March 29, 2023
No, it’s not déjà vu. We just had a release, and it’s time for the next one :) First up, Max!

Looking to take your website to the next level? Interested in learning about the latest in web design from leading experts? Do you like the idea of having access to done-for-you templates? How about all of this being native in your website builder with real-time access to the latest episodes—no update required. If any of this sounds exciting, Max is for you!
We have an exciting lineup of content that starts with Modern Sliders and Gridorama. These two popular Courses & Expansion Packs have been a big hit with our customers, and they are both available in Max.
In addition, we have a new 16-part series called Web Design Magic.

Follow along as Themeco developer extraordinaire Kory Wakefield teaches you the power of design systems and why they are absolutely critical to building a successful and beautiful and manageable website.
Done right, design systems will not only help speed up the time it take you to build the website, they will actually make the long term maintenance of your website a breeze—for you and for others.
Learn how to create everything from the most elegantly simple to the most daringly advanced design systems imaginable (with a little history thrown in as well). Your websites will never be the same again!

We also have a new series titled Super Loopers coming in March. Learn to harness the power of this incredible feature and meet our first guest expert.
This is one of the features we are most excited about with Max. You won't just be learning the latest in web tech from "influencers" or content marketers—you'll be learning directly from leading experts in the field. People who do this day in and day out. And do it well.
Are you looking for a community of like minded web professionals? Like the idea of on-demand training and done-for you templates? You are going to love what Max has in store both now and in the future. Learn more, check out these FAQs, then join us today!
Note: To access Max content, you must be subscribed and on Pro 6.1+, X 10.1+, or CS 7.1+.
Continuous Development Test
Each and every cycle we go through rounds of testing with our faithful beta testers. This helps us to identify the major technical issues, however there are still things that can slip through the cracks (things can also pile up when there are large gaps between updates).
It's important to remember that the sort of development we do is in an "open" system. Meaning customers can change everything down to core WordPress itself.
This is great when you consider the level of control and customization you have. It can be a nightmare when trying to develop new features and work towards backwards compatibility.
Add to that a world of 3rd party developers who write code to many different standards, and you have a recipe for potential disaster. Part of this is just the reality with this sort of development. Even so, we are always looking to improve.
One idea that we have been interested to test for sometime is continuous development. Simply put, instead of waiting for big blocks of features and massive updates, things are pushed out continuously, as they are ready. This reduces the waiting time for small fixes and improvements, while generally improving overall stability in the interim.
And while this sounds great in theory, there are a couple drawbacks worth considering. First is update fatigue. We all know what it's like to have update after update after update. Yes, we want the newest features. No, we don't want the constant interruptions. Second, in a world as dynamic as WordPress, there is no way to stay on top of everything in real time. Some dependency of some app of some codebase is always changing.
As we've considered these ideas (and realities), we ultimately like to put things to the test, and now is the perfect window to do so.
Over the month of February, we are going to be pushing a release every Monday. This schedule breaks the mold of continuous development just a bit, but this way you will know when the updates are coming and can plan accordingly.
We do not expect to do major feature development, but we do want to soften some hard edges and get a few tweaks and adjustments in based on your feedback. We also want to see how continuous development could work for our future development plans. So without further ado, let's get after it!
- Pro 6.1.10 - March 29, 2023
- Bugfix: The reason for an early release, WordPress 6.2 sends us into an infinite loop when we try to queue up `mediaelement` in a now improper spot. Please upgrade Pro or X before you upgrade WordPress
- Feature: If you place a Dynamic Content string into the `fallback` value of a dynamic content it will try to render the fallback as dynamic content
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+j" Opens the currently inspected elements Parameters JSON window
- Updated: fix to scroll events which makes them more performant, and more passive listeners
- Updated: Parameter groups have the same processing as a single parameter. If you used a global font inside a group it would return you our ID (like a global color ID) instead of the actual parameter value.
- Updated: The dynamic content input was overlaying over the image selector when in the breakpoint editor
- Updated: The timeout for requesting remote assets has been moved to 30 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds
- Updated: Our script startups use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout as a means for asyncronousity
- Updated: If you are using dynamic content inside a Looper Provider JSON editor it will stop linting and will not force your JSON to be valid
- Bugfix: Sliders in Marquee mode works differently. It no longer lets you enter a transition and all marquees are forced into “Linear 0ms” mode. This was the workaround for getting marquee to work and since it will force this, the workaround is no longer needed. Transition was never really valid here as marquee is a contious speed.
