    • Feature: Plus button added next to each post type in Document List
    • Feature: Sticky Bars have "Only on Scroll Up" control which will only stick the bar if you are scrolling up and it’s waypoint has been reached
    • Updated: Performance improvements to Context Menu
    • Feature: Max install page in Themeco Product homepage / validation page
    • Feature: Max refresh button added to Max window top bar
  • Pro 6.2.9 - June 29, 2023
    • Bugfix: Hotfix "Hide Initially" was broken due to sticky bar changes
  • Pro 6.2.8 - June 29, 2023
    • Feature: Counter element has toggle control "Comma Seperated Decimal". This reads input numbers in the same format EX 100.000,00
    • Feature: `cs_document_locate` filter added to overwrite Cornerstone Document class
    • Feature: Mini-cart link interaction color controls
    • Updated: Classic Sections can be moved and arranged in the Outline
    • Bugfix: Deprecated WooCommerce elements that had a cart did not load properly in WooCommerce 7.8
    • Bugfix: Infinite loop removed when not all sticky bars were fixed
    • Bugfix: Auto did not work properly sticky bars due to it trying to shrink an invalid value
    • Bugfix: Deprecated WooCommerce Cart Dropdown was not applying styles to the cart correctly
    • Bugfix: Mini-cart Links shadow interaction color was not working
    • Bugfix: When looping through objects like WP_Terms, `{{dc:looper:field key="..."}}` did not work when trying to access object properties
    • Bugfix: If extra whitespace or html was added external to the Tab Item element, the Tab element would output an invalid empty tab as it's first entry
  • Pro 6.2.7 - June 15, 2023
    • Feature: Status indicators for elements with parameters
    • Feature: filter `cs_google_font_load_all_weights` to load in all google font weights
    • Feature: Mini-cart has button background color controls
    • Bugfix: Mini-Cart element did not work in WooCommerce 7.8
    • Bugfix: Setting color picker to transparent caused it to reset the hue
    • Bugfix: Envira Gallery was asking for a license key
  • Pro 6.2.6 - June 6, 2023
    • Bugfix: Deprecated Search Modal's search tab styling did not work
    • Bugfix: Custom Fonts were returning 'regular' as font-style instead of 'normal'
  • Pro 6.2.5 - May 23, 2023
    • Feature: var() can be used in the color picker or as a global color
    • Feature: Looper repeat property can use Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Custom Loopers args field can use Dynamic Content
    • Bugfix: If a global color was a 3 letter hex the opacity slider would not work
    • Bugfix: Accordions "enter" keybinding was conflicting with browser accessibility
    • Bugfix: Statbar element's direction property only worked for left and up
  • Pro 6.2.4 - May 8, 2023
    • Feature: Dynamic Content specific to the Post slug ({{dc:post:slug}})
    • Updated: Updated Google Fonts list
    • Bugfix: If you moved an element yourself through JS, it would cause the events attached to be removed and never placed back onto the element
    • Bugfix: Jetpack installed caused background videos not to display properly
    • Bugfix: Parallax backgrounds were not calculating themselves unless a scroll event occured
    • Bugfix: Parallax backgrounds were running on the main thread
    • Bugfix: Yoast would not work if the classic editor was installed
    • Bugfix: Yoast would not usually work in Chrome due to a race condition with Gutenburg
    • Bugfix: WPML would not work if the default language was in a directory
    • Bugfix: WPML Pro5 to Pro6 migration had warnings around invalid use of PDO::prepare
    • Bugfix: OEmbed code did not check if property was defined
  • Pro 6.2.3 - April 24, 2023
    • Bugfix: Toogle hash was mistakenly removed from Tabs
    • Bugfix: Remove possibility of a Fatal error when WPML has translations for a layout, but the layout no longer exists
    • Bugfix: If a Google Font was used as in the Font pallete it would load in every single font weight. It now loads in the normal and bold, and any font weight you use dynamically on your pages
    • Bugfix: Default theme header "Top Fixed" setting was not working
  • Pro 6.2.2 - April 17, 2023
    • Bugfix: Remove possibility of a Fatal error when trying to use an ACF field as a date, when the field is not a date
    • Bugfix: The theme specific JS was bundling an internal library when it could import this globally. Results in 30kb smaller JS size for every page
