Dynamic Content API

This article is a guide instructing you how to get started building your own Dynamic Content integration.

  1. When Dynamic Content Boots
  2. How do I add my own Dynamic Content?
  3. How do I render dynamic content?
  4. Sample Class
  5. Dynamic Options


When Dynamic Content Boots


The action fired when it's time to register fields

<?php // Dynamic content is system ready add_action( 'cs_dynamic_content_register', function() { // Our sample field prefixed by `cs_dynamic_content_` // for filters // EX: {{dc:example:test}} add_filter( 'cs_dynamic_content_example', function($result, $field, $args = []) { // Test field if ($field === "test") { // Useful for testing $result = json_encode($args); } // Return any value // although string is usually the expected return $result; }, 0, 3 ); });


How do I add my own Dynamic Content?


Add a filter with this style and this will be called whenever your group is called first. EX in {{dc:post:id}}, cs_dynamic_content_post would be called first before cs_dynamic_content_post_id.

<?php add_filter( 'cs_dynamic_content_example', function($result, $field, $args = []) { // Test field if ($field === "test") { // Useful for testing $result = json_encode($args); } // Return any value // although string is usually the expected return $result; }, 0, 3 );


Add a filter with this style and this will be called whenever your dynamic content group and field is called. EX in {{dc:post:id}}, cs_dynamic_content_post_id would be called.

<?php add_filter( 'cs_dynamic_content_example_test', function($result, $args = []) { // Useful for testing $result = json_encode($args); // Return any value // although string is usually the expected return $result; }, 0, 2 );


How do I render dynamic content?

cs_dynamic_content(string $content, bool $asString = true)

This function acts as the main gateway for template expansion. This internally will call all the filters above to return the dynamic content.

<?php $str = "{{dc:post:id}}"; $id = cs_dynamic_content($str); // EX: 1

@returns mixed based on second parameter

cs_dynamic_content_string(string $content)

Helper for cs_dynamic_content. Calls with $asString parameter as true

@returns string

cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_group(array $params)

Registers a group for the UI to use.

Array parameters

  • name => string
  • label => string
// UI for example earlier cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_group([ 'name' => 'example', 'label' => __('Example'), ]);


Inside a group will display fields registered to it. This also sets the controls used or no controls at all like Post Title.

Array Parameters

  • name => string,
  • group => string, // 'example'
  • type => string, // 'mixed', 'number', 'string',
  • label => string,
  • controls => array, // 'example-dynamic-field', 'post' ,
  • deep => boolean, // false
<?php // Register controls for // {{dc:example:test}} cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_field([ 'name' => 'test', 'group' => 'example', 'type' => 'mixed', 'label' => __('Example'), 'controls' => [ 'example-dynamic-field', 'post' ], 'deep' => true, ]);

Sample Class

This can serve as a template for creating your own group and touches on the basic features of Dynamic Content.

<?php class DynamicContentExample { /** * This is the group in the dynamic content * {{dc:GROUP}} */ const GROUP = "example"; // Set filters static public function setup() { // Every {{dc:GROUP}} will filter to this function add_filter('cs_dynamic_content_' . self::GROUP, [self::class, 'supplyField'], 0, 4); // When cornerstone loads and wants to see what fields // it can provide in the UI add_action('cs_dynamic_content_setup', [self::class, 'register']); } // Register names and fields for use with // the UI static public function register() { // Register the Group name cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_group([ 'name' => self::GROUP, 'label' => "Example Group", ]); // Register a field called 'Field' cornerstone_dynamic_content_register_field([ 'name' => 'field', 'group' => self::GROUP, 'label' => 'Field', 'controls' => [ [ 'key' => 'key', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Key', ], ], ]); } // Runs when the group has been called // through {{dc:GROUP:SOME_FIELD}} static public function supplyField($result, $field, $args = []) { // Which field switch ( $field ) { case 'field': // Filtering args is a keyed array when used $result = 'Field Called with ' . json_encode($args); break; default: break; } // Accepts all return types // although arrays won't display without // {{dc:GROUP:SOME_FIELD type='json'}} or another type return // or used via a looper return $result; } } // Load through how you see fit add_action("init", [DynamicContentExample::class, "setup"]);

Then in the UI, it will look something like this.

Dynamic Content example in UI

Dynamic Options

Throughout Cornerstone there are various select boxes that dynamically grab their list of choices through the Dynamic Options API. The function to register a Dynamic Option is cs_dynamic_content_register_dynamic_option. The first argument is the key you'll reference later in either a custom element or a parameter via dynamic:YOUR_KEY. The second argument is your config array. Typically you only need filter setup which is a function that returns the results.

The following is an example from our WooCommerce product Dynamic Options.

The PHP to extend a new Dynamic Option

<?php // Dynamic Choices for Product // dynamic:product cs_dynamic_content_register_dynamic_option("product", [ 'key' => "product", 'type' => "select", 'label' => __("WooCommerce Product", CS_LOCALIZE), 'options' => [ 'choices' => "dynamic:product", 'placeholder' => __("Enter Product ID", CS_LOCALIZE), ], // Product graber to select 'filter' => function() { // Product choices setup $out = [ [ 'value' => "", 'label' => "Current Product", ], ]; // Grab products for options $products = wc_get_products([ 'limit' => apply_filters( 'cs_locator_limit', 100 ), 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'return' => 'objects', ]); // Create select choices from products foreach ($products as $product) { $out[] = [ 'value' => $product->id, 'label' => $product->get_title(), ]; } return $out; } ]);

Then we would reference this by dynamic:product. Note that this is passed just as string where an array would be.

{ "product" : { "label" : "Product", "type" : "select", "initial" : "", "options" : "dynamic:product" } }

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