
August 26, 2024

  • 6.5.6

  • 7.5.6

  • 10.5.6

Dynamic Content 2.0 : The Twig Tower

The powerhouse Twig templating engine comes to everybodies favorite builder. What is Twig you may be asking? Simply put, it is a fast, secure, and flexible templating engine that brings numerous new features to our already powerful Dynamic Content System. Everything from math, looping, conditionals, and custom templates are all possible via Twig. Check out the docs (including overview video), and get started today.

Modals Reloaded

The Toggleable Elements — Modal, Off Canvas, and Dropdown — are easily some of our favorite building blocks. As such, we are very pleased to announce several new features, fixes, and pre-fabs coming your way in this cycle! There is a pre-fab for both Modal and Off Canvas that puts the close button inside the container (in the case of Off Canvas, it lets you control the button with more granularity). You can also hide the close button paired with the new Toggleable Close Button pre-fab. To take advantage of these new features, you can easily convert your current Modals to this new look and feel.

Modal Inner Close Prefab

Design Cloud Packs Resurrection

Design Cloud Packs have been brought back into the app. We've also updated them to utilize some new Elements like Tabs and Accordions that have inner Elements.

Design Cloud Packs in App

A highly requested template to Cornerstone, we have two new pre-fabs coming to the Template Tab of Cornerstone: Thumbnail Gallery Slider (pictured below) and Image Lightbox Gallery. Get started quickly and easily with these awesome new layouts!

Thumbnail Gallery Slider

Cornerstone Charts 1.2.0 - The Vector Arc

The galaxies most resilient charting plugin gets a major update with two new chart types and 2 new pre-fabs. Bubble, Scatter, and Combo Line + Bar Chart enter the picture including support for Time and Logarithmic Charts. That's not to mention all the Dynamic Charts that can be created with the introduction of Twig.

Please be sure to update Cornerstone Charts if you are updating the theme or Cornerstone. There is a fix with Parameters, and while we don't suspect this to happen all the time, please make sure both are updated this cycle.

New Charts in Cornerstone Charts 1.2

Prolific Performance

Sometimes the fastest way to get something done is for your app to be, well, faster. We've added several new performance updates with this release specifically with regard to Theme Options and controls. We also have our eye on other performance improvements related to WPML and subdomains. Both will require changes to how we render the preview, which will also make things faster (always a good thing).

External REST API XML Change

Due to an oversight we're changing how the XML return type works. To alleviate the change, we've added a Legacy Mode to prevent a break in the upgrade. If you upgrade and have the External API enabled you will be put into XML Legacy Mode. We are going to put a message in your dashboard until you switch off Legacy Mode as we don't want to maintain two different XML processors. If you are using the External API, but were not using XML anywhere, you can safely turn off Legacy Mode. We'd love to get more user testing here so we don't have any more changes like this.

The next steps for External API is to add authentication strategies like OAuth and when we release that we will be reaching feature completion and will be taking it out of beta. You can be assured it's not going anywhere though. The response around this feature has been phenomenal and for a team taking a chance at something new it warmed our hearts. Docs on the change can be found here.


