Geodirectory Looper Question

Hi, I am working on a client’s site that uses Geodirectory to compile Member and Events information. According to their documentation it is possible to output that information using meta keys (see the yellow notice at the top):

I am wondering if there is a way to do something similar to this post but with the Geodirectory meta keys in the Query String:

My end goal is to use the meta keys to create a Post Looper that shows all the Events that are upcoming and orders them by the start date for the event.

Thanks for your help in advance!!

Hello @coverberg,

Thanks for writing in! I would highly suggest that you identify first what are the post meta or custom fields. You can use the JSM Show Post Metadata. When you edit a particular event, it should display all the metadata and you can use it to find out the exact metadata name or custom fields and the values.

Best Regards.

Thank you for the recommendation. I installed plugin and it isn’t showing any of the Geodirectory fields. Does this mean there isn’t a way to output the Geodirectory meta keys into a Query String?