    • Bugfix: Site imports were not importing Custom CSS or Global Colors properly
    • Bugfix: Google Maps passes a null function callback to the API string to prevent the error message when not passing a callback to Google
    • Bugfix: Enough passive listeners or explicit mark as non-passive in our JS to pass Google lighthouse audit tests. Performance numbers usually improved by 2 points
    • Bugfix: It was possible if your sticky header was caught in a resize event that it would shrink twice if it was in the stuck state
    • Bugfix: Sticky headers were not resizing properly on the frontend depending on how the WP toolbar changes height
    • Bugfix: In a unit slider, if Inherit is the only choice it will display a list when you click on the "...". Previously it showed you could click it, but nothing would happen
    • Bugfix: Toogle hash was mistakenly removed from the Accordion revamp project
    • Bugfix: String conditions that used "0" would be marked as empty and never be valid to be used as a needle for "String In" or "String not in" conditionals
    • Bugfix: If you are trying to deleted an already deleted document it will give you a better error message
  • Pro 6.2.1 - April 11, 2023
    • Bugfix: iOS 12 essential support through replacement of String.prototype.replaceAll, String.prototype.matchAll, and a polyfill for Array.prototype.flat. Please contact us if you still have issues with iOS 12. Please note that WordPress does not support iOS 12 anymore so your mileage may vary with other plugins
    • Bugfix: get_children looper provider will check post_status == "published"
    • Bugfix: Due to the WP 6.2 hotfix in 6.1.10, the media element was not rendering properly
  • Pro 6.2.0 - April 10, 2023
    • Feature: Lottie element
    • Feature: Tabs have a new tab element type which can accept child elements. Tabs also have looper support. Tabs had a slight rework to support with loopers. Accordions were already setup for it
    • Feature: Accordions have a new tab element type which can accept child elements. Accordions also have looper support.
    • Bugfix: Fixes to sticky bars with Rev Slider ended up breaking certain cases of the sticky bars
    • Bugfix: WPML migration from Pro5 to Pro6 redone. This relied on WPML at first, and now it will use raw SQL updates to move our post_types to separate
    • Bugfix: Pro5 to Pro6 has option to do the migration through Raw SQL. Depending on your plugins changing the post_type causes many issues so doing raw SQL update bypasses what the plugins will mess up. Define to `true` `CS_MIGRATE_UNTYPED_USE_RAW_UPDATE`
    • Bugfix: Component shortcode was broken in numerous instances including, sliders, any deferred rendering type (off-canvas, modal), flex box types, and using global colors or fonts
  • Pro 6.1.10 - March 29, 2023
    • Bugfix: The reason for an early release, WordPress 6.2 sends us into an infinite loop when we try to queue up `mediaelement` in a now improper spot. Please upgrade Pro or X before you upgrade WordPress
    • Feature: If you place a Dynamic Content string into the `fallback` value of a dynamic content it will try to render the fallback as dynamic content
    • Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+j" Opens the currently inspected elements Parameters JSON window
    • Updated: fix to scroll events which makes them more performant, and more passive listeners
    • Updated: Parameter groups have the same processing as a single parameter. If you used a global font inside a group it would return you our ID (like a global color ID) instead of the actual parameter value.
    • Updated: The dynamic content input was overlaying over the image selector when in the breakpoint editor
    • Updated: The timeout for requesting remote assets has been moved to 30 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds
    • Updated: Our script startups use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout as a means for asyncronousity
    • Updated: If you are using dynamic content inside a Looper Provider JSON editor it will stop linting and will not force your JSON to be valid
    • Bugfix: Sliders in Marquee mode works differently. It no longer lets you enter a transition and all marquees are forced into “Linear 0ms” mode. This was the workaround for getting marquee to work and since it will force this, the workaround is no longer needed. Transition was never really valid here as marquee is a contious speed.
    • Bugfix: Audit and cleanup up of some state based performance issues in the App.
