Hello there, I know that according to this post, there isn’t a way to use the “Query Builder” to return featured products from Woocommerce. However, with the addition of the “Query String” options in Pro 4.1, I wonder if there is.
I’ve tried to scour the internet for a solution to this, but as of yet, the closest I’ve come is this Stack Overflow answer. However, the answer provided is not a query string to be parsed by the WP-Query and I’m not exactly sure how to transfer the information there into the Query String field.
This is the closest I’ve come up with that makes sense to me: post_type=product&tax_query=array(taxomony=product_visibility&field=name&terms=featured&operator=IN)
, but I’m not sure the syntax to put the tax_query
array in the string. What am I doing wrong?