- Bugfix: Audit and cleanup up of some state based performance issues in the App.
- Bugfix: Using an ACF dynamic field with `type='date'` would not work depending on your acf return format
- Bugfix: Sticky bars will check if the height of the document has changed and will act accordingly. This occured in some Rev Slider installs where the slider resized slowly
- Bugfix: Sticky bars transition will fallback to a timeout if there is something blocking the transition of our sticky bar. This occured in some Rev Slider installs where the slider was actively blocking scrolling
- Cornerstone 7.1.10 - March 29, 2023
- Feature: `cornerstone_enqueue_styles` has been added back into Cornerstone Standalone to remove our default inline styling
- Feature: If you place a Dynamic Content string into the `fallback` value of a dynamic content it will try to render the fallback as dynamic content
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+j" Opens the currently inspected elements Parameters JSON window
- Updated: fix to scroll events which makes them more performant, and more passive listeners
- Updated: Parameter groups have the same processing as a single parameter. If you used a global font inside a group it would return you our ID (like a global color ID) instead of the actual parameter value.
- Updated: The dynamic content input was overlaying over the image selector when in the breakpoint editor
- Updated: The timeout for requesting remote assets has been moved to 30 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds
- Updated: Our script startups use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout as a means for asyncronousity
- Updated: If you are using dynamic content inside a Looper Provider JSON editor it will stop linting and will not force your JSON to be valid
- Bugfix: Sliders in Marquee mode works differently. It no longer lets you enter a transition and all marquees are forced into “Linear 0ms” mode. This was the workaround for getting marquee to work and since it will force this, the workaround is no longer needed. Transition was never really valid here as marquee is a contious speed.
- Bugfix: Audit and cleanup up of some state based performance issues in the App.
- Bugfix: Using an ACF dynamic field with `type='date'` would not work depending on your acf return format
- Bugfix: Sticky bars will check if the height of the document has changed and will act accordingly. This occured in some Rev Slider installs where the slider resized slowly
- Bugfix: Sticky bars transition will fallback to a timeout if there is something blocking the transition of our sticky bar. This occured in some Rev Slider installs where the slider was actively blocking scrolling
- X 10.1.10 - March 29, 2023
- Bugfix: The reason for an early release, WordPress 6.2 sends us into an infinite loop when we try to queue up `mediaelement` in a now improper spot. Please upgrade Pro or X before you upgrade WordPress
- Updated: fix to scroll events which makes them more performant, and more passive listeners
- Updated: Our script startups uses requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout as a means for asyncronousity
- Bugfix: Sliders in Marquee mode works differently. It no longer lets you enter a transition and all marquees are forced into “Linear 0ms” mode. This was the workaround for getting marquee to work and since it will force this, the workaround is no longer needed. Transition was never really valid here as marquee is a contious speed.
