User Dynamic Content

In this article we're going to explain how to use User Dynamic Content.

  1. Display Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Gravatar URL
  4. Registration Date
  5. Registration Time
  6. Author URL
  7. Website URL
  8. Biographical Info
  9. Usermeta
  10. ID
  11. Current User Logged In
  12. Total Count
  13. See Also

Users make up both users that access your site and authors/admins that can create and edit your site. Most User Dynamic Content data points can select either the Current User which would be the currently logged in User (if any), Author which would be the author of the Post or Page, and Specific User which could be any user in your site.

User Display Name Dynamic Content

Display Name

Typically the first name and last name of a user.

Email Address

The email address associated with this user's account, which is used for login and other purposes.

Gravatar URL

The image url for this users Gravatar which can be set per user by their email.

Registration Date

The date and time when the user first registered their account formatted by the default Date format in WordPress.

Registration Time

The date and time when the user first registered their account formatted by the default Time format in WordPress.

Author URL

Public URL of this user which would display their created posts in an archive.

Website URL

Website associated to this user.

Biographical Info

User data description which is set as a quick about text for a given user.


Much like Post Meta, User Meta allows plugins to create new data points and functionality for a user. It also displays info on their display and editing settings within WordPress.


This is a unique identifier for the user and used to reference them in other parts of your site.

Current User Logged In

A true or false return value of whether this current session is a logged in user.

Total Count

Total number of users in the system. An additional argument of role can be passed to count users by a certain role.

See Also

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