  • Pro 6.5.6 - August 26, 2024
    • Feature: Element copying uses the browser clipboard if available
    • Feature: Dropdown has an "Inline Fixed" which can be used on a dropdown to have the dropdown styled by percentage based width values better
    • Updated: Aria label added to X search button in header
    • Bugfix: Archive "Any Date" assignment did not work
    • Bugfix: Code editors could revert their state if another state action happened before the editing was finished
    • Bugfix: Rating element schema would not be valid by Google if you used type 'Product'
    • Bugfix: Google Maps script was not marking our google maps integration as a dependency
    • Bugfix: DB performance issues, the layout assignments would be rebuilt on every page request, and there were numerous db options that are no longer used still being grabbed
  • Cornerstone 7.5.6 - August 26, 2024
    • Feature: Element copying uses the browser clipboard if available
    • Feature: Dropdown has an "Inline Fixed" which can be used on a dropdown to have the dropdown styled by percentage based width values better
    • Updated: Dynamic Content preference enabled by default on Cornerstone Standalone
    • Bugfix: Archive "Any Date" assignment did not work
    • Bugfix: Check Now button in dashboard broken on Cornerstone Standalone
    • Bugfix: Code editors could revert their state if another state action happened before the editing was finished
    • Bugfix: Rating element schema would not be valid by Google if you used type 'Product'
    • Bugfix: Google Maps script was not marking our google maps integration as a dependency
    • Bugfix: DB performance issues, the layout assignments would be rebuilt on every page request, and there were numerous db options that are no longer used still being grabbed
  • X 10.5.6 - August 26, 2024
    • Updated: Aria label added to X search button in header
    • Bugfix: Google Maps script was not marking our google maps integration as a dependency
    • Bugfix: DB performance issues, the layout assignments would be rebuilt on every page request, and there were numerous db options that are no longer used still being grabbed
  • Pro 6.5.5 - August 12, 2024
    • Bugfix: Google Maps shortcodes not using async loading and were broken unless you were also using the map element
  • Cornerstone 7.5.5 - August 12, 2024
    • Bugfix: Google Maps shortcodes not using async loading and were broken unless you were also using the map element
  • X 10.5.5 - August 12, 2024
    • Bugfix: Google Maps shortcodes not using async loading and were broken unless you were also using the map element
  • Pro 6.5.4 - August 12, 2024
    • Feature: List Control Type has support for descriptions
    • Feature: Query builder has "By Page" offset control
    • Feature: Managed Parameter Extending API see
    • Feature: Google Fonts Configuration has more controls like "Disable" and "Google Fonts URL" which can be used to change the google domain to something like bunny fonts
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for looper total_pages used on the query builder and main archive loop
    • Feature: Slider goto and slider navigation elements can have their trigger type changed through `data-x-slide-goto-trigger`. See
    • Updated: Filter `cs_preview_output_zone_priority` to control the preview zone `the_content` filter priority. Sometimes needed depending on plugins like Elementor. See
    • Updated: Google Maps integration uses async loading
    • Updated: Toggle control had the possiblity of not working properly
    • Updated: Dropdowns will cancel their hover open event if you have hovered off before the timeout was reached
    • Bugfix: All REST requests in Cornerstone send X-WP-Nonce for better support with security plugins
    • Bugfix: Row Direction could not use parameters. There is a parameter type called "row-direction" to handle this
    • Bugfix: Breakpoints styling would not work for various elements like Navigation Sub Links, Card, Mini Cart, and Testimonial Graphic and rating
    • Bugfix: WPML in subdomain mode would revert your license validation if you entered your translation subdomain
    • Bugfix: Component generation when WPML was installed could ignore certain translations depending on where you were saving the component
    • Bugfix: Looper Provider JSON would have a fatal crash if you passed Dynamic Content that returned an array and not a JSON string
    • Bugfix: Trailing comma removals on functions for better PHP 7 support
    • Bugfix: Twig could not be used on Font Family fields
  • Cornerstone 7.5.4 - August 12, 2024
    • Feature: List Control Type has support for descriptions
    • Feature: Query builder has "By Page" offset control
    • Feature: Managed Parameter Extending API see
    • Feature: Google Fonts Configuration has more controls like "Disable" and "Google Fonts URL" which can be used to change the google domain to something like bunny fonts
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for looper total_pages used on the query builder and main archive loop
    • Feature: Slider goto and slider navigation elements can have their trigger type changed through `data-x-slide-goto-trigger`. See
    • Updated: Filter `cs_preview_output_zone_priority` to control the preview zone `the_content` filter priority. Sometimes needed depending on plugins like Elementor. See
    • Updated: Google Maps integration uses async loading
    • Updated: Toggle control had the possiblity of not working properly
    • Updated: Dropdowns will cancel their hover open event if you have hovered off before the timeout was reached
    • Bugfix: All REST requests in Cornerstone send X-WP-Nonce for better support with security plugins
    • Bugfix: Row Direction could not use parameters. There is a parameter type called "row-direction" to handle this
    • Bugfix: Breakpoints styling would not work for various elements like Navigation Sub Links, Card, Mini Cart, and Testimonial Graphic and rating
    • Bugfix: WPML in subdomain mode would revert your license validation if you entered your translation subdomain
    • Bugfix: Component generation when WPML was installed could ignore certain translations depending on where you were saving the component
    • Bugfix: Looper Provider JSON would have a fatal crash if you passed Dynamic Content that returned an array and not a JSON string
    • Bugfix: Trailing comma removals on functions for better PHP 7 support
    • Bugfix: Twig could not be used on Font Family fields
  • X 10.5.4 - August 12, 2024