- Bugfix: Using an ACF dynamic field with `type='date'` would not work depending on your acf return format
- Pro 6.1.9 - March 20, 2023
- Updated: Parameter data is not pasted when using "Paste Styles" on a component
- Updated: For the following keybindings on Mac, subsitute CTRL with Command and Alt with Option
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+m" Opens the element manager window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+d" Opens the Dev Toolkit window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+c" Opens the Global Code Editors window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+x" Opens the Max window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+p" Opens the Global Parameters window
- Updated: Throttling of internal scroll events in the preview viewer
- Bugfix: Our WPML integration will use home url and not site url, we process the /cornerstone/ slug different when WPML is installed
- Bugfix: A fontweight parameter required a font family parameter as well or else it would crash
- Bugfix: The 404 plugin did not style properly the inner content of a Single layout
- Bugfix: Inline editor was removing new lines on completion
- Bugfix: If no valid Contact Form 7 form was found the app would crash. This caused the "Creative Contact Form" templates to never be inserted properly
- Bugfix: PHP 8 multiplication math in style sheet generation was invalid due to unstrict float value type
- Bugfix: Bear with me, inside the default consumer of an archive if you added a Looper Provider that was also a consumer, at the end of that Provider + Consumer combo the consumer would reset two steps back causing any dynamic calls to be the top level post and not the current post to consume
- Cornerstone 7.1.9 - March 20, 2023
- Updated: Parameter data is not pasted when using "Paste Styles" on a component
- Updated: For the following keybindings on Mac, subsitute CTRL with Command and Alt with Option
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+m" Opens the element manager window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+d" Opens the Dev Toolkit window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+c" Opens the Global Code Editors window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+x" Opens the Max window
- Updated: Keybinding "ctrl+alt+p" Opens the Global Parameters window
- Updated: Throttling of internal scroll events in the preview viewer
- Bugfix: Our WPML integration will use home url and not site url, we process the /cornerstone/ slug different when WPML is installed
- Bugfix: A fontweight parameter required a font family parameter as well or else it would crash
- Bugfix: The 404 plugin did not style properly the inner content of a Single layout
- Bugfix: Inline editor was removing new lines on completion
- Bugfix: If no valid Contact Form 7 form was found the app would crash. This caused the "Creative Contact Form" templates to never be inserted properly
- Bugfix: PHP 8 multiplication math in style sheet generation was invalid due to unstrict float value type
- Bugfix: Bear with me, inside the default consumer of an archive if you added a Looper Provider that was also a consumer, at the end of that Provider + Consumer combo the consumer would reset two steps back causing any dynamic calls to be the top level post and not the current post to consume
- X 10.1.9 - March 20, 2023
- Bugfix: If no valid Contact Form 7 form was found the app would crash. This caused the "Creative Contact Form" templates to never be inserted properly
- Bugfix: PHP 8 multiplication math in style sheet generation was invalid due to unstrict float value type
- Bugfix: Bear with me, inside the default consumer of an archive if you added a Looper Provider that was also a consumer, at the end of that Provider + Consumer combo the consumer would reset two steps back causing any dynamic calls to be the top level post and not the current post to consume
- Pro 6.1.8 - March 15, 2023
- Feature: `cs_wordpress_dashboard_url` and `cs_wordpress_dashboard_url_can_edit` filters added to control the dashboard links in the app
- Feature: There is a link to view all demo sites to the right side of the demo site name
- Updated: "Template Inserted" text changed to "Template inserted at the bottom of this document!"
- Updated: Dynamic content processes the entire row layout instead of individual columns. Allows you to have a dynamic content value that is multiple columns like "50% 50%"
- Updated: The hide UI keybinding (ctrl+shift+a) will also hide all floating windows and floating pickers
- Updated: {{dc:url:param}} will also check encoded values (&) if no value is found in URL
- Updated: Max will display in the templates tab even if no document is open
- Updated: On an author page, author dynamic content will use the current author if not consuming a post
- Bugfix: Revert of our touch handlers until Android off-canvas support and known scenarios that break are fixed
- Bugfix: ACF repeaters get_size() function was invalid causing any condition using "Provider Output" with the repeater to have a fatal error
- Bugfix: Most onLoad events in our frontend libraries were firing twice
- Cornerstone 7.1.8 - March 15, 2023
- Feature: `cs_wordpress_dashboard_url` and `cs_wordpress_dashboard_url_can_edit` filters added to control the dashboard links in the app
- Feature: There is a link to view all demo sites to the right side of the demo site name
- Updated: "Template Inserted" text changed to "Template inserted at the bottom of this document!"
