Dynamic Content API

This article is a guide instructing you how to get started building your own Dynamic Content integration.

  1. When Dynamic Content Boots
  2. How do I add my own Dynamic Content?
  3. How do I render dynamic content?


When Dynamic Content Boots


The action fired when it's time to register fields

<?php // Dynamic content is system ready add_action( 'cs_dynamic_content_register', function() { // Our sample field prefixed by `cs_dynamic_content_` // for filters // EX: {{dc:example:test}} add_filter( 'cs_dynamic_content_example', function($result, $field, $args = []) { // Test field if ($field === "test") { // Useful for testing $result = json_encode($args); } // Return any value // although string is usually the expected return $result; }, 0, 3 ); });


How do I add my own Dynamic Content?


Add a filter with this style and this will be called whenever your group is called first. EX in {{dc:post:id}}, cs_dynamic_content_post would be called first before cs_dynamic_content_post_id.

<?php add_filter( 'cs_dynamic_content_example', function($result, $field, $args = []) { // Test field if ($field === "test") { // Useful for testing $result = json_encode($args); } // Return any value // although string is usually the expected return $result; }, 0, 3 );


Add a filter with this style and this will be called whenever your dynamic content group and field is called. EX in {{dc:post:id}}, cs_dynamic_content_post_id would be called.

<?php add_filter( 'cs_dynamic_content_example_test', function($result, $args = []) { // Useful for testing $result = json_encode($args); // Return any value // although string is usually the expected return $result; }, 0, 2 );


How do I render dynamic content?

cs_dynamic_content(string $content, bool $asString = true)

This function acts as the main gateway for template expansion. This internally will call all the filters above to return the dynamic content.

<?php $str = "{{dc:post:id}}"; $id = cs_dynamic_content($str); // EX: 1

@returns mixed based on second parameter

cs_dynamic_content_string(string $content)

Helper for cs_dynamic_content. Calls with $asString parameter as true

@returns string

cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_group(array $params)

Registers a group for the UI to use.

Array parameters

  • name => string
  • label => string
// UI for example earlier cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_group([ 'name' => 'example', 'label' => __('Example'), ]);


Inside a group will display fields registered to it. This also sets the controls used or no controls at all like Post Title.

Array Parameters

  • name => string,
  • group => string, // 'example'
  • type => string, // 'mixed', 'number', 'string',
  • label => string,
  • controls => array, // 'example-dynamic-field', 'post' ,
  • deep => boolean, // false
<?php // Register controls for // {{dc:example:test}} cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_field([ 'name' => 'test', 'group' => 'example', 'type' => 'mixed', 'label' => __('Example'), 'controls' => [ 'example-dynamic-field', 'post' ], 'deep' => true, ]);

Sample Class

This can serve as a template for creating your own group and touches on the basic features of Dynamic Content.

<?php class DynamicContentExample { /** * This is the group in the dynamic content * {{dc:GROUP}} */ const GROUP = "example"; // Set filters static public function setup() { // Every {{dc:GROUP}} will filter to this function add_filter('cs_dynamic_content_' . self::GROUP, [self::class, 'supplyField'], 0, 4); // When cornerstone loads and wants to see what fields // it can provide in the UI add_action('cs_dynamic_content_setup', [self::class, 'register']); } // Register names and fields for use with // the UI static public function register() { // Register the Group name cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_group([ 'name' => self::GROUP, 'label' => "Example Group", ]); // Register a field called 'Field' cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_field([ 'name' => 'field', 'group' => self::GROUP, 'label' => 'Field', 'controls' => [ [ 'key' => 'key', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Key', ], ], ]); } // Runs when the group has been called // through {{dc:GROUP:SOME_FIELD}} static public function supplyField($result, $field, $args = []) { // Which field switch ( $field ) { case 'field': // Filtering args is a keyed array when used $result = 'Field Called with ' . json_encode($args); break; default: break; } // Accepts all return types // although arrays won't display without // {{dc:GROUP:SOME_FIELD type='json'}} or another type return // or used via a looper return $result; } } // Load through how you see fit add_action("init", [DynamicContentExample::class, "setup"]);

Then in the UI, it will look something like this.

Dynamic Content example in UI

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