Twig API
This is a technical summary of what is offered by the Twig API.
The API is heavily based on Timber, and extending Twig via our system can be a breeze. Let's take a look at how to get started.
Custom Filters
Use cs_twig_filters
to add a new filter. Each key of this array is the filter name. Set your key value as an array using callable
as the function for the filter.
// Add a filter to tap into all filters
add_filter('cs_twig_filters', function($results) {
// Add a filter to be used as my_filter
$results['my_filter'] = [
'callable' => function($value, $arg1) {
// Using an argument passed in a filter
if (!empty($arg1)) {
return $value . ' arg1 was added';
return $value . ' arg1 was not added or is empty';
return $results;
Then in the App we would utilize this through the following.
{{ post.title | my_filter(true) }}
Custom Functions
Use cs_twig_functions
to add a new function. Each key of this array is the function name. Set your key value as an array using callable
as the function for the filter.
// Add a filter to tap into all filters
add_filter('cs_twig_functions', function($results) {
// Add a function to be used as phpinfo
$results['phpinfo'] = [
'callable' => function($value, $arg1) {
// If your function would return a value this is where you would place it
return '';
return $results;
Then in the App.
{{ phpinfo() }}
Custom Extensions
Use the action cs_twig_boot
to tap into the Twig Environment. You can do much more then place a new extension here as well. The following is a sample from the Debug extension.
use Twig\Extension\DebugExtension;
add_action('cs_twig_boot', function($twig) {
$twig->addExtension(new DebugExtension());
Change the Cache Directory
Use the filter cs_twig_cache_directory
to change the cache directory. The default is get_temp_dir() . 'cornerstone/twig/'
Twig Integration is Enabled
// Must boot after theme options
add_action('after_setup_theme', function() {
// Twig not enabled
if (!cs_stack_get_value('cs_twig_enabled')) {
// Your extension
// ...
}, 999);
Changing the Default Autoescaper
When the autoescaper is enabled, it defaults to html
as the escaper. This can be changed through the following filter.
add_filter('cs_twig_autoescape_strategy', function() {
return 'esc_js';
Programmatic API
* Templates grabber from both theme options and directory templates
* @return array
function cs_twig_templates() { }
* Get directories to search for templates in twig
* Uses filter 'cs_twig_directory_templates'
* @return array
function cs_twig_directory_templates() { }
* Twig cache directory
* uses filter 'cs_twig_cache_directory'
* Defaults to WordPress temp directory + cornerstone/twig
* @return string
function cs_twig_cache_directory() { }
* Render a twig string
* @param string
* @return string
function cs_twig_render($str) { }
* Get twig instance environment
* @return Twig\Environment
function cs_twig_environment() { }
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