- Updated: Dynamic content processes the entire row layout instead of individual columns. Allows you to have a dynamic content value that is multiple columns like "50% 50%"
- Updated: The hide UI keybinding (ctrl+shift+a) will also hide all floating windows and floating pickers
- Updated: {{dc:url:param}} will also check encoded values (&) if no value is found in URL
- Updated: Max will display in the templates tab even if no document is open
- Updated: On an author page, author dynamic content will use the current author if not consuming a post
- Bugfix: Revert of our touch handlers until Android off-canvas support and known scenarios that break are fixed
- Bugfix: ACF repeaters get_size() function was invalid causing any condition using "Provider Output" with the repeater to have a fatal error
- Bugfix: Most onLoad events in our frontend libraries were firing twice
- X 10.1.8 - March 15, 2023
- Updated: On an author page, author dynamic content will use the current author if not consuming a post
- Bugfix: Revert of our touch handlers until Android off-canvas support and known scenarios that break are fixed
- Bugfix: Most onLoad events in our frontend libraries were firing twice
- Pro 6.1.7 - March 10, 2023
- Bugfix: Sticky bars did not set the height spacer correctly when the sticky bar's height was set to auto. This has a been a problem for a while, but is more apparent now that sticky bars position themselves at the top correctly
- Bugfix: Sticky bars did not check content created outside the header to determine it's sticky trigger position
- Cornerstone 7.1.7 - March 10, 2023
- Bugfix: Sticky bars did not set the height spacer correctly when the sticky bar's height was set to auto. This has a been a problem for a while, but is more apparent now that sticky bars position themselves at the top correctly
- Bugfix: Sticky bars did not check content created outside the header to determine it's sticky trigger position
- X 10.1.7 - March 10, 2023
- Updated: Version to reflect other packages
- Pro 6.1.6 - March 6, 2023
- Feature: Custom attributes for all elements support arrays as well as json, this was a partial bug fix as it was possible to have an element with custom attributes as an array if you imported a certain template
- Feature: OEmbed Theme Options to either disable for internal links or disable entirely allowing
- Feature: Image controls now have a text input to change the source
- Feature: Cornerstone now has a favicon! Disable with the filter `cs_app_favicon_enabled` and change with the filter `cs_app_favicon`
- Feature: Ajax cart notification now resets it's state upon a page redirection
- Updated: Ajax cart notification's z-index has been raised
- Updated: The grammar of the template tab was changed to "Current Document Type" instead of "You are working on a"
- Updated: On mobile all toggle events are handled through `touchstart` to improve iOS interaction time
- Updated: Further performance improvements to our scroll event and resize events
- Bugfix: Row Resizer could not resize if it was inside a looper or inside a dropzone like column
- Bugfix: Sticky bars were not initializing themselves as fixed despite being at the top of the page
- Bugfix: Sticky bars were not detecting the proper trigger heights when the page started on a scroll anchor
- Bugfix: Sticky bars did not allow for a bar with no animation transitions
- Bugfix: Scroll based effects were flickering due to their state not initializing correctly on launch
- Bugfix: Missing conditions rules for underline theme options
- Bugfix: WPML Layout types (archive, single, woocommerce etc) retain their language data when going from Pro5 to Pro6. Please still run your Pro5 to Pro6 upgrade in staging if you have WPML and let us know if you have any issues
- Cornerstone 7.1.6 - March 6, 2023
- Feature: Custom attributes for all elements support arrays as well as json, this was a partial bug fix as it was possible to have an element with custom attributes as an array if you imported a certain template
- Feature: OEmbed Theme Options to either disable for internal links or disable entirely allowing
- Feature: Image controls now have a text input to change the source
- Feature: Cornerstone now has a favicon! Disable with the filter `cs_app_favicon_enabled` and change with the filter `cs_app_favicon`
- Feature: Ajax cart notification now resets it's state upon a page redirection
- Updated: Ajax cart notification's z-index has been raised
- Updated: The grammar of the template tab was changed to "Current Document Type" instead of "You are working on a"
- Updated: On mobile all toggle events are handled through `touchstart` to improve iOS interaction time
- Updated: Further performance improvements to our scroll event and resize events
- Bugfix: Row Resizer could not resize if it was inside a looper or inside a dropzone like column
- Bugfix: Sticky bars were not initializing themselves as fixed despite being at the top of the page
- Bugfix: Sticky bars were not detecting the proper trigger heights when the page started on a scroll anchor
- Bugfix: Sticky bars did not allow for a bar with no animation transitions
- Bugfix: Scroll based effects were flickering due to their state not initializing correctly on launch