    • Updated: Google Maps integration uses async loading
    • Updated: Dropdowns will cancel their hover open event if you have hovered off before the timeout was reached
    • Bugfix: WPML in subdomain mode would revert your license validation if you entered your translation subdomain
    • Bugfix: Trailing comma removals on functions for better PHP 7 support
  • Pro 6.5.3 - July 29, 2024
    • Feature: Archive settings has a 'has posts' condition
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for Current User Logged In
    • Feature: Permission to disable the Max and Themeco tabs in the builder
    • Feature: Datetime condition has more selections then before and after
    • Bugfix: Using Paste Style would also paste looper settings
  • Cornerstone 7.5.3 - July 29, 2024
    • Feature: Archive settings has a 'has posts' condition
    • Feature: Dynamic Content for Current User Logged In
    • Feature: Permission to disable the Max and Themeco tabs in the builder
    • Feature: Datetime condition has more selections then before and after
    • Bugfix: Using Paste Style would also paste looper settings
  • X 10.5.3 - July 29, 2024
    • Updated: Updated X Version
  • Pro 6.5.2 - July 15, 2024
    • Updated: Parameters can use a number as an initial value
    • Updated: 'cs_enable_srcset' filter now will overwrite the attachment srcset if it is set to true to mimic behaviour of Pro 6.4
    • Bugfix: Dynamic Content Looper fields could not grab values that were using a '.' due to how grabbing object keys worked
    • Bugfix: Query builder meta select box was only grabbing the meta values from the current post and not all meta keys available
    • Bugfix: Widget navbar was using the @ symbol for warning supression
    • Bugfix: Parameters using select boxes would reset the value when exiting breakout mode
    • Bugfix: Custom fonts list could not be opened and edit the custom font
  • Cornerstone 7.5.2 - July 15, 2024
    • Updated: Parameters can use a number as an initial value
    • Updated: 'cs_enable_srcset' filter now will overwrite the attachment srcset if it is set to true to mimic behaviour of Pro 6.4
    • Bugfix: Dynamic Content Looper fields could not grab values that were using a '.' due to how grabbing object keys worked
    • Bugfix: Query builder meta select box was only grabbing the meta values from the current post and not all meta keys available
    • Bugfix: Parameters using select boxes would reset the value when exiting breakout mode
    • Bugfix: Custom fonts list could not be opened and edit the custom font
  • X 10.5.2 - July 15, 2024
    • Bugfix: Widget navbar was using the @ symbol for warning supression
  • Pro 6.5.1 - July 8, 2024
    • Bugfix: The data stores in the dev tools would sometimes reset themselves when editing the JSON
    • Bugfix: No translation set for app.preview-error.missing-zone.cs_layout which is a message that shows up when the preview does not display the layout you are editing
    • Bugfix: The layout preview will try to force the correct layout to show up even when viewing a page that is not the same type of layout
  • Cornerstone 7.5.1 - July 8, 2024
    • Bugfix: The data stores in the dev tools would sometimes reset themselves when editing the JSON
    • Bugfix: No translation set for app.preview-error.missing-zone.cs_layout which is a message that shows up when the preview does not display the layout you are editing
    • Bugfix: The layout preview will try to force the correct layout to show up even when viewing a page that is not the same type of layout
  • X 10.5.1 - July 8, 2024
    • Updated: Updated version to match Cornerstone and Pro
  • Pro 6.5.0 - June 26, 2024
    • Feature: Twig Renderer beta starts (Dynamic Content 2.0)
    • Feature: Post status Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Sticky bar “Starts Fixed” control
    • Feature: Sticky bar “Should Slide” control
    • Feature: Off-canvas, Modal, and Dropdowns (Toggleables) have a toggle to disable the close button
    • Feature: External API in debug mode will send response headers in info.headers
    • Feature: Modal (Inner Close) and Off Canvas (Custom Close) prefabs
    • Feature: Toggleable Close Button prefab
    • Feature: Flexbox Gap control
    • Feature: Parameter Choose has a multiple option
    • Feature: WC Element condition for checking if Product is variable product
    • Feature: H Flex and V Flex prefabs
    • Feature: Design Cloud Packs have in-App installing
    • Feature: Random unique ID Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Parameter renderInFrame feature
    • Feature: Font Family displays a preview of how the font will look, this control was also causing performance issues before
    • Feature: Attachment Srcset control for Image and Background images
    • Feature: Beta plugin package support for Max Plugins
    • Feature: Dropdown has an Inline toggle to adds it’s dropdown in line with the button so the dropdown doesn’t flicker when it’s placed in a header
    • Feature: Raw Content element Looper, Show Condition, and preset support
    • Updated: clicking a toggle hash in the preview will open the toggle hash
    • Updated: Sticky bars were changed at one point to not scale down on the first pixel scroll. Using “Starts Fixed” now does the opposite of this.
    • Updated: copying an element that used DC in it’s ID will copy the IDs value
    • Updated: Control descriptions styled as an underline instead of as a border underline of the label container
    • Updated: Google Fonts List
    • Updated: Font Awesome Version 6.5.2
    • Updated: Performance updates around controls, Theme Options, and the Outline
    • Updated: Code Editor render timing increased to allow smoother typing and less Twig errors from popping up
    • Updated: PHP Deprecation removals from dollar sign curly brackets
    • Updated: XML looper field grabbing has been changed in a breaking way. Now attributes are grabbed through TAG.attr.MY_ATTRIBUTE and content is grabbed from TAG.content. There is a legacy mode in a place that is enabled upon updating, but it will give you a warning until you change your usages of the XML return type and disable legacy mode.
    • Updated: Multisite mode will not delete the SVG directory due to an issue where one site could be using SVGs and another could not and would cause severe performance issues constantly deleting and unzipping the SVG directory
    • Bugfix: data-x-slider-id attribute added to get around the issue of having a modal slider and sending events like slider-goto directly to that slider
