Term Dynamic Content
In this article we're going to explain how to use Term Dynamic Content.
Dynamic Content offers a great way to grab various data from the currently viewed term or a specific Term. Terms are a great way to categorize and associate your posts to various data points. Each Term data point has a configurable argument for which Term you are trying to grab the data.
Current Term
will be the Term you are either looping over or the Term archive's current Term. Specific Term
will allow you to grab a specific Term based on ID.

This is the display name of a Term.
This is similar to the name, but is what WordPress uses to associate in the URL. It is also how Term data can sometimes be grabbed from your database.
This is the description setup to describe the Term (similar to post content).
This is like the slug
, but it also will add your domain and extra path info needed to send a user to the Term's archive.
This will give you a number for all Posts that are utilizing this Term.
Similar to Post Meta, Term Meta is any extra data associated to the Term. 3rd party plugins can utlize this giving your site added functionality.
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