- Bugfix: Missing conditions rules for underline theme options
- Bugfix: WPML Layout types (archive, single, woocommerce etc) retain their language data when going from Pro5 to Pro6. Please still run your Pro5 to Pro6 upgrade in staging if you have WPML and let us know if you have any issues
- X 10.1.6 - March 6, 2023
- Feature: Ajax cart notification now resets it's state upon a page redirection
- Updated: Ajax cart notification's z-index has been raised
- Updated: On mobile all toggle events are handled through `touchstart` to improve iOS interaction time
- Updated: Further performance improvements to our scroll event and resize events
- Pro 6.1.5 - February 27, 2023
- Bugfix: Drag and drop was broken due to new toggle state detection code
- Cornerstone 7.1.5 - February 27, 2023
- Bugfix: Drag and drop was broken due to new toggle state detection code
- X 10.1.5 - February 27, 2023
- Bugfix: Drag and drop was broken due to new toggle state detection code
- Pro 6.1.4 - February 27, 2023
- Feature: cs_component shortcode has support for parameters via the shortcode attributes. Example `[cs_component id='...' parameterName='Test']`
- Feature: Filters to change default view partials. `cs_get_partial_view` and `cs_get_partial_view_{ELEMENT_NAME}`
- Feature: Custom filter for ignoring certain documents `cs_document_list_ignore`, simply add your post ids to the array passed to the filter
- Feature: There is now a checkbox to either enable or disable the thumbnail generation for all template creations. This is disabled by default as thumbnail generation only works properly in Chrome and because it is a heavy action that slows down the page signficantly
- Feature: All Elements now support an array for `valid_parent`
- Updated: Single and Archive are now labeled as "Single Layout" and "Archive Layout" respectively. Uses same localization key as before so only english will be changed
- Updated: Anchor preview has been moved to the bottom of the inputs and removed entirely for URLs types as it was redundant for URL
- Updated: The save template button is now green to reflect the type of action it is
- Bugfix: The last version setups all Javascript elements asyncronously improving speed. As a result some elements that get deleted right away were causing JS warnings, but no major issues discovered from new performance upgrades
- Bugfix: It was possible with the inline editor to get yourself in an inbetween state of editing and not editing resulting in the UI becoming more unresponsive
- Bugfix: When using WPML if your settings was using ?lang the home page would not render in Cornerstone if you were viewing the homepage on a different language other than the default.
- Bugfix: WP Cost Estimation was displaying a validation method which is not valid for Pro users
- Bugfix: Classic elements can be dragged and dropped if they are inside a classic column
- Bugfix: Off Canvas improperly detected it's current state, so placing x-active on a toggleable element was not setting the initial state as active
- Bugfix: Post Parent dropdown was limiting at 5. It is not controlled by `cs_locator_limit` which defaults to 100
- Bugfix: Looping inside a looper on a WooCommerce Archive caused the post_id to reset to the Shop post id
- Bugfix: Pasting styles was pasting show conditions
- Cornerstone 7.1.4 - February 27, 2023
- Updated: The "View Details" button on the plugin page for Cornerstone was going to a plugin page not run by Themeco. This button now redirects you to if our Cornerstone is installed
- Feature: cs_component shortcode has support for parameters via the shortcode attributes. Example `[cs_component id='...' parameterName='Test']`
- Feature: Filters to change default view partials. `cs_get_partial_view` and `cs_get_partial_view_{ELEMENT_NAME}` this existed in Pro4, but was removed somewhere in Pro5
- Feature: Custom filter for ignoring certain documents `cs_document_list_ignore`, simply add your post ids to the array passed to the filter
- Feature: There is now a checkbox to either enable or disable the thumbnail generation for all template creations. This is disabled by default as thumbnail generation only works properly in Chrome and because it is a heavy action that slows down the page signficantly
- Feature: All Elements now support an array for `valid_parent`
- Updated: Single and Archive are now labeled as "Single Layout" and "Archive Layout" respectively. Uses same localization key as before so only english will be changed
- Updated: Anchor preview has been moved to the bottom of the inputs and removed entirely for URLs types as it was redundant for URL
- Updated: The save template button is now green to reflect the type of action it is
- Bugfix: The last version setups all Javascript elements asyncronously improving speed. As a result some elements that get deleted right away were causing JS warnings, but no major issues discovered from new performance upgrades
- Bugfix: It was possible with the inline editor to get yourself in an inbetween state of editing and not editing resulting in the UI becoming more unresponsive
- Bugfix: When using WPML if your settings was using ?lang the home page would not render in Cornerstone if you were viewing the homepage on a different language other than the default.
