Modern Events Calendar
In this article, we’ll cover some usage examples of how you can utilize Modern Events Calendar within your X/Pro powered site. We’ll mainly be focusing on how to use Modern Events Calendar and so may skip over some finer details.
Modern Events Calendar is one of the most powerful event and ticketing solutions available for WordPress. That both developers and site owners are sure to Love! This plugin allows you to create unlimited events, sell tickets and integrates with both PayPal and Stripe out the box.
Note: This article covers only a small portion of what you can achieve with Modern Events Calendar, make sure you take a look at the official documentation which is linked to in the Documentation section below to explore the full possibilities of this powerful tool.
Getting Started
Go to: Pro > Validation or X > Validation for then look for Modern Events Calendar. Click Install.

Once installed, the Install button will change and say Activate. Click that button and it will activate the plugin. You will then see the status change to Installed and Activated.

Once activated, you should see the M.E Calendar menu item within your WordPress dasboard like this:

Go ahead and click on the main M.E Calendar menu item and you'll land on the main page which looks like this:

You'll see that there's a section that says MEC Activate that asks you to enter a purchase code. Since this plugin is bundled with our theme, you can skip this step.
List of Events
You can view the list of events by going to wp-admin > M.E. Calendar > All Events.

Adding an Event
Click on: Add Event and you'll be taken to the new event page like this:

If you've ever used a events plugin for WordPress before you'll be instantly at home here with many of the options being clear and concise such as start and end date, all day event, end times and all the usual functionality you'd expect.
In addition there's also the option to add an hourly schedule which could be useful if you have an event with a specific itinerary.

Once you're happy with your events content go ahead and click on Publish.

Viewing Your Events
By default Modern Events calendar places all event and the main calendar at your domain/events, i.e,, that would display a page that'd look like this:

Clicking on an event (by clicking on its title or its "View Details" button) would then show the individual details for the event including your description and any other relevant event information.

If you don't like the look of the standard /events archive page, you can use any of the included shortcodes with Modern Events Calendar and build your page using the content builder. For example you could create a custom page called "Events Archive" and add any elements and any page template you want, then just output the event archive on the page with the shortcode.

Shortcodes are available under M.E. Calendar Shortcodes within your wp-admin.

Modern Events Calendar integrates a powerful booking module that allows you to charge for events and comes with built in payment gateways including Stripe and PayPal.
To configure the booking form, first you need to enable it under the main settings within your wp-admin.

Once you've checked the box, click Save Changes.

Then scroll back to the top of the page and on the left hand side you should see two new options called Booking Form and Payment Gateways.

You can then configure the booking form fields and the payment gateways. The booking form itself can be overridden on individual events allowing you to change the required fields and add new fields depending on the event itself providing greater overall control.

(Payment Gateway)
Further Reading
As we mentioned further up, we're only covering the basics on how to use Modern Events Calendar and not every option it provides. To learn more about Modern Events Calendar check out the official documentation here.
Below are links to specific topics we think you'd find helpful:
Hopefully the information provided above has helped you to gain a better understanding of what to expect from utilizing Modern Events Calendar within X and Pro. You've learned how to add events, including events with hourly schedules. You also learned how to view events on the front-end and how to customize that view. Lastly, we've learned how to add a booking form that accepts payments.
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