Modern Slider with MeCalendar

Good morning,
I have a small question (or several). Is it possible to create a slider, with “modern slider”, retrieving the information from MeCalendar (name of the event, date, link to the event, image etc etc). Currently we use the slider proposed by the plugin but the problem is that it does not adapt well to our site, especially in terms of language. I would like to use your tool to overcome these problems.
Thanks to you

Hello @Montmirail_pls,

Thanks for writing in! With the help of Loopers, you can display MeCalendar items in our Slider element assuming the MeCalendar event item is a custom post type.

If you just get started using the slider and the loopers, please check out these videos:

Best Regards.

I have the same question.
Thank you for the links, @ruenel.
I know how to display the date and time of the MEC event looper output:
{{dc:post:meta key=“mec_start_datetime” type=“date” format=“d.m.Y”}}
{{dc:post:meta key=“mec_start_datetime” type=“date” format=“H:i”}}
But how to display the Location name?
And how to sort the MEC looper output by MEC start date?
I hope there is a quick solution.
Thank you!

Hello Hannes,

The location was added in the post meta by ID. You can check it out by adding this in a Text element:
{{dc:post:meta key="mec_location_id"}}

You may use this along with a Looper Provider Current Terms to be able to get the Location name along with other location details.

As for the sorting, you will have to use Looper provider Query String and include a date condition.

To be able to get to correct query string, please check out this old thread first:

Hope this helps.

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