    • Bugfix: Parameter processing timing was off, causing an issue where you couldn’t use parameters for number based fields which are used heavily in Cornerstone Charts
    • Bugfix: Navigation dropdown inside an off-canvas did not show up
    • Bugfix: closing a modal with a toggle hash when another modal was opened would close both modals
    • Bugfix: dynamic rendering was not setup properly on dropdown element
    • Bugfix: you couldn’t use isVar and a group on a global parameter
    • Bugfix: Yoast rendering was inconsistent, our yoast plugin overwrote other plugins content, and wouldnt work if the ajax took too long
    • Bugfix: Font Awesome Shim was too strict not allowing for icons like expand, glass, calendar, and a few others
    • Bugfix: Slider Pause on hover feature would reset the current intervals progress
    • Bugfix: Breakpoint viewing at the edges of a breakpoint setting would not show the correct breakpoints in the preview
    • Bugfix: You could not update our plugins or themes from the WordPress CLI
    • Bugfix: Dragging text inside a text editor would cause the file import message to show up
    • Bugfix: Template import would sometimes add :full when it should not
    • Bugfix: Starter and Blank stack didnt style or position background videos properly
    • Bugfix: Inset preview causing a weird look on certain pages due to box shadow
    • Bugfix: WPML WooCommerce archives wouldn’t preview the correct translated shop URL in Cornerstone
    • Bugfix: The missing preview zone message, like a page whose single layout was not outputting the “The Content”, did not work
  • Cornerstone 7.5.0 - June 26, 2024
    • Feature: Twig Renderer beta starts (Dynamic Content 2.0)
    • Feature: Post status Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Sticky bar “Starts Fixed” control
    • Feature: Sticky bar “Should Slide” control
    • Feature: Off-canvas, Modal, and Dropdowns (Toggleables) have a toggle to disable the close button
    • Feature: External API in debug mode will send response headers in info.headers
    • Feature: Modal (Inner Close) and Off Canvas (Custom Close) prefabs
    • Feature: Toggleable Close Button prefab
    • Feature: Flexbox Gap control
    • Feature: Parameter Choose has a multiple option
    • Feature: WC Element condition for checking if Product is variable product
    • Feature: H Flex and V Flex prefabs
    • Feature: Design Cloud Packs have in-App installing
    • Feature: Random unique ID Dynamic Content
    • Feature: Parameter renderInFrame feature
    • Feature: Font Family displays a preview of how the font will look, this control was also causing performance issues before
    • Feature: Attachment Srcset control for Image and Background images
    • Feature: Beta plugin package support for Max Plugins
    • Feature: Dropdown has an Inline toggle to adds it’s dropdown in line with the button so the dropdown doesn’t flicker when it’s placed in a header
    • Feature: Raw Content element Looper, Show Condition, and preset support
    • Updated: clicking a toggle hash in the preview will open the toggle hash
    • Updated: Sticky bars were changed at one point to not scale down on the first pixel scroll. Using “Starts Fixed” now does the opposite of this.
    • Updated: copying an element that used DC in it’s ID will copy the IDs value
    • Updated: Control descriptions styled as an underline instead of as a border underline of the label container
    • Updated: Google Fonts List
    • Updated: Font Awesome Version 6.5.2
    • Updated: Performance updates around controls, Theme Options, and the Outline
    • Updated: Code Editor render timing increased to allow smoother typing and less Twig errors from popping up
    • Updated: PHP Deprecation removals from dollar sign curly brackets
    • Updated: XML looper field grabbing has been changed in a breaking way. Now attributes are grabbed through TAG.attr.MY_ATTRIBUTE and content is grabbed from TAG.content. There is a legacy mode in a place that is enabled upon updating, but it will give you a warning until you change your usages of the XML return type and disable legacy mode.
    • Updated: Multisite mode will not delete the SVG directory due to an issue where one site could be using SVGs and another could not and would cause severe performance issues constantly deleting and unzipping the SVG directory
    • Bugfix: data-x-slider-id attribute added to get around the issue of having a modal slider and sending events like slider-goto directly to that slider
    • Bugfix: Parameter processing timing was off, causing an issue where you couldn’t use parameters for number based fields which are used heavily in Cornerstone Charts
    • Bugfix: Navigation dropdown inside an off-canvas did not show up
    • Bugfix: CS Standalone Max plugins could not be updated in the standard WordPress update window
    • Bugfix: closing a modal with a toggle hash when another modal was opened would close both modals
    • Bugfix: dynamic rendering was not setup properly on dropdown element
    • Bugfix: you couldn't use isVar and a group on a global parameter
    • Bugfix: Yoast rendering was inconsistent, our yoast plugin overwrote other plugins content, and wouldnt work if the ajax took too long
    • Bugfix: Font Awesome Shim was too strict not allowing for icons like expand, glass, calendar, and a few others
    • Bugfix: Slider Pause on hover feature would reset the current intervals progress
    • Bugfix: Breakpoint viewing at the edges of a breakpoint setting would not show the correct breakpoints in the preview
    • Bugfix: You could not update our plugins or themes from the WordPress CLI
    • Bugfix: Dragging text inside a text editor would cause the file import message to show up
    • Bugfix: Template import would sometimes add :full when it should not
    • Bugfix: Inset preview causing a weird look on certain pages due to box shadow
    • Bugfix: WPML WooCommerce archives wouldn’t preview the correct translated shop URL in Cornerstone
    • Bugfix: The missing preview zone message, like a page whose single layout was not outputting the “The Content”, did not work
  • X 10.5.0 - June 26, 2024
    • Feature: Beta plugin package support for Max Plugins
    • Updated: Google Fonts List
    • Updated: Font Awesome Version 6.5.2
    • Updated: PHP Deprecation removals from dollar sign curly brackets
    • Bugfix: Font Awesome Shim was too strict not allowing for icons like expand, glass, calendar, and a few others
    • Bugfix: You could not update our plugins or themes from the WordPress CLI