    • Bugfix: Using an ACF dynamic field with `type='date'` would not work depending on your acf return format
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars will check if the height of the document has changed and will act accordingly. This occured in some Rev Slider installs where the slider resized slowly
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars transition will fallback to a timeout if there is something blocking the transition of our sticky bar. This occured in some Rev Slider installs where the slider was actively blocking scrolling
  • Pro 6.1.9 - March 20, 2023
    • Updated: Parameter data is not pasted when using "Paste Styles" on a component
    • Updated: For the following keybindings on Mac, subsitute CTRL with Command and Alt with Option
    • Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+m" Opens the element manager window
    • Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+d" Opens the Dev Toolkit window
    • Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+c" Opens the Global Code Editors window
    • Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+x" Opens the Max window
    • Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+p" Opens the Global Parameters window
    • Updated: Throttling of internal scroll events in the preview viewer
    • Bugfix: Our WPML integration will use home url and not site url, we process the /cornerstone/ slug different when WPML is installed
    • Bugfix: A fontweight parameter required a font family parameter as well or else it would crash
    • Bugfix: The 404 plugin did not style properly the inner content of a Single layout
    • Bugfix: Inline editor was removing new lines on completion
    • Bugfix: If no valid Contact Form 7 form was found the app would crash. This caused the "Creative Contact Form" templates to never be inserted properly
    • Bugfix: PHP 8 multiplication math in style sheet generation was invalid due to unstrict float value type
    • Bugfix: Bear with me, inside the default consumer of an archive if you added a Looper Provider that was also a consumer, at the end of that Provider + Consumer combo the consumer would reset two steps back causing any dynamic calls to be the top level post and not the current post to consume
  • Pro 6.1.8 - March 15, 2023
    • Feature: `cs_wordpress_dashboard_url` and `cs_wordpress_dashboard_url_can_edit` filters added to control the dashboard links in the app
    • Feature: There is a link to view all demo sites to the right side of the demo site name
    • Updated: "Template Inserted" text changed to "Template inserted at the bottom of this document!"
    • Updated: Dynamic content processes the entire row layout instead of individual columns. Allows you to have a dynamic content value that is multiple columns like "50% 50%"
    • Updated: The hide UI keybinding (ctrl+shift+a) will also hide all floating windows and floating pickers
    • Updated: {{dc:url:param}} will also check encoded values (&) if no value is found in URL
    • Updated: Max will display in the templates tab even if no document is open
    • Updated: On an author page, author dynamic content will use the current author if not consuming a post
    • Bugfix: Revert of our touch handlers until Android off-canvas support and known scenarios that break are fixed
    • Bugfix: ACF repeaters get_size() function was invalid causing any condition using "Provider Output" with the repeater to have a fatal error
    • Bugfix: Most onLoad events in our frontend libraries were firing twice
  • Pro 6.1.7 - March 10, 2023
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars did not set the height spacer correctly when the sticky bar's height was set to auto. This has a been a problem for a while, but is more apparent now that sticky bars position themselves at the top correctly
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars did not check content created outside the header to determine it's sticky trigger position
  • Pro 6.1.6 - March 6, 2023
    • Feature: Custom attributes for all elements support arrays as well as json, this was a partial bug fix as it was possible to have an element with custom attributes as an array if you imported a certain template
    • Feature: OEmbed Theme Options to either disable for internal links or disable entirely allowing
    • Feature: Image controls now have a text input to change the source
    • Feature: Cornerstone now has a favicon! Disable with the filter `cs_app_favicon_enabled` and change with the filter `cs_app_favicon`
    • Feature: Ajax cart notification now resets it's state upon a page redirection
    • Updated: Ajax cart notification's z-index has been raised
    • Updated: The grammar of the template tab was changed to "Current Document Type" instead of "You are working on a"
    • Updated: On mobile all toggle events are handled through `touchstart` to improve iOS interaction time
    • Updated: Further performance improvements to our scroll event and resize events
    • Bugfix: Row Resizer could not resize if it was inside a looper or inside a dropzone like column
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars were not initializing themselves as fixed despite being at the top of the page
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars were not detecting the proper trigger heights when the page started on a scroll anchor
    • Bugfix: Sticky bars did not allow for a bar with no animation transitions
    • Bugfix: Scroll based effects were flickering due to their state not initializing correctly on launch
    • Bugfix: Missing conditions rules for underline theme options
    • Bugfix: WPML Layout types (archive, single, woocommerce etc) retain their language data when going from Pro5 to Pro6. Please still run your Pro5 to Pro6 upgrade in staging if you have WPML and let us know if you have any issues
  • Pro 6.1.5 - February 27, 2023
    • Bugfix: Drag and drop was broken due to new toggle state detection code
  • Pro 6.1.4 - February 27, 2023
    • Feature: cs_component shortcode has support for parameters via the shortcode attributes. Example `[cs_component id='...' parameterName='Test']`
    • Feature: Filters to change default view partials. `cs_get_partial_view` and `cs_get_partial_view_{ELEMENT_NAME}`
    • Feature: Custom filter for ignoring certain documents `cs_document_list_ignore`, simply add your post ids to the array passed to the filter
    • Feature: There is now a checkbox to either enable or disable the thumbnail generation for all template creations. This is disabled by default as thumbnail generation only works properly in Chrome and because it is a heavy action that slows down the page signficantly
    • Feature: All Elements now support an array for `valid_parent`
    • Updated: Single and Archive are now labeled as "Single Layout" and "Archive Layout" respectively. Uses same localization key as before so only english will be changed
    • Updated: Anchor preview has been moved to the bottom of the inputs and removed entirely for URLs types as it was redundant for URL
    • Updated: The save template button is now green to reflect the type of action it is
    • Bugfix: The last version setups all Javascript elements asyncronously improving speed. As a result some elements that get deleted right away were causing JS warnings, but no major issues discovered from new performance upgrades
    • Bugfix: It was possible with the inline editor to get yourself in an inbetween state of editing and not editing resulting in the UI becoming more unresponsive
    • Bugfix: When using WPML if your settings was using ?lang the home page would not render in Cornerstone if you were viewing the homepage on a different language other than the default.