- Bugfix: WP Cost Estimation was displaying a validation method which is not valid for Pro users
- Bugfix: Classic elements can be dragged and dropped if they are inside a classic column
- Bugfix: Off Canvas improperly detected it's current state, so placing x-active on a toggleable element was not setting the initial state as active
- Bugfix: Post Parent dropdown was limiting at 5. It is not controlled by `cs_locator_limit` which defaults to 100
- Bugfix: Looping inside a looper on a WooCommerce Archive caused the post_id to reset to the Shop post id
- Bugfix: Pasting styles was pasting show conditions
- X 10.1.4 - February 27, 2023
- Feature: Filters to change default view partials. `cs_get_partial_view` and `cs_get_partial_view_{ELEMENT_NAME}`
- Bugfix: The last version setups all Javascript elements asyncronously improving speed. As a result some elements that get deleted right away were causing JS warnings, but no major issues discovered from new performance upgrades
- Pro 6.1.3 - February 20, 2023
- Feature: Cornerstone Theme Options launch button added to both WordPress toolbar and sidebar
- Feature: Permission for disabling or enabling updating preferences in Cornerstone. Enabled by default to match prior behaviour
- Feature: `type="image"` type added for Dynamic Content for expanding WordPress attachments to full Urls. Example `{{dc:p:image_parameter type='image'}}`
- Feature: Constant `CS_TSS_IGNORE_VARIABLE_CREATION` added to bypass CSS variable creation when using Dynamic Content in custom element CSS, useful for when using Dynamic Content in a background-image
- Feature: cs_component shortcode support for parameters (EX `[cs_component id='...' parameters='YOUR_JSON'`), see
- Updated: Performance upgrades to frontend off canvas elements, and scrolling based effects like sticky bars
- Bugfix: Some scroll position linked effect warnings have been removed
- Bugfix: cs_component shortcode outputs most of it's styles, however there are still issues with interactions, flexbox, and off canvas types (dropdowns, modals)
- Cornerstone 7.1.3 - February 20, 2023
- Feature: Cornerstone Theme Options launch button added to both WordPress toolbar and sidebar
- Feature: Permission for disabling or enabling updating preferences in Cornerstone. Enabled by default to match prior behaviour
- Feature: `type="image"` type added for Dynamic Content for expanding WordPress attachments to full Urls. Example `{{dc:p:image_parameter type='image'}}`
- Feature: Constant `CS_TSS_IGNORE_VARIABLE_CREATION` added to bypass CSS variable creation when using Dynamic Content in custom element CSS, useful for when using Dynamic Content in a background-image
- Feature: cs_component shortcode support for parameters (EX `[cs_component id='...' parameters='YOUR_JSON']`), see
- Updated: Performance upgrades to frontend off canvas elements, and scrolling based effects like sticky bars
- Bugfix: Cornerstone Standalone validation was not sending any requests to Themeco
- Bugfix: Cornerstone Standalone was not working with V2 Rows and Columns elements. These are enabled by default now
- Bugfix: Cornerstone Standalone css was intrusive and overwritting theme CSS, EX woocommerce templates built outside of Cornerstone were getting styled by Cornerstone
- Bugfix: Cornerstone Standalone had theme options that were part of an expiremental mode, standard standalone theme options are placed instead
- Bugfix: Cornerstone Standalone was not exporting font family and other font based CSS variables
- Bugfix: Some scroll position linked effect warnings have been removed
- Bugfix: cs_component shortcode outputs most of it's styles, however there are still issues with interactions, flexbox, and off canvas types (dropdowns, modals)
- X 10.1.3 - February 20, 2023
- Bugfix: Some scroll position linked effect warnings have been removed
- Pro 6.1.2 - February 13, 2023
- Updated: Column default z-index is 1 to remove issues with background content appearing behind the background
- Bugfix: Hotfix to remove error when max wasn't registered
- Cornerstone 7.1.2 - February 13, 2023
- Updated: Column default z-index is 1 to remove issues with background content appearing behind the background
- Bugfix: Hotfix to remove error when max wasn't registered
- X 10.1.2 - February 13, 2023
- Bugfix: Hotfix to remove error when max wasn't registered
- Pro 6.1.1 - February 13, 2023
