I was looking for some help with implementing a looper provider I am working on. Let’s say I have a select group of pages I want to loop over and return their titles and permalinks. What I’ve done to isolate those pages is I’ve created an ACF which displays a checkbox on all pages asking if this is a “Location Parent” (field name is “location_parent_check”). If that box is checked, I want that page’s title and permalink for each page that meets that condition.
So if there are 5 pages where I’ve checked that box, I want toe looper to go grab all 5 of the titles and all 5 of their permalinks. Ultimately, I’m going to make each of them a button so I can provide links to each location’s landing page. Pretty simple Idea I’m having trouble getting off the ground today.
How can I make that happen with a provider? I feel like I’m missing something really simple that I just can’t see in the documentation.
Thank you in advance for any help with this.