    • Bugfix: WP Cost Estimation was displaying a validation method which is not valid for Pro users
    • Bugfix: Classic elements can be dragged and dropped if they are inside a classic column
    • Bugfix: Off Canvas improperly detected it's current state, so placing x-active on a toggleable element was not setting the initial state as active
    • Bugfix: Post Parent dropdown was limiting at 5. It is not controlled by `cs_locator_limit` which defaults to 100
    • Bugfix: Looping inside a looper on a WooCommerce Archive caused the post_id to reset to the Shop post id
    • Bugfix: Pasting styles was pasting show conditions
  • Pro 6.1.3 - February 20, 2023
    • Feature: Cornerstone Theme Options launch button added to both WordPress toolbar and sidebar
    • Feature: Permission for disabling or enabling updating preferences in Cornerstone. Enabled by default to match prior behaviour
    • Feature: `type="image"` type added for Dynamic Content for expanding WordPress attachments to full Urls. Example `{{dc:p:image_parameter type='image'}}`
    • Feature: Constant `CS_TSS_IGNORE_VARIABLE_CREATION` added to bypass CSS variable creation when using Dynamic Content in custom element CSS, useful for when using Dynamic Content in a background-image
    • Feature: cs_component shortcode support for parameters (EX `[cs_component id='...' parameters='YOUR_JSON'`), see
    • Updated: Performance upgrades to frontend off canvas elements, and scrolling based effects like sticky bars
    • Bugfix: Some scroll position linked effect warnings have been removed
    • Bugfix: cs_component shortcode outputs most of it's styles, however there are still issues with interactions, flexbox, and off canvas types (dropdowns, modals)
  • Pro 6.1.2 - February 13, 2023
    • Updated: Column default z-index is 1 to remove issues with background content appearing behind the background
    • Bugfix: Hotfix to remove error when max wasn't registered
  • Pro 6.1.1 - February 13, 2023
    • Feature: Cornerstone "Launch" button added to the top bar of the WordPress admin toolbar
    • Feature: xToggleGetId function added to window, use to grab the toggle id from a DOM Element
    • Feature: Max clear cache button useful for getting new courses
    • Bugfix: max-width set to assignment select box to prevent overflow
    • Bugfix: WPML was overwriting the content of translations if saving a "page" post type from the default language
    • Bugfix: Layouts like Archive were not inserting section templates correctly
    • Bugfix: Starter site was not installing correctly
  • Pro 6.1.0 - February 6, 2023
    • Feature: Max release. Templates & Training. Right In Your Builder. See
    • Feature: Option to disable our buddypress integration entirely or just the view templates we use
    • Updated: Default window popup size is increased
    • Bugfix: ACF Dynamic field dropdowns are fixed as well as a number of other dynamic content dynamic fields
    • Bugfix: Component section templates were not being added to a page properly
    • Bugfix: Check ReflectionParameter has method named hasType before using to prevent fatal error
    • Bugfix: Retina image rounding was failing on PHP 8 because of round() function being sent a string
  • Pro 6.0.7 - January 30, 2023
    • Bugfix: Hotfix to make sure that old shortcodes are loaded even if classic elements is not turned on
  • Pro 6.0.6 - January 30, 2023
    • Feature: WooCommerce products sold individually displayed a disabled quantity field. This is hidden by default now, use the filter `x_woocommerce_hide_sold_individually` and set to false if you want to display a disabled quantity field
    • Feature: WooCommerce Archive and Singles, Post and Components have starter templates in the themeco tab
    • Feature: Cross-sell element now has a type selector which will allow you choose "cart" (the default and how this element has always worked) or "product" which is new and will let you display the products cross-sells
    • Feature: New filter to disable Cornerstone custom fields map `cs_use_custom_fields_map`
    • Updated: Dev toolkit button have been moved to the bottom toolbar
    • Bugfix: WPML Rejuvination, Creating new translations works, layouts were not getting assigned properly based on language, language was not changing between tabs if the language was different, some of our post types were not configured to translate in WPML, our WPML integration was running even if WPML was not installed
    • Bugfix: grid-auto-flow was being passed an invalid value of "sparse"
