I’m attempting to make a Upcoming Events feature on my client’s site that pull in the latest MEC events data.
Below is a sample of what I’m trying to create.
Below are a few items I had some trouble finding.
- Where is the dynamic meta data for an MEC Event Location (i.e. Address)?
- How do I set up the looper provider so that the WP Query string only pulls up MEC Events of a specific category? I’m trying to pull the event category called Families. Currently I have in my WP Query field
post_type=mec-events&post_status=publish&meta_key=mec_start_date&meta_type=DATE&meta_compare=>=&meta_value={{dc:global:date format="Ymd"}}
- How do I set up a Looper Provider WP Query, so that it limits the number of events it will pull?
- I’m trying to make it so that each column only shows 1 event from each event type. How do I setup a Condition where the column is not visible if an event does not exist of a specific category? (Ex: Do not show this column if there are no upcoming Student events)