  • 6/26/24: Pro 6.5.0, X 10.5.0, and Cornerstone 7.5.0 available via manual updates
  • 7/08/24: Pro 6.5.1, X 10.5.1, and Cornerstone 7.5.1 available via manual updates and automatic updates
  • 7/15/24: Pro 6.5.2, X 10.5.2, and Cornerstone 7.5.2 available via manual updates and automatic updates
  • 7/29/24: Pro 6.5.3, X 10.5.3, and Cornerstone 7.5.3 available via manual updates and automatic updates
  • 8/12/24: Pro 6.5.4, X 10.5.4, and Cornerstone 7.5.4 available via manual updates and automatic updates
  • 8/12/24: Pro 6.5.5, X 10.5.5, and Cornerstone 7.5.5 available via manual updates and automatic updates
  • 8/26/24: Pro 6.5.6, X 10.5.6, and Cornerstone 7.5.6 available via manual updates and automatic updates

The following confirmed issues are specific to this cycle. If listed here we are planning to address it in a subsequent point release. Items will be crossed off as they are corrected and you will see corresponding notes in the changelog above.

  • Use "Inline Fixed" toggle Dropdown inline does not adhere to percentage based width values like 90%
  • Twig does not work properly with JSON based values like Custom Attributes and External API Attributes