    • Bugfix: Archives and singles in the preview were not viewable depending on the settings for your frontpage
    • Bugfix: Removal of some deprecated WordPress functions like `get_page`
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce archives were conflicting with search pages that used `product_type=product`
    • Bugfix: The target dropdown for links using the inline-editor was behind the popup window
    • Bugfix: Icon picker was not showing a valid tab if you had disabled `solid` font awesome type
    • Bugfix: AltGr was unable to be used in a regular text field due to keybindings, AltGr now never affects the key bindings
    • Bugfix: Icon picker was not giving a valid default icon depending on your font awesome settings
    • Bugfix: When a dropdown menu did not have an href it caused the first item in the dropdown menu to appear active
  • Pro 6.0.5 - January 16, 2023
    • Bugfix: Hotfix release to revert the background upper layer z-index change. We will be creating a new layer to satisfy the request of having a layer to cover content like a dark seethru color over your entire content
  • Pro 6.0.4 - January 16, 2023
    • Feature: `cs_use_jquery_everywhere` filter added. Set to true by default, but will be eventually be set to false by default
    • Feature: Global Colors that are Hex values will work with the alpha slider in color picker
    • Feature: Breadcrumbs will display the post title of the archive page and not the post type label
    • Feature: Nav Menus created in WordPress will render Dynamic Content, use the filter `cs_use_dynamic_content_in_nav_menu` and set to false if this is conflicting with another plugin
    • Feature: Top Level element types like sections were hidden in the element library
    • Feature: Element Library added a "Plus" icon to add given element to a new region
    • Feature: Error message when trying to export and php-zip is not installed
    • Updated: Element Manager popup has been localized
    • Bugfix: jQuery was being queued in the wrong spot giving a warning
    • Bugfix: Navigating off-canvas was preventing scrolling after
    • Bugfix: Classic Feature box animation were not working past the first animation
    • Bugfix: One page navigation fixes like auto-closing off-canvas and smooth scrolling to anchored content
    • Bugfix: Debug code was output when using strings as an expression IE `(JOIN / SUBSCRIBE)`
    • Bugfix: Using the default template for a post was not working in the builder if you were using a WordPress template
    • Bugfix: Color picker was reseting it's hue value if you dragged the color outside of it's bounds
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce Archives that had a looper in them would not properly change the `post` Dynamic Content variables.
    • Bugfix: Trailing slashes added to legacy site import to prevent sites without request redirects
    • Bugfix: Background Upper z-index was off requiring you to set content inside the box to have a negative z-index
    • Bugfix: Contact Form 7 Spinner / Ajax Loader had a class name change and is changed on our end. Upgrade Contact Form 7 if you lose the loading spinner
    • Bugfix: Safari mac Save Document popup was hidden behind the live preview
    • Bugfix: z-index of Upper Background layer was too low
    • Bugfix: Gutenburg requiring React 18 was crashing Cornerstone
    • Bugfix: Templates "Create" permission was not being properly set in the admin permissions page
    • Bugfix: Legacy Navigation Collapsed's padding was also controlled by the "Sub Links" padding
  • Pro 6.0.3 - January 6, 2023
    • Feature: Components now have a shortcode `[cs_component id='...']` to access from across wordpress similar to global blocks
    • Bugfix: Frontend images were displaying when there was no image src
    • Bugfix: Individual tabs were not being hidden by their breakpoints
    • Bugfix: Youtube "src is not defined" error removed
    • Bugfix: Certain migrations from pro5 were causing a fatal error
    • Bugfix: Close button in content dock was not a correct html entity
    • Bugfix: Old Navigation Layered was not being hidden by it's breakpoints
    • Bugfix: Google Font weights were not loading properly
    • Bugfix: jQuery added back in to support older Themeco plugins
    • Bugfix: Site import for everything, but the starter site was not importing page data
    • Bugfix: Individual tabs were not being hidden by their conditions
    • Bugfix: Woo Checkout Editor was having a fatal issue when woocommerce had no country or states data
    • Bugfix: Legacy Site Importing was not importing fonts and font weights