- Feature: Cornerstone "Launch" button added to the top bar of the WordPress admin toolbar
- Feature: xToggleGetId function added to window, use to grab the toggle id from a DOM Element
- Feature: Max clear cache button useful for getting new courses
- Bugfix: max-width set to assignment select box to prevent overflow
- Bugfix: WPML was overwriting the content of translations if saving a "page" post type from the default language
- Bugfix: Layouts like Archive were not inserting section templates correctly
- Bugfix: Starter site was not installing correctly
- Cornerstone 7.1.1 - February 13, 2023
- Feature: Cornerstone "Launch" button added to the top bar of the WordPress admin toolbar
- Feature: xToggleGetId function added to window, use to grab the toggle id from a DOM Element
- Feature: Max clear cache button useful for getting new courses
- Bugfix: max-width set to assignment select box to prevent overflow
- Bugfix: WPML was overwriting the content of translations if saving a "page" post type from the default language
- Bugfix: Layouts like Archive were not inserting section templates correctly
- Bugfix: Starter site was not installing correctly
- X 10.1.1 - February 13, 2023
- Feature: xToggleGetId function added to window, use to grab the toggle id from a DOM Element
- Pro 6.1.0 - February 6, 2023
- Feature: Max release. Templates & Training. Right In Your Builder. See
- Feature: Option to disable our buddypress integration entirely or just the view templates we use
- Updated: Default window popup size is increased
- Bugfix: ACF Dynamic field dropdowns are fixed as well as a number of other dynamic content dynamic fields
- Bugfix: Component section templates were not being added to a page properly
- Bugfix: Check ReflectionParameter has method named hasType before using to prevent fatal error
- Bugfix: Retina image rounding was failing on PHP 8 because of round() function being sent a string
- Cornerstone 7.1.0 - February 6, 2023
- Feature: Max release. Templates & Training. Right In Your Builder. See
- Updated: Default window popup size is increased
- Bugfix: ACF Dynamic field dropdowns are fixed as well as a number of other dynamic content dynamic fields
- Bugfix: Component section templates were not being added to a page properly
- Bugfix: Check ReflectionParameter has method named hasType before using to prevent fatal error
- Bugfix: Retina image rounding was failing on PHP 8 because of round() function being sent a string
- X 10.1.0 - February 6, 2023
- Feature: Max release. Templates & Training. Right In Your Builder. See
- Feature: Option to disable our buddypress integration entirely or just the view templates we use
- Bugfix: Check ReflectionParameter has method named hasType before using to prevent fatal error
- Bugfix: Retina image rounding was failing on PHP 8 because of round() function being sent a string
- 02/06/23: Pro 6.1.0, X 10.1.0, and Cornerstone 7.1.0 available via manual and automatic updates
- 02/13/23: Pro 6.1.1, X 10.1.1, and Cornerstone 7.1.1 available via manual and automatic updates
- 02/13/23: Pro 6.1.2, X 10.1.2, and Cornerstone 7.1.2 available via manual and automatic updates
- 02/20/23: Pro 6.1.3, X 10.1.3, and Cornerstone 7.1.3 available via manual and automatic updates
- 02/27/23: Pro 6.1.4, X 10.1.4, and Cornerstone 7.1.4 available via manual and automatic updates
- 02/27/23: Pro 6.1.5, X 10.1.5, and Cornerstone 7.1.5 available via manual and automatic updates
- 03/06/23: Pro 6.1.6, X 10.1.6, and Cornerstone 7.1.6 available via manual and automatic updates
- 03/10/23: Pro 6.1.7, X 10.1.7, and Cornerstone 7.1.7 available via manual and automatic updates
- 03/15/23: Pro 6.1.8, X 10.1.8, and Cornerstone 7.1.8 available via manual and automatic updates
- 03/20/23: Pro 6.1.9, X 10.1.9, and Cornerstone 7.1.9 available via manual and automatic updates
- 03/29/23: Pro 6.1.10, X 10.1.10, and Cornerstone 7.1.10 available via manual and automatic updates
The following confirmed issues are specific to this cycle. If listed here we are planning to address it in a subsequent point release. Items will be crossed off as they are corrected and you will see corresponding notes in the changelog above.
- Mostly fixed in 6.1.3
cs_component shortcode not outputting all styles properly - Fixed in 6.1.1
WPML pages will duplicate content to translation pages if saved from the default language page. This is only confirmed for the page post types