  • Pro 6.0.2 - December 30, 2022
    • Bugfix: Custom Fonts were not falling back to family name when font family stack was not set
    • Bugfix: Video lock plugin was redeclaring a function and having a fatal error
    • Bugfix: Submenu buttons ons X headers were not working
    • Bugfix: Bar content scrolling buttons were being hidden improperly
    • Bugfix: Searching by site name in the creator pane was not working, site installs still do not work for post content only colors and settings
    • Bugfix: Sticky headers that had hidden view breakpoints were leaving empty space on the page in their empty breakpoints
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce Taxonomy archives were getting defined as single layouts and not working as a result
  • Pro 6.0.1 - December 27, 2022
    • Feature: Filter `cs_use_wordpress_page_template` added to default to Cornerstone template when editing a page created outside of Cornerstone. Default is true set to false to always use Cornerstone default template
    • Feature: Dynamic Content `{{dc:url:full_path}}` added which combines site URL and current path
    • Feature: Inspector Breakout Mode fully released. Use `ctl+alt+b` to enter this mode in the inspector to display all controls as text fields. Currently not available for checkbox fields
    • Updated: Google Fonts list
    • Updated: Release notes URL
    • Bugfix: Yoast sitemap was doubling featured image number
    • Bugfix: Content Dock using invalid CSS feature in older browser versions
    • Bugfix: Fatal error when editing page created outside of Cornerstone and page assigned elsewhere
    • Bugfix: WooCommerce cart dropdown was having extra margin applied to it on pages not created with Cornerstone
    • Bugfix: Under construction plugin would have a fatal error when using a custom page
    • Bugfix: Under construction plugin gave undefined index warnings when upgrading
    • Bugfix: Duplicated Component Workspaces would not properly export components
    • Bugfix: Retina images with odd numbers would give invalid width and heights with decimals
    • Bugfix: Typing text would not render properly without suffix or prefix in the preview
    • Bugfix: Z index of code editor linter tooltips was too low
  • Pro 6.0.0 - December 20, 2022
    • Feature: Component Builder
    • Feature: Parameters
    • Feature: Masking Effects
    • Updated: Holding CMD / Ctrl will allow any element to be added top level
    • Updated: Sections can now be used in the Header and Footer builders
    • Updated: When Inspecting an element, children are presented using a scoped version of the Outline
    • Updated: Dynamic Content now works in Element CSS
    • Updated: The “Exit” link in the Document Navigation now always goes to the root WordPress admin page—contextual links can be used under Outline → Settings on pages, posts, et cetera using the arrow found across from the “General” label
    • Updated: New “Go Up One Level” navigation button in the Inspector Workspace header that allows users to quickly traverse up a tree of Elements (found next to the Element Manager cog)
    • Updated: Changed the color used for empty dropzones / “Choose a Layout” / receiving styles in the live preview so that it better works across dark backgrounds
    • Updated: Remove hash_scrolling_offset and scrollspy_offset JS hooks and implement single fixed_top_offset hook
    • Updated: Added hash_scrolling_config to expose access to duration and easing for hash scrolling
    • Updated: Self-hosted videos now have options for object-fit and object-position
    • Updated: jQuery is no longer loaded unless using masonry blog/portfolio, the Ethos post carousel, or site wide BG images
    • Updated: jQuery is no longer loaded unless using the classic slider element, ilightbox, or classic element tooltips
    • Updated: New script for disabled offscreen scrolling to avoid layout shift
    • Bugfix: Fixed link active state not updating for final one page navigation items when reaching bottom of page
    • Bugfix: Fix no-js class not being replaced with js on load
    • Bugfix: Fix Classic Counter and Text Type elements not updating
    • Bugfix: Fix Scroll Top anchor not appearing
    • Bugfix: Fix Classic Google Maps Hue control
    • Bugfix: Fix Column Fill setting always using lowest responsive styling value
    • Bugfix: Fix Gravity Forms AJAX setting not working in Form Integration element
    • Bugfix: Fix Interaction effect animations only running once
    • Bugfix: Fix WooCommerce Add To Card Notification not allowing global colors